Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (65) A+
Entertainment (119) A+
Food and Drink (469) A+
Fitness (64) A+
Groceries (131) A+
Parks (775) A+
Shops (835) A+
See more Detroit amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 6.6% take public transportation in Detroit.
Public Transit Stops (3324)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Detroit commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Detroit is 84/100 - which is 5% lower than Michigan.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Detroit cost of living data

crime F

Detroit crime rates are 6,786 per 100k, which is 239% higher than Michigan
Property Crime
4,734 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
2,052 crimes per 100k
See more Detroit crime data

employment F

The median income in Detroit is $32,498 - which is 36% lower than Michigan.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Detroit employment data

health B-

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (259)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Detroit health & safety data

housing A+

Detroit home prices are $52,700 - which is 59% lower than Michigan
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
1.6x (home price to income ratio)
See more Detroit housing data

schools F

The Detroit graduation rate is 72% - which is 16% lower than Michigan
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (189) D-
High Schools (75) A+
See more Detroit education data

ratings F

Detroit has an overall rating of 42% from 98 reviews.
User Reviews (13)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (85)
From AreaVibes
See more Detroit user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Detroit, MI
( 98 Ratings )

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Detroit Reviews

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Detroit Isn't What You THINK It is. 2.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 10, 2022) Detroit isn't that BAD. Again, this is my opinion but here are pros and cons
Pros: Theres lots of places to go to, like Redwings, Tigers, Lions And Pistons games and the zoo, theirs lots of amenities because it's a city and its not horrible. The best runned thing in Detroit is th
...Read More e airport, the airport is really well runned and I felt like I was in Austin not Detroit. The cost of living in Detroit is nice and the employment, companies are starting to move out but there is still some. Sterling Heights is a Detroit suburb, probably one of the best places I ever saw when I drove past. The cost of living isn't that bad and theres sidewalks.

