Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities C-

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (4) F
Village Cafe
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
Entertainment (6) B
Desert Discovery Center
Mojave River Valley Museum
Western America Railroad Museum
Route 66 "Mother Road" Museum
Barstow Station Cinema 6
Screen 1
Skyline Drive-In
Screen 2
Skyline Drive-In
Food and Drink (33) F
Num Nums
7 Days Liquor
Fast Food
Whoose on 1st
Jack in the Box
Fast Food
Del Taco #1 Flagship Store
Fast Food
Del Taco
Fast Food
Carl's Jr.
Fast Food
Long John Silver's
Fast Food
Taco Bell
Fast Food
Burger King
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Jacks Liquior
Loyal Order of Moose
Fitness (2) F
Cora M. Harper Fitness Center
Dana Park Community Center
Community Centre
Groceries (4) F
Buzz's Mini Market
Grocery Store
Morgan Meat Co.
Walmart Supercenter
Grocery Store
Parks (10) B
Lillian Park
Dana Park
Waterman Park
Barstow Memorial Park
Sturnacle Park
Stringham Park
Foglesong Park
H Street Soccer Fields
Barstow Heights Park
Venner Park
Venner Park Playground
Shops (39) C+
Boost Mobile
Head To Toe Beauty Salon
Discount Store
Barstow Shopping Center
Convenience Store
Dollar Tree
Discount Store
Food Mart
Convenience Store
Dollar General
Discount Store
Convenience Store
Dollar General
Discount Store
A-One Cycle
The Home Depot
Home Improvement
See more Barstow amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 1.4% take public transportation in Barstow.
Public Transit Stops (13)
Stops & Stations
Routes 1,2,3,4,5
Bus Stop
Transit Station
Barstow, CA - Amtrak Station
Bus Stop
Barstow, CA - Bus Stop/Meal Stop
Bus Stop
Barstow Station
Bus Stop
route 1,2
Bus Stop
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Barstow commute data

cost of living C

The cost of living in Barstow is 100/100 - which is 28% lower than California.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Barstow cost of living data

crime F

Barstow crime rates are 3,481 per 100k, which is 23% higher than California
Property Crime
2,626 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
855 crimes per 100k
See more Barstow crime data

employment F

The median income in Barstow is $42,912 - which is 33% lower than California.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Barstow employment data

health C-

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (10)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Barstow Community Hospital
Dr. Mike's Walk In Clinic
Barstow Dental
CHP - Barstow
Barstow Police Department
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department - Barstow Patrol Station
Rite Aid
Walmart Pharmacy
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Barstow health & safety data

housing A+

Barstow home prices are $130,100 - which is 68% lower than California
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3x (home price to income ratio)
See more Barstow housing data

schools F

The Barstow graduation rate is 72% - which is 10% lower than California
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (9) C-
Cameron Elementary
Barstow Christian School
Challenges Community Day
Barstow Stem Academy
Henderson Elementary
Crestline Elementary
Barstow Fine Arts Academy
Montara Elementary
Skyline North Elementary
Mojave River Academy - Silver Mountain
High Schools (4) A
Busd School Of Opportunity
Barstow High
Central High (Continuation)
Mojave River Academy - Silver Mountain
See more Barstow education data

ratings F

Barstow has an overall rating of 20% from 18 reviews.
User Reviews (2)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (16)
From AreaVibes
See more Barstow user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Barstow, CA
( 18 Ratings )

