Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities C

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (9) F
Entertainment (35) A+
Food and Drink (136) A-
Fitness (16) F
Groceries (21) F
Parks (259) A+
Shops (170) F
See more Corpus Christi amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 1.5% take public transportation in Corpus Christi.
Public Transit Stops (1176)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
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cost of living A+

The cost of living in Corpus Christi is 94/100 - which is 2% higher than Texas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Corpus Christi cost of living data

crime F

Corpus Christi crime rates are 4,040 per 100k, which is 53% higher than Texas
Property Crime
3,179 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
860 crimes per 100k
See more Corpus Christi crime data

employment C

The median income in Corpus Christi is $57,387 - which is 5% higher than Texas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Corpus Christi employment data

health A+

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (85)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Corpus Christi health & safety data

housing A+

Corpus Christi home prices are $150,100 - which is 5% higher than Texas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.6x (home price to income ratio)
See more Corpus Christi housing data

schools C

The Corpus Christi graduation rate is 76% - which is 2% lower than Texas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (92) F
High Schools (31) A+
See more Corpus Christi education data

ratings C-

Corpus Christi has an overall rating of 60% from 52 reviews.
User Reviews (17)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (35)
From AreaVibes
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Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Corpus Christi, TX
( 52 Ratings )

Living in Corpus Christi, TX

Corpus Christi Area Facts

  • Corpus Christi has a Livability Score of 80/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Corpus Christi crime rates are 53% higher than the Texas average
  • Cost of living in Corpus Christi is 2% higher than the Texas average
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Corpus Christi Reviews

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Not a fan 0.5 rating By Whyno ( Aug 10, 2024) Corpus Christi oh man.. I'll give the place some credit for the beaches around the area. But you'll see oil refineries all over the area and sometimes will have oil in the water on the Beach. Even at padre island national seashore.

The weather is hot and humid most of the year,
...Read More winter is mild. But cold snaps do frequent and hurricanes will be a factor.

The economy is not very healthy. It is structured around oil refineries and tourism. Both which are boom or bust.

The main problem I have is the corrupt city government. The corrupt police making quotas for there corrupt city council. Meanwhile the city is full of homeless drug addicts roaming the streets. The police find it easier and more productive to give there citizens tickets for whatever reason they may. While criminal activity is ignored.

There isn't much going on for entertainment either. There is a aquarium, triple A baseball team and a old world war 2 aircraft carrier and you pretty much done corpus Christi. Locals love to fish and that's about the extent of excitement here.

You'll spend endless minutes waiting in Traffic lights to numb your brain. The traffic is congested specifically around South Padre island rd. And saratoga rd. As everything is on these strees.. stores, restaurants everything.. conveniently crammed together.

Stores are often overpriced and in need of restoration. Two options for groceries. Wal-Mart and h.e.b. The people are NOT very friendly in customer service and it shows with there very aggressive driving.