Cons: Theres a lot of cons about this place, the crime is insane it's flints more successful older brother, the poverty isn't to bad but its not good at all. It's really messy with pollution the downtown area is not the best, the houses are abended, 1 block off of downtown looks like your in Camden and right beside Little Caesars Arena it does too, what to i got to say Detroit is underrated but a below average city. Read Less
This city's livability is ranked "50" for a reason... 0.5 rating By Jupiterjermaine ( May 16, 2018) So I am born and raised in Detroit, been here all of my life. But it is no longer the cool city it once was. With bad Mayors, bad leaders in general, bad economy, and the recessions, Detroit has suffered tremendous blows. As a result, the job market is terrible, housing is so che ...Read More ap you could buy it out of pocket almost, most neighborhoods have a series of abandoned broken down empty houses on them, the energy of people is low, the esteems are low, and just a hum-drum dark place to live. However, Detroiters are tough, and we try to make to best of what we have. We do have great parks, great entertainment, great music, great clubs, and great historical sites. We are only a few minutes away from Windsor ONT Canada thru the tunnel. So I think these things are the only things that keep us going. But unfortunately, the most important things that sustain life (housing, employment, education, crime, weather, etc..) are horrible here. I am about to move myself, and even though this will always be "home", I need a better life than this one. If you coming for a visit, we have fun things to do, so you'll probably have a good time, we are still Motown and the Motor City. But if you are trying to start a new life and wanting to move, I would look at other places first. If still interested, make sure you visit our neighborhoods, and actually talk to Detroiters to get a real perspective on Detroit as a whole. We are slowly making a comeback, but to me, it's coming back too slow. Read Less
Hyperbolic Unsure Monkeys 0.5 rating By ihkbfds ( Oct 02, 2017) great Dee-troit Pitza, enjoyable night life, there's always something happening. I would really recommend the pitza, there's nothing quite like the Dee-troit Pitza. Move over New Yowk, Dee-trit is the best Pitza. ...Read More Read Less
Enjoyed our stay 5 rating By Guylenebozeman ( Sep 29, 2017) My wife and I scratched off a bucket list item for me... Kid Rock live in concert (to boot a brand new arena) front row seats... It was off the chain awesome... Kudos to Detroit for their hospitality while visiting the city.... Drove right at 14 hrs. From Arkansas to see this... ...Read More Great performance and everyone was most hospitable and helpful while there... Read Less
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Hyperbolic Unsure Monkeys 0.5 rating By ihkbfds ( Oct 02, 2017) great Dee-troit Pitza, enjoyable night life, there's always something happening. I would really recommend the pitza, there's nothing quite like the Dee-troit Pitza. Move over New Yowk, Dee-trit is the best Pitza. ...Read More Read Less
Enjoyed our stay 5 rating By Guylenebozeman ( Sep 29, 2017) My wife and I scratched off a bucket list item for me... Kid Rock live in concert (to boot a brand new arena) front row seats... It was off the chain awesome... Kudos to Detroit for their hospitality while visiting the city.... Drove right at 14 hrs. From Arkansas to see this... ...Read More Great performance and everyone was most hospitable and helpful while there... Read Less
Great suburbs orbiting a black hole 2 rating By Dr Chronos ( Sep 19, 2017) Don't believe the revitalization hype. The renovations are in very localized regions around which the rest crumbles. Unemployment, entitlement and lack of education are really the watchwords for the city and its residents. City servants? Don't park on the street because it rea ...Read More lly doesn't matter whether you feed the meter or not: you will get a ticket. Revenue's gotta come from somewhere. There is some shopping and there are some great museums around Wayne State University. The rest is a wasteland. Beware the wild dogs as you stalk pheasant and coyotes. If you are shooting pictures, be real careful. And don't even think of it at night. Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, Grosse Pointe are great suburbs. Marvelous shopping and neighborhoods. Great schools. But they are dangerously close to that sinkhole and might fall in if they ever lose focus. There are enlightened souls trying to do just that in the name of "understanding" and the like. Best advice: if you want urban living where the city has really turned things around, try Pittsburgh. Seriously. Read Less
Move along.... nothing here to see.... 0.5 rating By Avoid At All Cost ( Apr 21, 2017) The Metro Detroit area looks like one could imagine a worn torn middle eastern country ravaged by strife, neglect, Poverty... the list goes on.Everything will cost you $$$$$ in Michigan. Car insurance, home owners insurance, renters insurance, vehicle repairs, food, beverages, pa ...Read More rking, events....Very non dog friendly. The Extreme contrast of weather in the summer and winter months makes living in Michigan unbearable. Read Less
The Motor City 1.5 rating By Mack from Michigan ( Nov 05, 2016) Detroit was quite the city until the 60s and it will be again. It hit bottom and is on the rise. Physical infrastructure problems will be an issue for decades. Schools are challenged to teach kids who so often are living in an environment which does not value education. Serious ...Read More drug and crime issues. Safety is a great concern. Popular mayor and police chief are leading the charge to make Detroit better. However, a good many residents are a burden on society, unwilling to contribute to making the city a good place to live, or incapable of doing so. Gangs are problematic. Lots of guns. The flip side is real estate is cheap. And there is energy and excitement. Urban pioneers are doing great things in the D. Read Less
Detroit, MI Needs Credit Where Credit Is Due 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) I moved to Detroit MI about five years ago after living in Brooklyn my entire life. For anyone who has never been to Detroit before it might be easy to assume that moving from one major city to the next should not be a problem. The truth is, these two cities are very different fr ...Read More om one another, especially at first glance. The good news is that after spending some time here and really learning to accept the city, I find that there are more similarities between the two then there are differences. One thing is certain, Detroit is much more than it appears to be to the casual observer.

This city is not just for car makers, nor is it only a city that is broken and filled with crime. It has its fair share of problems and it has shouldered the burden of more than its fair share of them in the past. However, every city in the world has the side of town where all the postcards are taken and the other side that no one wants anyone else to know about. Detroit is no different.