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Barstow Reviews

Write a review about Barstow Tell people what you like or don't like about Barstow…
Watch out for trumpers 3 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 23, 2024) All I'm going to say is Calico Ghost Town is pretty cool and watch out for trumpers like the goofball who left the nice rant in the other review. He sounds like the real problem in this town. ...Read More Read Less
Watch out for trumpers 3 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 23, 2024) All I'm going to say is Calico Ghost Town is pretty cool and watch out for trumpers like the goofball who left the nice rant in the other review. He sounds like the real problem in this town. ...Read More Read Less
Barstow small and doesnt grow! California SUCKS in GENERAL! Very sad 1 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 21, 2020) Where to start! Ive lived in Barstow for about 34 years. Been wanting to move for about 3 years now. If your middle class you can't escape unless your making around 140,000 or more year! I will just go over pros and cons of California Barstow is more conservatives and there are ...Read More wonderful people! On the other hand there are 75% of residents on government assistants. ONLY JOBS are the Base (Ft. Irwin) or BNSF. Very high poverty rate (28%). Drugs and Homeless out of control! California is the worst state to live in and this is why.....

1.Beautiful state
2. Weather! Not ever Cold and if you like HOT it get about 110 degrees in the summer!
3. Some really good Areas but you will have to pay high rent to be in those areas!
4. Ocean and things to do!

1. High taxes and will continue to go up (take about 40% of your hard earned Money per pay check)
2. Fuel PRICES are extremely HIGH over 3.25 a gallon
3. Regulations and laws are ridiculous
4. No death penalty
5. Horrible democrat Governor(Newsom)
6. NOT business friendly at all- Do not plan to start a business here! Go to TX, TN or AZ
7. Love to have people on Government assistance so they can rip off the hard working citizens
8. Crime and Homeless out of control (especially in LA metro areas)
9. Liberals are welcome and if your libertarian or conservative you will not want to move here..
10. Monthly bills (gas, water, and electricity) are very expensive. My electricity bill averages about $450 for about 4 months of the year (My house is 1500sqft) and maybe about $150 the rest of the year ( between hours of 12-8pm you pay 38 cents per Kill watt). If Edison isn't ripping you off the gas company will. Water will go up 14% more starting 2021or maybe 2022 and 4 cents every year after) So if rent doesn't break the bank then add rent and monthly expenses and you barely make it!
11. GUNS LAWS SUCK!!! They want to make it were they will take your guns away!
12. You get charged for everything! Nothing is FREE! State parks charge, beaches charge to park. It's nothing like the South states!
13. Schools SUCK. Especially in Barstow. The only Christian school we had CLOSED because of COVID. Very sad.
14. Newsom just let 18,000 criminals out of Jail. That should tell you exactly how unsafe we are here in Caifornia.
15. From Barstow everything is about 2 and half hours away! Not bad but after gas, food and paying extra for activities and parking its just crazy.
16. Bartow has NOTHING for Kids to DO.....NOTHING.....WE barely are able to allow the kids to play sports. Even then there no extra circular activities.
17. CHILDCARE if SO expensive

You can research All this it's NO SECRET! Even if you love California its still the most expensive state to live in and is democrat ran! This state has got so bad over the past 2 years.

Just last year 69,000 residents move out of Cali and continue to move out! Its really bad. A lot of business had to move and went to TX! Including Ben Shaprio and Joe Rogan. Newsom thinks keeping Cali closed is the best thing. 13,000 business in San Fran have closed or relocated and only 12,000 have survived.

It's extremely sad to see this happen. But its always been this way since 1987 when I moved here! 2020 just has opened peoples eyes to how horribly ran this state is!

Don't let your children out of your sight because there is a new law that helps pedophiles in this state and it's horrible..and there trying to pass a "LEAVE TAX" so if you leave Cali you will be taxed. Just CRAZY! Everyone that can get out should NOW!

DO NOT MOVE TO CALI! If we had a republican running in office they could change this state but it would take along time!

I love Barstow, but the truth is the state of California doesn't change and business don't and will not come and open here! Which means nothing changes. All we have is the famous OUTLETS in Barstow and that was supported by travelers and who knows how long that will stay around! You have to drive 30-60 mins away and then have to deal with stupid traffic.

Barstow has become over ran with Homeless and druggies! It has always been that way but it has got worse int he past 2 years.