I can see why there is a population decline, it's not a place I plan to stay, I wished for good things here but the low pay, sub-par quality of life, corrupt city government and unfriendly environment make the negative lists for me. not a fan. Read Less
Ghetto Corpus Christi 1 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 02, 2021) Corpus Christi is filthy.... No amount of money could make anyone happy here... The government in Corpus Christi is the most corrupt government that I have seen in the 55 years I have lived on this planet...If you are of sound mind and hope to have some type of life that is worth ...Read More living...don't move to this ghetto! Fair warning.... Read Less
An Inviting Community of Experiences and Culture 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 02, 2019) The quality of life and community in Corpus Christi is inviting and rich with experiences and culture. From the Port of Corpus Christi, 4th largest port in the U.S., to the Naval Air Stations of Corpus Christi and Kingsville, there is so much opportunity for business, innovation ...Read More and entrepreneurship. There is Education and Workforce Development Opportunities from Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Del Mar College, Craft Training Center, and so many other entities. The community is filled with traditions from the Buc Days Rodeo to the Texas Jazz Festival. Art and diversity can been experienced in cuisine, museums, and the music scene. Additionally, you can enjoy nature, beaches, fun-filled attractions like the Texas State Aquarium, South Texas Botanical Garden, and Corpus Christi Hooks Baseball — Corpus Christi has it all. Read Less
Glad to be back! 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 01, 2019) I must admit, when I made the decision to leave a large metro area in Texas to move back home to Corpus Christi, I was a little bummed out. What is there to do, where can I get involved, will there still be any young professionals to hang out with? Luckily, I met some great peopl ...Read More e, started getting more involved in the community and I'm in love with my city all over again! The revitalization of downtown is my personal favorite aspect but the emergence of new business (locally-owned & franchised) definitely plays a part as well. The "Sparkling City by the Bay" has so much to offer & too much to list! Read Less
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An Inviting Community of Experiences and Culture 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 02, 2019) The quality of life and community in Corpus Christi is inviting and rich with experiences and culture. From the Port of Corpus Christi, 4th largest port in the U.S., to the Naval Air Stations of Corpus Christi and Kingsville, there is so much opportunity for business, innovation ...Read More and entrepreneurship. There is Education and Workforce Development Opportunities from Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Del Mar College, Craft Training Center, and so many other entities. The community is filled with traditions from the Buc Days Rodeo to the Texas Jazz Festival. Art and diversity can been experienced in cuisine, museums, and the music scene. Additionally, you can enjoy nature, beaches, fun-filled attractions like the Texas State Aquarium, South Texas Botanical Garden, and Corpus Christi Hooks Baseball — Corpus Christi has it all. Read Less
Glad to be back! 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 01, 2019) I must admit, when I made the decision to leave a large metro area in Texas to move back home to Corpus Christi, I was a little bummed out. What is there to do, where can I get involved, will there still be any young professionals to hang out with? Luckily, I met some great peopl ...Read More e, started getting more involved in the community and I'm in love with my city all over again! The revitalization of downtown is my personal favorite aspect but the emergence of new business (locally-owned & franchised) definitely plays a part as well. The "Sparkling City by the Bay" has so much to offer & too much to list! Read Less
Love where you live 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 01, 2019) Did you know that Corpus Christi has "THE" Texas State Aquarium. Not just an Aquarium, but the STATE of TEXAS' Aquarium, this huge state, and our city is home to an attraction that is visited by people all over the world. Little things like that make this city a wonderful place ...Read More to live, play, and work. If you can't find something to do in CC you are not looking hard enough. The people I have met and the friends I have made since moving here have been an inspiration to me. Downtown is really taking off too, have you seen it? New businesses, many of them local, are opening up every month! Music, murals, meet ups, it's all happening downtown. Also, if you are looking to move your family here, or a new transfer to NAS Corpus Christi, NAS Kingsville, or CCAD you will be happy to know that the school district has constructed about 8 or 10 new state of the art schools.... Elementary Schools, lets not forget the 3 brand new middle schools and the brand new, amazing, Veterans Memorial High, all with no major increase in taxes! Where else in the country can you see the Blue Angels every year, EVERY YEAR. Corpus Christi and Kingsville (down the road a little bit) love jets! Brand new major construction down the road, partnerships with our local University and College, Waterparks (Plural), literal famous local restaurants, it doesn't get any better than this. Even with all this we still get to say anywhere is Corpus Christi is only 20 minutes from anywhere else. Industry, Energy, Tourism, Defense, Drones, Higher Education, Sports, THE PEOPLE, and so so much more, Corpus Christi is where it's at. Come see for yourself! Go Hooks! Read Less
Corpus Christi Comeback 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 01, 2019) I came back to Corpus Christi three-years ago and so much has improved. Not only do we have multiple incredible events downtown (Dia de los Muertos festival, Fiesta de la Flor, Surftoberfest, etc.) we have the Texas State Aquarium. It is easy to see what sucks about a city. Austi ...Read More n: Traffic. Houston: Traffic. Dallas: Traffic. But the reality is we get to drive next to the ocean every day and live in a city that is on the upswing. Corpus Christi does have challenges and lots of them are discussed below but in that regard it is no different than other medium sized cities but the future is bright. Read Less
Sparkling City by the Bay 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 01, 2019) Since moving to Corpus Christi from the RGV I really have grown to love this city. The downtown area has become a great place to spend your free time! Cool bars, fantastic dining, and just a quick drive to the beach. ...Read More Read Less
Small city, big community 5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 01, 2019) I moved back to Corpus Christi about 4 years ago. It has gotten exponentially better since I have moved back. I am a strong believer in if you want change, you gotta work for it. CC is changing. We have plenty of new businesses opening and STAYING. This is one of the easiest citi ...Read More es in the US to be an entrepreneur and open a small business. New companies are also moving to Corpus, which is creating many new jobs and career options we didn’t have here before. The university and junior college are also bringing a wider education to the city, which is helping younger people stay as well as educating the citizens who have lived here for years.