The city actually has quite a lot to offer, especially for anyone objective enough to see it for what it is. The GM building is rather breathtaking to look at and it defines the downtown area. On Woodward Avenue, there is a very unique building that has every single window painted by a professional artist. Considering that this is the heart of the arts district, it is easy to understand why this is so popular. However, the positive aspects of the city do not end there. Greektown is a great place to go to try some of the best restaurants in the city, as well as to enjoy a night life that practically never ends. Then there is my personal favorite restaurant, Giovanni's. Overall, Detroit MI is a good place to live. It has its problems, but who doesn't? Check out the ratings below to get a better idea of what it is like to live here.
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Transplant from Chicago, Detroit is on my most avoided list 1 rating By chitrasplant ( Aug 03, 2012) I have lived in the Detroit suburbs for 6 years now. I avoid Detroit like the plague. I lived in the Chicago burbs for 30 years and looked forward to a trip to the city. Museums, Art Galleries, Aquariums, Nightlife (several areas), fantastic Restaurants, great public transport ...Read More ation within the city as well as from the suburbs (Metra trains travel from all suburbs to Chicago). I travelled to Detroit a few times for football games, Eastern Market, and work Christmas parties. Driving through Detroit is depressing, it is a city that has mainly bad areas with a few good ones. We would pass the "theater district" which was butted up against vacant lands, dilapidated buildings, trash, basically a wasteland. The rest of the state is trickling down taxes to keep Detroit afloat, yet they still cannot do so. They closed the Detroit Science Center, which was fun and interactive for kids and adults alike. The Detroit Institute of Arts is on the verge of closing their doors unless a tax is passed in surrounding counties to keep it open. The Detroit Zoo is located in Royal Oak, MI. Another fun attraction is the Henry Ford Center and Greenfield Village which is located in another suburb, Dearborn. There are fantastic restaurants in the suburbs, no need for Detroit. There is fantastic nightlife in the suburbs, again no need for Detroit. Unemployment is high, Blight is high, Poverty is high. It is difficult to walk down the street in Greektown without being approached by panhandlers. At least in San Francisco, or Chicago they are juggling, playing an instrument or something entertaining. It is very sad that a city that was once thriving, is now broken. If Detroit was smart they would reign in their borders, bring the population closer in proximity, be able to use the fire/police/emergency personnel in a more efficient way, and maybe start rebuilding sometime in the future. I wish the best for you Detroit, but I will not help keep you afloat, it's time for tough love and hard decisions. Read Less
Living in the D 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 23, 2011) I was born and have lived in Detroit for much of my life, I have a great affinity for it. I won't lie, sometimes loving "the D" is pretty hard. Like a brother that has a reputation for being trouble, I find myself at once defensive of my hometown, and protective of it with a fier ...Read More ce love, while still worrying about its future.

It is strange to live in a city that people are afraid of. Detroiters, unable to change public worldwide perception, often embrace it. We revel in the moment when someone tries to hide the shock or even fear on their face when we answer the question "Where are you from?" with "Detroit."

We also smile with Cheshire grins when people turn their noses up at us. We know something they don't know. Detroit, despite its decay and obvious problems, remains a city with a pulse unlike any other. The architecture is amazing, with buildings unique in their design, dating back to the art deco period of the early 20th century. The restaurants boast an eclectic blend of tastes and flavors from around the world that reflect Detroit's population, with Greek, African, Italian, Irish, Middle Eastern and many other styles represented. The music scene out of Detroit is legendary. Motown is alive and well nightly with the sounds of talented local musicians of every genre spilling out of the nightclubs. Detroit is being revitalized, with a beautiful riverfront that houses shops, clubs, restaurants and sports venues. I am proud to live in Detroit and I love introducing visitors to its many charms. Read Less
Great Deals when visiting, and also to live there a if you have job 3 rating By ThomasK ( Feb 22, 2011) I lived in Detroit from 1998 to 2005.

