Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (3) F
Capitol Federal Amphitheater
Theatre Arts
Andover Historical Musem
Andover District Stadium
Food and Drink (2) F
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (0) F
Parks (10) C-
Andover Central Park
13th Street Sports Park
Shady Rest Park
Shops (3) F
Kwik Shop
Convenience Store
Convenience Store
Jump Start
Convenience Store
See more Andover amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Andover.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Andover commute data

cost of living B-

The cost of living in Andover is 107/100 - which is 19% higher than Kansas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Andover cost of living data

crime A

Andover crime rates are 1,240 per 100k, which is 51% lower than Kansas
Property Crime
1,183 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
56 crimes per 100k
See more Andover crime data

employment A+

The median income in Andover is $98,320 - which is 84% higher than Kansas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Andover employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (4)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Andover Police Department
Andover Fire And Rescue
Fire Station
Sedgwick County Fire District Number 1 Station 38
Fire Station
Kansas Medical Center
Kansas Highway Patrol Troop F - Butler
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Andover health & safety data

housing A+

Andover home prices are $212,200 - which is 57% higher than Kansas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Andover housing data

schools A-

The Andover graduation rate is 94% - which is 10% higher than Kansas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (7) C-
Sunflower Elementary School
Andover Central Middle School
Prairie Creek Elementary
Meadowlark Elementary
Andover Ecademy
Andover Middle School
Cottonwood Elementary
Robert M. Martin Elementary
Wheatland Elementary
Christa Mcauliffe Academy
High Schools (3) D-
Andover Central High School
Andover Ecademy
Andover High
See more Andover education data

ratings D-

Andover has an overall rating of 53% from 7 reviews.
User Reviews (5)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (2)
From AreaVibes
See more Andover user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Andover, KS
( 7 Ratings )

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Andover Reviews

Write a review about Andover Tell people what you like or don't like about Andover…
if youre white 5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 08, 2020) if your white, thank god you can move here and not be a minority. ...if youre not white? why not choose to live literally anywhere else in America where you will be the majority and with your own ...Read More Read Less
Buckthorn Court neighborhood 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 07, 2020) If you are not of White Nationality, do not move to Andover Kansas. As I myself am white but I have mixed kids who have been harassed since the day we moved to this neighborhood by all the white adults because they were a different color than them. It was confirmed by one of the ...Read More neighbors that if I didn't know that Andover is strictly white then I must of been stupid to bring my kids to this neighborhood. If you love to drink and white then all means move to this neighborhood. Read Less
Caywood Drunks every weekend 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 22, 2019) If you are a drinker and want to be rude by blocking your neighbors in their driveway, this is the best neighborhood for you. If you love gossip and bullying harassing your neighbors then by all means move to this racial neighborhood. Fit in with the white population who think th ...Read More ey are rich and supporters of liars and will do anything to you and your property. Read Less
Caywood neighborhood Andover Kansas 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 06, 2019) I have only been in this neighborhood for 3 months, my son who is age 16 was bullied by 4 of the white neighborhood males. My Son is mixed race, the neighborhood is strictly white. I have been harassed by the neighbors because I rent and am not a home owner. I do not associate wi ...Read More th them, due to past problems from neighbors so I stay to myself. I don't bother people. All the white people in this neighborhood speed unless you are black then they call the cops on you even if you are doing 25 mph, as informed by the police department my family has to do 5 mph, they are not concerned about the other neighbors since there are no complaints on them. Of course not they are white. My son was accused of calling 3 of the neighbors who are white the N word, we still are baffled by this since he is the person who is black. We are not allowed to make a complaint but they are allowed to make complaints, If you are of any race besides white do not move to Andover you will be harassed and bullied. I am a white mother to 3 kids that are of mixed race. So it's not that I am making this review because I am not white. I am of white race, but they make the majority of the complaints on my kids even though I drive the same speed as my kids. Read Less
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Caywood Drunks every weekend 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 22, 2019) If you are a drinker and want to be rude by blocking your neighbors in their driveway, this is the best neighborhood for you. If you love gossip and bullying harassing your neighbors then by all means move to this racial neighborhood. Fit in with the white population who think th ...Read More ey are rich and supporters of liars and will do anything to you and your property. Read Less
Caywood neighborhood Andover Kansas 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 06, 2019) I have only been in this neighborhood for 3 months, my son who is age 16 was bullied by 4 of the white neighborhood males. My Son is mixed race, the neighborhood is strictly white. I have been harassed by the neighbors because I rent and am not a home owner. I do not associate wi ...Read More th them, due to past problems from neighbors so I stay to myself. I don't bother people. All the white people in this neighborhood speed unless you are black then they call the cops on you even if you are doing 25 mph, as informed by the police department my family has to do 5 mph, they are not concerned about the other neighbors since there are no complaints on them. Of course not they are white. My son was accused of calling 3 of the neighbors who are white the N word, we still are baffled by this since he is the person who is black. We are not allowed to make a complaint but they are allowed to make complaints, If you are of any race besides white do not move to Andover you will be harassed and bullied. I am a white mother to 3 kids that are of mixed race. So it's not that I am making this review because I am not white. I am of white race, but they make the majority of the complaints on my kids even though I drive the same speed as my kids. Read Less
Andover, Kansas Offers the Best of Midwest Living 3 rating By Anonymous ( May 23, 2018) A vibrant suburb of the Wichita metropolitan area, Andover, Kansas is an ideal place to raise a family while still having a blast. I love living in Andover because of the strong community vibe coupled with the proximity to Wichita. Residents of Andover have a plethora of job oppo ...Read More rtunities to choose from in the Wichita area, most notably in the energy and aviation industries. The exceptional school system and small-town living spirit make Andover a top choice to settle down for families.

The best area in Andover is the Capitol Federal Amphitheatre, offering a myriad of live musical performance throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Historic buffs will enjoy the Andover Historical Museum, offering a glimpse into the past. Outdoor enthusiasts delight in the plentiful public park offerings boasting numerous playgrounds, athletic fields, running trails, and more. Residents and guests can choose to stick close to Andover for dining and shopping options or travel a few miles to Wichita for more fun. Read Less

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Andover Awards

Compare Andover, KS Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Andover? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Andover Central Park
      13th Street Sports Park
      Shady Rest Park


      Capitol Federal Amphitheater
      Andover Historical Musem
      Andover District Stadium

      Food & Drink


      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Andover? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Andover.
      Drive to Work

      9% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      C Health & Safety

      Is Andover a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Kansas Medical Center