Overall, the city is in a transition. Right now is the best time to move here because we have so many developments happening in the upcoming years (that are already under construction and will be finished soon). It’s happening whether some of the negative reviewers on the site see it or not.

Most of these negative reviews I’m reading below are probably people who didn’t try to get involved in the community. I knew no one when I moved back. I’m a highly involved community servant now and have met plenty of wonderful people who live here. It’s up to you to make your experience here a happy one. Don’t let the negative stigma some people try to put on the city dampen your sights for Corpus.

Now a famous quote repeated here for uplifting our city: Corpus doesn’t suck, you do. Read Less
Would not reccomend 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 29, 2019) I have lived here for about 6 years in total over the past decade. Corpus is one of those places you really have to get used to. It is up and coming but it is a process. I will say that it has gotten exponentially better over the years though. The people are very arrogant, rude, ...Read More and uneducated. There are not many attractions, the roads and public areas are not maintained in an efficient way, the taxes are sky high, there is ABSOLUTELY NO sense of community unless you grew up in the area. The worst thing about it that cannot be fixed is the pollution and the government corruption. The local government covers up the contamination of municipal water sources and does not notify residents until multiple people report adverse health effects due to the negative media attention. Birth defects in Corpus are 80% higher than the rest of texas and kidney failure is through the roof. I am here for military obligation but I would never come here willingly. Please stay away and raise your children somewhere else. Read Less
Lived here almost 50 years. 1 rating By TigerCry ( Jun 05, 2017) I was born here. I am almost 50 now. The repair companies make money by fraud. Get estimates 10 times the fair rate. Get charged for work not done. Pay outrageous estimate fees without warning. Embezzlement is rampant. If you must start a business here, place the office ...Read More in view of the loading dock. You got to have everything nailed down. Consolidate to one location. Read Less
40+, glad to get the helluva dodge 1 rating By Delta602 ( Dec 18, 2016) Lived there for over 40 years and we left upon retirement. Ghetto town compared to the good ol days of the 60's. Folks with money and good businesses have moved out, immigrants and taco stands moved in and will continue to do so. Inept local govt. hiring one's brother, uncle ...Read More or cousin.... with 5 water public do not use advisories in the last 12 mos., terrible streets and ROW's, graffiti, gangs and drug issue epidemic, beaches close down because of ecoli counts - folks pour used oil down the storm drains which feed into the bay, dump litter into the streets, they just don't care. Poor dogs chained up in the back of yards in many neighborhoods. Not much to do except for going to the beach which is nice because you can drive on it. Town is an oven most of the year, just stifling with high humidity and hot caused by strong SE winds off the gulf. It is not unusual to have heat indices over 100F at 9:00 a.m. 5 months out of the year and up to 114F at 4:00 p.m.Downtown is vacant/dilapidated and has been that way since the oil businesses and other biz like Whataburger and HEB headquarters moved out in the 80's. Padre Island drive passes thru ghettos or while most looks like something out of the 50's that hasn't been maintained. Housing is not cheap and plaqued by cracked foundations as I and my friends found out. Taxes and insurance are one of the highest in the state. It's a nickel and dimeya town. Read Less
Nobody could tell me why the downtown was vacant and vandalized 1 rating By MedicalResident ( Nov 23, 2016) So I came to visit Corpus Christi in hopes of deciding this would be a good town to settle on for further medical training. First off, the Christus Spohn medical system is nice, very impressive, even considering the town. But the town... First off we arrived on a weekend and n ...Read More oticed hardly anybody at the airport, I think our flight had 5 people on it. I didn't think much of it, but with those types of numbers on flights coming in and out its going to be hard to justify maintaining an air connection. The drive from the airport to our hotel downtown was where our hearts sank. Corpus is a