I moved to the Detroit area from a smaller city an hour and a half north of the city. I moved to a Detroit Suburb to attend College. I lived in two suburbs of Detroit and a high rise right downtown a few blocks from where the Detroit Tigers
...Read More play at Comerica Park. So I have a varied base for my review. Detroit has a bad reputation, some of it rightly so, let's be honest. As is often the case the worst makes the news, and that's what people base their opinions on. There are a lot of empty rundown buildings in the area, and there are areas of the city that are not safe for outsiders or the residents for that matter. I'm sure that all major cities suffer to some extent in the same way. The percentage of these bad areas just happens to be much higher. So when comparing I would say it's not any worse or more dangerous, there is just more of it geographically.

In its heyday Detroit was the fastest growing city in the world, now it's a city in decline or limbo depending on who you ask. I enjoyed my time there, as an architecture student I was intrigued by the decay and empty buildings. The arts community has embraced the current urban landscape, by converting old warehouses into co-op studios and galleries. They river front has been developed with a water fountain, walking and bike paths. You can also rent bikes right there on the river front. When in lived in downtown Detroit there were several new restaurants opening, filling in the vacant store fronts. It was exciting to see. I go back several times a year and I see that some have come and gone but I still see progress towards a more vibrant downtown.

I currently live in Chicago, IL and have visited several other major cities. Now standing on the outside, I think if you have a good job, Detroit or its suburbs is a good place to live. The key being a job, as the unemployment rate is one of the highest in the country. The cost of living there is really low compared to the other cities I have been to. Your money can go pretty far in the Detroit area. I see that the city is trying to draw new industries to the area, and I think if that happens and jobs are there, Detroit is prime for a rebound. I see a lot of potential; it just needs to find its momentum.

If you are looking to visit Detroit you will find low prices for good quality accommodations. The nightlife may not be all concentrated in one area like you're used to in other big cities, but it is there. A quick internet search is all it takes. While the Detroit area does have a bus system, from what I hear you cannot depend on it. You will need a car to get around. Read Less
Detroit, MI - Somebody Please Give Me A Reason To Go Back!!! 2 rating By AV Jon ( Nov 09, 2010) I was unlucky enough to visit the city of Detroit, MI in January/2000's. I'm not sure if it was the weather or the fact that my cab driver almost killed me on my ride to the hotel, but my first impression was not good. Once my brain thawed out from the cold, I finally got my bear ...Read More ings. I stayed at the Marriott (400 Renaissance Dr). The hotel was the highlight of my trip to Detroit. It was located right on the Riverwalk, which as you may have guessed, is right on the water. There was a great bar/restaurant that was always busy at night and served good snacks. The best part was a 5 story atrium that looked out over the water. Overall, a great hotel for the price (under $100/night).

The city of Detroit itself is very industrial in my opinion. There are many large buildings, most with as much character as a shrub. If you're looking for good food in Detroit, you might be on a wild goose chase. Aside from the local McDonalds and Burger king, I couldn't find anywhere decent to eat. I did visit the Detroit Institute of Arts which had a great art collection. But other than that there were not many attractions in Detroit that I could see. The local residents seemed unwilling to have any kind of conversation, even when asked for directions.

Overall, Detroit didn't provide a great experience. Maybe I'm missing something, but someone please give me a reason to go back! Read Less
A Guide Through the City of Detroit, Michigan 3 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 29, 2010) Separating facts from myths about the city of Detroit is sometimes a very hard thing to do. Yes, there are some very poor neighborhoods with a great deal of poverty-stricken residents out of work and looking for housing. There is also some of the best nightlife that you will be a ...Read More ble to find in the continental United States. Detroit has also become the mecca for multicultural living, as people from all walks of life have decided to call the city of Detroit their home.