Good Luck if your moving here! Stay to your self and stay humble and there are a few good Churches to go to.
I worked for the base for 8 years and wife's that are married to soldiers leave within weeks of BOREDOM and because it's pricey and HOT! You have to drive hours just to get any good views! Read Less
Think twice, it ain't that nice 0.5 rating By crazymancrazy ( Apr 14, 2016) Barstow has really gone straight down the tubes. This town once had so much potential. Now it is a section 8, welfare, crime infested pool of poverty. It is very hard to do business in this town(shopping, banking, recreation etc. ) because of the herds of homeless, mentally ill ...Read More and criminals who roam the streets and parking lots in this town. Just try to go into any business(or what is left of the businesses) in this town and you will be harassed by beggars, nuts, pervos and creeps wanting something from you. Then you have the ooglies and illegals trying to sell you crap like cable subscriptions, and tamales or menudo in the parking lots. The crime is through the roof. Shootings, thefts, break ins, assaults, trespassing, name it...we got it.....and we got it...ALOT. Loads of dope too. These horrible scavengers will walk into a business and just load up with merchandise and run out without paying. Not many good jobs either. There are the bases and railroad and some jobs with the school district and city.....but other than that....not much. So, think twice before moving here......and if you do....I would not live in the city.....most of it is pretty bad. Until these issues are dealt with I see no improvement or positive,long term growth. Who would even want to invest in a business other than the ones aimed at tourists in this horrible, dirty, dangerous, out of control town? Good luck. You are going to need it. Read Less
Show All Reviews
Barstow small and doesnt grow! California SUCKS in GENERAL! Very sad 1 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 21, 2020) Where to start! Ive lived in Barstow for about 34 years. Been wanting to move for about 3 years now. If your middle class you can't escape unless your making around 140,000 or more year! I will just go over pros and cons of California Barstow is more conservatives and there are ...Read More wonderful people! On the other hand there are 75% of residents on government assistants. ONLY JOBS are the Base (Ft. Irwin) or BNSF. Very high poverty rate (28%). Drugs and Homeless out of control! California is the worst state to live in and this is why.....

1.Beautiful state
2. Weather! Not ever Cold and if you like HOT it get about 110 degrees in the summer!
3. Some really good Areas but you will have to pay high rent to be in those areas!
4. Ocean and things to do!

1. High taxes and will continue to go up (take about 40% of your hard earned Money per pay check)
2. Fuel PRICES are extremely HIGH over 3.25 a gallon
3. Regulations and laws are ridiculous
4. No death penalty
5. Horrible democrat Governor(Newsom)
6. NOT business friendly at all- Do not plan to start a business here! Go to TX, TN or AZ
7. Love to have people on Government assistance so they can rip off the hard working citizens
8. Crime and Homeless out of control (especially in LA metro areas)
9. Liberals are welcome and if your libertarian or conservative you will not want to move here..
10. Monthly bills (gas, water, and electricity) are very expensive. My electricity bill averages about $450 for about 4 months of the year (My house is 1500sqft) and maybe about $150 the rest of the year ( between hours of 12-8pm you pay 38 cents per Kill watt). If Edison isn't ripping you off the gas company will. Water will go up 14% more starting 2021or maybe 2022 and 4 cents every year after) So if rent doesn't break the bank then add rent and monthly expenses and you barely make it!
11. GUNS LAWS SUCK!!! They want to make it were they will take your guns away!
12. You get charged for everything! Nothing is FREE! State parks charge, beaches charge to park. It's nothing like the South states!
13. Schools SUCK. Especially in Barstow. The only Christian school we had CLOSED because of COVID. Very sad.
14. Newsom just let 18,000 criminals out of Jail. That should tell you exactly how unsafe we are here in Caifornia.
15. From Barstow everything is about 2 and half hours away! Not bad but after gas, food and paying extra for activities and parking its just crazy.
16. Bartow has NOTHING for Kids to DO.....NOTHING.....WE barely are able to allow the kids to play sports. Even then there no extra circular activities.
17. CHILDCARE if SO expensive

You can research All this it's NO SECRET! Even if you love California its still the most expensive state to live in and is democrat ran! This state has got so bad over the past 2 years.