community made up largely of immigrants, many of whom have what I will call paperwork issues. That leads to unemployment, and the invention of a variety of sub-market industries such as scrapping, overhauling, and front-yard businesses that operate under the radar. It was apparent that homelessness, drugs and crime were a problem. I've grown up in towns where there was poverty, so that itself isn't surprising to me, but what was different about corpus is you could tell that the businesses, banks, and commercial industry has largely left, leaving the ever-growing immigrant population few options. Downtown my wife and I counted and estimated 3/4 storefronts or buildings were vacant or vandalized. Even many of the "nicer" neighborhoods had high fences with driveway gates and a plethora of "crime watch" signs a symptom of the scrap industry and prevalent theft. I talked with one of the local physicians who practiced in one of the nearby towns and he said that the drug problem has been devastating for employers, families and schools. Suicides are high, depression is high, and youth addiction is sadly very high as well. So if you feel motivated to help those who are struggling, this is the place for you. If you're not sure, check it out. We were glad we did...and probably heading elsewhere. Read Less
How to survive moving (if you must) to Corpus Christi... 0.5 rating By hopefulTXn ( Mar 15, 2016) Corpus Christi is a nice place to vacation. I did so myself years ago. But don't move here if you don't have to.I have talked to many people about the following subjects and am not just giving you my own point of view but, in talking with neighbors and social acquaintances, I hav ...Read More e made sure that I am not just getting cynical. I am going to try very hard to be fair and give you an unbiased opinion.If you must move here:Please hire a "buyers agent" from a SMALL real estate company, do not fall into the trap of the big name realtors. They care more about meeting sales quotas than they do about finding you a place your family will thrive. If you know where you want to live, even better.Try to buy a home close to where you work. Crime is low in Ingleside and Portland. If those places are not an option, the South Side of Corpus is the better neighborhood. Yes, there are some decent pockets of housing along Corpus Christi Bay, but the crime down there can be crazy. I have a friend who works at Christus Spohn Shorline hospital, which is on the Bay. Her car was parked in the hospital employee parking lot, which is patrolled every 20 minutes. A group of thugs stripped her wheels, undercarriage, rotors and several other parts before the 20 minutes were up without tripping her car alarm. I often see cars stripped and propped up on rocks down there.That said, you still want to live close to where you work.I have found that most people in Corpus live, work and shop within 2 square miles. Probably because of traffic.The traffic here is tedious. No matter where you go, you will get stopped at almost every light. Any time I don't have to stop at a traffic light, I feel like I have won something. Also, you might think that the people where you live don't drive well, but I have driven in Tokyo, San Francisco, Chicago, and many other cities. The people in Corpus Christi drive like they have absolutely no regard for their own safety, let alone yours. No one uses blinkers, there is often: cutting across 3 lanes, slamming on brakes for no reason, pulling out while traffic is too close, random u-turns where it's not safe, texting while driving (about 3 out of every 4 cars), I could go on, and it's like that every time I go to any part of town. You would think this were a third world country. You absolutely have to be very defensive about driving here.If you work close to Flour Bluff, that is a nice neighborhood, but contact a home insurance agent to find out what you will pay for hurricane insurance because Flour Bluff is close to the water. Also, my friends who live close to the water tell me that living closer to the water here means having to keep their cars and outdoor belongings washed more frequently because of the salt in the sea spray. Padre Island is also nice, so I've heard. Not too much crime, but , again, check what you will pay for hurricane insurance before you buy.Living in Corpus Christi will also require you to invest more in vehicle maintenance because the roads here are literally falling apart. I have been told that the tax dollars allotted for road repair just gets used for other things. Factor that into your budget.The