That being said, there is also the bad side to a city like Detroit, as there always is with larger cities in the United States. The amount of pollution in the air makes it difficult to breathe at various points throughout the day. The sheer number of factories that make up the Detroit workforce makes this an evident issue. Also, transportation around the city of Detroit has a lot to be desired. City buses are fairly scarce, which makes walking around Detroit seem like an arduous, unpleasant task. Read Less

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Detroit Awards

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      Detroit, MI

      Detroit, affectionately named the "Motor City," is the heartbeat of southeast Michigan. More than 4 million residents call Metro Detroit their home. Detroit is diverse in its people, culture and economy, making it a Midwestern gem that piques the curiosity of young professionals and families who want to relocate to a vibrant city.

      Detroit is well-known as the hub of the U.S. automotive industry. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, as well as several automotive suppliers, are headquartered in Metro Detroit. Factories that produce the most innovative designs of U.S. automotives "Big Three" are found throughout Southeast Lower Michigan. Although the automotive industry dominates, those who relocate to Detroit quickly realize that it is only a part of the city's livelihood. Quicken Loans, Little Caesars, Shinola and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan are a short list of companies that are also headquartered in this dynamic city.

      While the overall cost of living in Detroit is somewhat below the national average, housing costs are drastically lower that the rest of the country. Revitalization efforts in Detroit's Downtown, Midtown and New Center areas make it possible to purchase an inexpensive home that will rapidly increase in value with a little love. Rental prices in Detroit follow a similar trend, with some homes rented at half the cost of the national average.

      If you are worried about getting around the Motor City, you can put your fears to rest. Detroit is well-connected to area communities by a network of easy-to-navigate freeways. Bus transportation is also available within Detroit and to surrounding suburbs. If you're spending a day in Detroit's Downtown, the People Mover is the transportation of choice, operating in a 3-mile loop and making strategic stops at the city's most popular attractions. If you have your sights set on more distant destinations, the Detroit Metropolitan Airport offers flights to nearly any U.S. or international city.

      In Detroit, you'll be immersed in culture and entertainment that is unlike anything you've experienced elsewhere. Music has a history of uniting Detroit residents, with blues, jazz, R&B, rock, hip-hop and techno artists introducing these genres to eager audiences. Live musical and theatrical performances are showcased in the iconic buildings of the Fox Theatre, Fischer Theatre, Detroit Opera House, the Masonic Temple, the Filmore, Majestic Theatre and several others in Detroit.

      Michigan's weather is notorious for its ever-changing nature. Detroit residents experience cold winters with moderate amounts of snow that turn into mild summers with glittering sunlight that bounces off of the Detroit River. A short journey to suburban locales takes winter-lovers to the ski hills and snowmobile trails that they crave. Summer brings opportunities to enjoy the beauty of Belle Isle Park or the Detroit Riverfront.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Detroit? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Campus Martius Park
      Cadillac Square Park
      Lafayette Greens
      Capitol Park
      Hart Plaza
      Harmonie Park
      Times Square-Clifford Park


      Guardian Building
      American Coney Island
      Lafayette Coney Island
      Trust Cocktails, Shareables, Nightlife
      Saint Andrew's Hall
      Library Street Collective

      Food & Drink

      Shake Shack
      Foran's Grand Trunk
      The Checker Cab
      Food Carnival
      Mike's Bar & Grill

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Detroit? Of all people who commute, 6.6% take public transportation in Detroit.
      Drive to Work

      8% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      1% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Detroit a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Detroit Medical Center
      Kresge Eye Institute
      DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital
      St. John Hospital and Medical Center
      Henry Ford Hospital
      St. John Providence Hospital
      John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
      Samaritan Center


      University Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Platinum Care Pharmacy
      Wyoming Discount Health Mart Pharmacy
      Southwest Discount Pharmacy
      Town Pharmacy
      Knight Drugs


      Grace Dialysis Center
      DMC Health Care Center - Detroit
      Bon Secours Internal Medicine
      Northeast Physician Associates Health Center
      WSU Physician's Group
      Medicina Urbana
      Detroit Medical Center
      Lawrence B Rubin Dpm Pc