Just last year 69,000 residents move out of Cali and continue to move out! Its really bad. A lot of business had to move and went to TX! Including Ben Shaprio and Joe Rogan. Newsom thinks keeping Cali closed is the best thing. 13,000 business in San Fran have closed or relocated and only 12,000 have survived.

It's extremely sad to see this happen. But its always been this way since 1987 when I moved here! 2020 just has opened peoples eyes to how horribly ran this state is!

Don't let your children out of your sight because there is a new law that helps pedophiles in this state and it's horrible..and there trying to pass a "LEAVE TAX" so if you leave Cali you will be taxed. Just CRAZY! Everyone that can get out should NOW!

DO NOT MOVE TO CALI! If we had a republican running in office they could change this state but it would take along time!

I love Barstow, but the truth is the state of California doesn't change and business don't and will not come and open here! Which means nothing changes. All we have is the famous OUTLETS in Barstow and that was supported by travelers and who knows how long that will stay around! You have to drive 30-60 mins away and then have to deal with stupid traffic.

Barstow has become over ran with Homeless and druggies! It has always been that way but it has got worse int he past 2 years.

Good Luck if your moving here! Stay to your self and stay humble and there are a few good Churches to go to.
I worked for the base for 8 years and wife's that are married to soldiers leave within weeks of BOREDOM and because it's pricey and HOT! You have to drive hours just to get any good views! Read Less
Think twice, it ain't that nice 0.5 rating By crazymancrazy ( Apr 14, 2016) Barstow has really gone straight down the tubes. This town once had so much potential. Now it is a section 8, welfare, crime infested pool of poverty. It is very hard to do business in this town(shopping, banking, recreation etc. ) because of the herds of homeless, mentally ill ...Read More and criminals who roam the streets and parking lots in this town. Just try to go into any business(or what is left of the businesses) in this town and you will be harassed by beggars, nuts, pervos and creeps wanting something from you. Then you have the ooglies and illegals trying to sell you crap like cable subscriptions, and tamales or menudo in the parking lots. The crime is through the roof. Shootings, thefts, break ins, assaults, trespassing, name it...we got it.....and we got it...ALOT. Loads of dope too. These horrible scavengers will walk into a business and just load up with merchandise and run out without paying. Not many good jobs either. There are the bases and railroad and some jobs with the school district and city.....but other than that....not much. So, think twice before moving here......and if you do....I would not live in the city.....most of it is pretty bad. Until these issues are dealt with I see no improvement or positive,long term growth. Who would even want to invest in a business other than the ones aimed at tourists in this horrible, dirty, dangerous, out of control town? Good luck. You are going to need it. Read Less

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Barstow Awards

Compare Barstow, CA Livability


      C- Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Barstow? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Lillian Park
      Dana Park
      Waterman Park
      Barstow Memorial Park
      Sturnacle Park
      Stringham Park
      Foglesong Park
      H Street Soccer Fields


      Desert Discovery Center
      Mojave River Valley Museum
      Western America Railroad Museum
      Route 66 "Mother Road" Museum
      Barstow Station Cinema 6
      Screen 1
      Skyline Drive-In

      Food & Drink

      Num Nums
      7 Days Liquor
      Whoose on 1st
      Jack in the Box
      Del Taco #1 Flagship Store
      Del Taco
      Carl's Jr.

      D+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Barstow? Of all people who commute, 1.4% take public transportation in Barstow.
      Drive to Work

      1% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      equal to the US average

      D Health & Safety

      Is Barstow a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Barstow Community Hospital


      Walmart Pharmacy
      Rite Aid