libraries in Corpus Christi are pathetic. La Retama Central Library is the best one in town, but it's not a neighborhood you would frequent on purpose. One day while in line to check out a book, an older lady in front of me asked to get help on a computer. She said she needed help finding the website that would inform her of her social security benefits. The librarian would not help her and shooed her away. But La Retama at least feels like a legitimate library. The other libraries are unfriendly feeling, awkwardly laid out and just don't have many books.The only places to get groceries in Corpus are H.E.B. and Wal-Mart. So, you will likely want to at least be close to one of those.There is even an H.E.B. in Calallen. If there were not an H.E.B. in Calallen, it would be the most inconvenient place to live. Except for a few steak restaurants and a lot of fast food restaurants, Calallen is pretty sparse. It would be a teenager's nightmare. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. My family rented an apartment in Calallen for 6 months before we bought a home, and we drove the 20 minutes into town for anything and everything. If you want Starbucks, drive into Corpus. If you want to go to a movie, drive into Corpus. If you want to go shopping, drive into Corpus. If you have to do any business, drive into Corpus. If you even want to go for a safe walk, drive down to the Bay.While we are on that subject...I read in another review that Corpus has lots of "green" space.Really?The only place that we have found that you might bring your kids to a playground or go for a walk/run is the little path that follows along Corpus Christi Bay, starting in front of the hospital and reaching south about a mile. It's nice. It is. We go there and we see someone we know just about every time we go there. I think it's because that is the only "green" space there is. Other than that little area along the Bay, the water here is not that "accessible" either. If you want to go to the beach, you either have to drive out onto Padre Island or over to Port Aransas. Ok, it's about a half hour drive. That's not too bad. I just don't want you thinking that you will be walking out your front door and onto the beach. There is a little beachish area on Corpus Christi Bay, but if you want an actual beach experience, unless you live on the Island or Port A, there will be a 30 min. drive. In the traffic, most likely.Don't rush into buying a house if you don't know the area. Find a comfortable place to rent for a while and get used to Corpus Christi.Figure out where you will be working and how to get there. Drive the roads when you would be going into work and when you will be going home after work. I can tell you that there is not an easy way to get to a lot of places. Sometimes that is a good thing because when a neighborhood is isolated, it cuts down on the crime. There is a lot of crime in Robstown and Alice, so there is not a convenient way to get to those places. There is a lot of crime all over Corpus Christi proper. If you own a truck, it is a target. The criminals down here will love to chop up your truck. Got new tires? They want them.If you can find a house where you can keep your car or cars in a garage, it will be worth the piece of mind.There are some saving graces in Corpus. I heard the symphony is good. People here get really excited about it. There is a great coffee place called "Coffee Waves" that has better coffee than starbucks and make their own gelato that is awesome. But if they have a private party coming in, you might get thrown out because they need your chair. That happened.I know I sound like a cynic, but I'm really an optimist! Seriously! The people here are just very rude. People here don't have work ethics, they will steal the clothes off of you and run you down in the crosswalk. The employees in most stores don't want to help you find what you need. We were in Lowes and one employee shoved my husband out of the way to get to the time-clock to punch in for work. It was shocking then, but we have been here 6 months now, and we are used to being treated like we are an inconvenience to people in service positions. At least the employees at the bank have manners.Hey, I just want you to know what you are getting into here. I have been in the South. Plenty. There is no Southern Hospitality in Corpus Christi. Read Less
Not what I expected at all! 0.5 rating By hopefulTXn ( Jan 16, 2016) If it seems as though the other reviews for Corpus Christi are being left by members of the Chamber of Commerce, please consider.

