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Is Chilliwack, BC safe?

Is Chilliwack safe? Listed below are the safest neighborhoods in Chilliwack for 2025. Rankings are based on total crimes per 100,000 people for each neighborhood when compared to the Chilliwack average. Total crimes include both violent crimes (murder, rape, robbery, assault) and property crimes (burglary, theft, vehicle theft). Total crimes include crime data provided by local law enforcement agencies and if not available, could also include estimates based on various demographic data.

Population 439
Number of Crimes 5,404 crimes / 100k people
43% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 987
Number of Crimes 5,832 crimes / 100k people
39% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 1,718
Number of Crimes 5,915 crimes / 100k people
38% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 3,368
Number of Crimes 6,280 crimes / 100k people
34% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 1,510
Number of Crimes 6,986 crimes / 100k people
27% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 1,991
Number of Crimes 7,104 crimes / 100k people
26% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 4,077
Number of Crimes 8,656 crimes / 100k people
9% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 3,326
Number of Crimes 8,701 crimes / 100k people
9% less crime than Chilliwack
Population 1,981
Number of Crimes 9,933 crimes / 100k people
4% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 10,877
Number of Crimes 10,013 crimes / 100k people
5% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 195
Number of Crimes 11,215 crimes / 100k people
17% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 4,176
Number of Crimes 11,716 crimes / 100k people
23% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 1,903
Number of Crimes 11,939 crimes / 100k people
25% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 18,573
Number of Crimes 12,823 crimes / 100k people
34% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 1,068
Number of Crimes 13,087 crimes / 100k people
37% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 2,539
Number of Crimes 13,120 crimes / 100k people
37% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 9,223
Number of Crimes 14,815 crimes / 100k people
55% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 2,674
Number of Crimes 15,414 crimes / 100k people
61% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 529
Number of Crimes 17,343 crimes / 100k people
81% more crime than Chilliwack
Population 31,944
Number of Crimes 17,710 crimes / 100k people
85% more crime than Chilliwack
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