I recently moved to Corpus Christi and have lived here for 3 months. My husband has been here for 7 months.
We intended on buying a home for under $2
...Read More 00,000.00 but after months of searching, we found that any house in that price range was in a crime-ridden neighborhood or had foundation/construction issues. It is very hard to determine which areas of town are safe or unsafe, as the neighborhoods seem to blend. You can be in the best neighborhood in the city and two blocks away find a neighborhood of houses horribly run down, dilapidated and much blight. Homeowners in any given neighborhood don't seem to care for their homes or even mow their lawns. We finally determined that our safest bet was to buy a home on the South Side. We bought a $250,000.00 home that is in desperate need of updating of it's 1980's décor, wiring and plumbing.

Our loan company informed us that after our substantial down payment, our house payment should be around $700.00 a month, but we were unpleasantly surprised to find that the taxes here are very high, as is home-owners insurance, hurricane (wind) insurance and utilities. With taxes and insurance figured into our escrow account, our house payment is now $1500.00 a month. Hurricane insurance is something our realtor did not tell us about. Every homeowner here has to pay hurricane insurance. For us, it costs $4000.00 a year. We live over 4 miles from the water, but the closer you live to the water, the more you will pay. We have not been in the house for a full month and we don't leave lights on or have more than one TV, yet, our first electric bill was over $200.00. Our water bill for the first 28 days of service was $250.00. We are only a family of 4 and don't run water excessively. It's been raining and have had no need to water the lawn.

As we have gotten to know people and explored the city, neighbors and business owners have mentioned to us that the City Council is corrupt. I'm interested to find out why this seems to be the first subject that people here want to broach.

There is much crime in Corpus Christi, which we have been told is due to a high drug-use problem. Apparently meth is a big industry here. Every house has a security system, another monthly expense. My husband has had his truck broken into and robbed. Our neighbor had the window smashed out of her car just before Christmas.

Several residents have mentioned to us that it is hard to find a job here. Even those with bachelors degrees have a hard time finding employment. We have been told that HR will often not hire those that are not the same ethnicity.

We rented an apartment in Calallen that was infested with fleas and mice. In our current neighborhood (which seems to be upper-middle class) there is a problem with cockroaches. The neighbors warned me not to leave any doors open due to the rat problem and my husband was warned to be careful while gardening due to the black widow and brown recluse spiders.

Traffic in Corpus Christi is significant, even in January.
There is an abundance of cars on the roads here and roads are broken up, meaning they don't go through.
This puts most drivers on the same roads at the same time. The roads are also broken up in that there are a LOT of potholes. You may have seen in other reviews or on other websites that there is a pothole problem in Corpus Christi. Those claims are not exaggerated. Also, speed bumps proliferate. As if you could speed through the potholes! Drivers in Corpus often run red lights. That is a thing here. The courthouse has a separate line for people who run red lights. Be especially alert when driving in Corpus Christi.

The most disappointing experience we have had here is with the city and county officials. These people are very rude. Even going to the county courthouse to register my car was a nightmare. They asked for an unreasonable amount of documentation with no explanation of why or how to get it. The woman said that I had to prove that I paid the sales tax in my home state when I bought my car in 2004. It's 2016. I showed her the release of lien from the loan company, but she said it didn't prove that I paid the sales tax. She said if I don't come up with the right documentation (which she could not direct me to), I will have to pay Texas sales tax on my car! How is that even possible?

If you are thinking about moving to Corpus Christi, you may want to consider San Antonio, Austin or Houston instead. In Corpus, we very much enjoy the beach, my whole family loves the fishing, the Harbor Playhouse did an excellent production of A Christmas Carol and the aquarium was small and expensive, but nice. This town just does not have much else going for it. The houses are very close together, the roads are in disrepair, the sidewalks are uneven and end abruptly, the parks are literally patches of grass (this is the green space they tout), there is no bike path or running paths to speak of, the mall is fledging and mostly unclean (except for Dillard's, which is impeccable), other shopping in town is often outrageously priced, and there are some shopping venues while looking completely inoculate from without, are quite threatening within. The downtown area is quite frightening, but we've been assured there is a Renaissance effort that has been going on since the early 2000's. It doesn't seem this has availed much. The restaurant scene is hopeful, but we've had food poisoning twice.

If you are looking to live in a clean city with respectful people, great architecture, fabulous shopping, fun outdoor spaces to explore, affordable housing, a lively music scene...Corpus Christi is probably not your kind of city. If you just want to fish or hang out at the beach, then yes, this is it. The weather is great and the bridge lights up. Read Less
My 20 Years In Corpus Christi 4 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 19, 2014) I have lived in Corpus Christi, Texas for 20 years. I am located in the suburb of Calallen, which is a great neighborhood for middle class families. It is a family oriented community with parks and plenty of green space. Housing is on the higher side in this town, but it is mostl ...Read More y because of the great access to the water and quaint shops and restaurants. Often dubbed the "Texas Riviera", the view from the Harbour Bridge is spectacular at night. It's a bustling town that offers plenty of amenities and many places to see.

For those who like outdoor activities, Corpus Christi certainly delivers. There is boating, fishing, jet skiing and many other leisurely ways to spend the day at sea. The city is 460 miles and has over 442, 000 people who call it home. For those who love shopping, you simply must go to The Outlets at Corpus Christi Bay. All the big name stores are here and the prices are fabulous. For those who want a traditional inside mall, try the La Palmera. It has a wide variety of stores and the price range is all over the place. They have an amazing food court and great hours.

Besides living next to the Ocean, the next best thing has to be the food. The restaurants are top notch. As one can expect, there are plenty of sea food establishments. The Mexican flare, with the sea food is a great combination. One place that I frequent often is El Palenque Restaurant. Not only do they have great cuisines, but they also have unbeatable prices. The locals come here, so this is not a tourist trap establishment. For a great, laid back place to have lunch, the Hester's Cafe & Coffee Bar is sure to please. Enjoy a cup of Joe and a nice pastry, or have a sandwich and soup.

Corpus Christi is an amazing place to work. The traffic gets a little hectic at times, as this is a tourist area, but it is a great place to live and work. The economy is great here and the locals are friendly. It's a wonderful place to be. Read Less
Love living here, hate the rude city employees 2.5 rating By unhappyresident ( Oct 09, 2013) I have lived here for a couple of months now and love the area and the people. The problem I have is that every time I speak to someone at the city hall, they are rude and inconsistent. For instance, when I first moved to Corpus I wanted information on what I would need to do to ...Read More get the utilities changed to my name. I called the city hall and gave them my information and my land lords name. They refused to give me any information about the account, and told me I would have to find the last person to have an account at my addess, but wouldnt tell me who that might be. I spoke to my land lord and he tried but had no way to get in contact with the previous tenant. Later that week I recieved a notice stating that I needed to pay my bill or my water would be cut off. I paid the bill in full before noon on the due date and they still turned my water off!! When I called to explain that I paid the bill, the person I spoke to told me taht infact it is my land lords account. I dont understand first, why I couldnt have known that and second why was my water cut off on the day the bill was due.I paid my bill before noon, infact it was paid before 11 and the water was turned off after 1. This is only one example of bad customer service that I have experienced with the city. If I treated the customers at my job the way they treat the people of Corpus Christi, I have no doubt I wouldnt be working there long. If it wouldnt pass for a business it shouldnt be acceptable for the workers of the city. Read Less
Corpus Christi, Texas has something for everyone 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) I have traveled to the city of Corpus Christi, Texas many times during my lifetime. My most recent visit was during this past summer. I have to admit that I love this city. My family and I were pleased with the many attractions and events that we were able to see and do. Here is ...Read More a brief rundown of what a family can do in the city.

The biggest draw for the city, of course has to be the coast line and the beautiful beaches. The beaches were clean and not overpopulated. There were plenty of local tourist shops near by the beaches offering rental services. The prices overall are reasonable. This was a nice break from the regular beach going experience that I and my family have experienced elsewhere. After spending some time at the beach we decided to take the children to the local State Aquarium. The wide range of marine wildlife was fascinating and very educational. The children absolutely loved the experience of petting a dolphin. Once we left the State Aquarium we went to have a bite to eat. Corpus Christi boasts of many fine seafood and Mexican restaurants. We decided to end our day trip with a visit to the impressive air craft carrier museum. This fully fledged decommissioned air craft carrier is simply amazing. Plan to spend at least 4-5 hours to explore this massive boat structure. The children loved having their picture taken with the various machinery and airplanes. We were so pleases with our experience that we decided to go shopping afterward to secure a nice memento of our trip. The shopping was nice and pleasant and not overly crowded. We found the prices to be about average.

In conclusion, if anyone is interested in having a great family time full of amazing things to see and do, I whole heartedly recommend Corpus Christi, Texas for that purpose. Read Less
Corpus Christi - The Best Little Beach Town in Texas 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) I traveled to Corpus Christi, Texas for a week in January 2009 on business. I had the opportunity to work with the city's local university, Texas A&M - Corpus Christi, which really gave me the chance to meet both people who had grown up in Corpus and people who were attending sch ...Read More ool there. The attitude seemed the same from both sides: they all love living there!

I had just traveled from Columbus, Ohio and couldn't believe what great weather they were having in Corpus Christi. I soon discovered that this type of weather is common, and, in fact, the 65 degree weather was somewhat cool for the residents.

As the city lies along the bay, it is a great beach town, and I could definitely feel the relaxation everywhere I went. Residents and travelers alike spent their days surfing, sailing, and tanning on the beach. The USS Lexington Museum is located on the ship itself, just along the bay, so tourists can board a World War II ship and spend a few moments in history. These activities, along with the delicious chance to sample some of Corpus Christi's seafood restaurants, made this trip to Texas truly relaxing and memorable! Read Less

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Compare Corpus Christi, TX Livability


      Corpus Christi, TX

      Corpus Christi city limits extend well beyond the land and out into the ocean that makes the city one of the most desirable coastal cities in all of Texas. In fact, almost 75% of the city's square footage is actually water. The area welcomes about eight million visitors each year. This means that there is a steady stream of money that is flowing into the city and into the pockets of local shop owners. The city's population has ballooned to 325,000 as more and more people decide to leave the hustle and bustle of larger Texas cities behind for a more relaxed life on the water.

      The city has a rich history that the locals love to share with newcomers and long-time residents alike. Touring the USS Lexington is a good way to learn about some of the military battles that have taken place in the city. You can also learn about some of the prominent local figures that served in the military when you take a tour of the vessel. Padre Island is one of the most beautiful beaches in the entire country, and it is also a prime spot to look for giant sea turtles when you are out snorkeling or diving in its warm and welcoming waters. The Texas State Aquarium is another location where you can see sea life and marine mammals in-person. They put on an exciting dolphin show that is worth the price of admission alone.

      Home prices in Corpus Christi may be slightly higher than other cities in the region, but being in the city limits gets you closer to the water and the downtown amenities that increase quality of life. Flour Bluff, N.A.S., and Mustang Island are a few of the areas that are typically described as "can't miss" for those who are on the hunt for a new home to buy or rent.

      Traffic in Corpus Christi is not typically a concern for most of the people who live here. Drivers are courteous and traffic is typically light. If you decide that you want to ditch driving all together, Corpus Christi Regional Transit Authority does operate a bus service that provides reliable transportation within the city limits and to Corpus Christi's outlying suburbs.

      Another fun fact about Corpus Christi is that it is home to naval aviator training. U.S. military pilots, including George Bush Jr., spend a large part of their first years of military service at Corpus Christi Air Station learning how to pilot some of America's most technologically advanced aircraft. Aviators do not consider Corpus Christi to be too much of a hardship assignment though thanks to the beautiful beaches and amazing restaurants that are abundant in the city.

      C Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Corpus Christi? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Sisters City Park
      Artesian Park
      La Retama Park
      Heritage Park
      Bayside Park
      Spohn Park
      Norma Urban Park
      Blucher Park


      Mesquite Street Comedy Club
      K Space Contemporary
      Voyage Through the Planets
      Tejano Civil Rights Museum
      Texas Surf Museum
      World War Memorial
      Museum Of Hispanic Culture
      American Bank Center

      Food & Drink

      Burger King
      The Goldfish Bar
      Rockit's Whiskey Bar & Saloon
      Flanagan's Downtown
      BUS (Bar Under the Sun)
      Mully's Irish
      The Point of Corpus Christi

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Corpus Christi? Of all people who commute, 1.5% take public transportation in Corpus Christi.
      Drive to Work

      6% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      B Health & Safety

      Is Corpus Christi a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      PAM Specialty Hospital of Corpus Christi North
      Corpus Christi Medical Center - Bay Area
      Bayview Behavioral Hospital
      CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - South
      Corpus Christi Medical Center - Doctors Regional
      Corpus Christi State Supported Living Center
      Corpus Christi Medical Center - Northwest Regional
      CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline


      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy


      Physician's Premier Emergency Room Saratoga
      Future Focus Family Medicine
      Almouie Pediatrics
      Dubberly Clinic