Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities C+

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (40) B
Entertainment (3) F
Food and Drink (76) D-
Fitness (14) C-
Groceries (18) F
Parks (135) A+
Shops (163) C+
See more Kirkland amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 8.7% take public transportation in Kirkland.
Public Transit Stops (269)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Kirkland commute data

cost of living F

The cost of living in Kirkland is 183/100 - which is 55% higher than Washington.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Kirkland cost of living data

crime B+

Kirkland crime rates are 2,173 per 100k, which is 33% lower than Washington
Property Crime
2,062 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
111 crimes per 100k
See more Kirkland crime data

employment A+

The median income in Kirkland is $116,595 - which is 86% higher than Washington.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Kirkland employment data

health A+

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (72)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Kirkland health & safety data

housing B+

Kirkland home prices are $724,700 - which is 169% higher than Washington
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
6.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Kirkland housing data

schools A+

The Kirkland graduation rate is 95% - which is 10% higher than Washington
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (28) D-
High Schools (10) F
See more Kirkland education data

ratings A-

Kirkland has an overall rating of 79% from 17 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (14)
From AreaVibes
See more Kirkland user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Kirkland, WA
( 17 Ratings )

Living in Kirkland, WA

Kirkland Area Facts

  • Kirkland has a Livability Score of 83/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Kirkland crime rates are 33% lower than the Washington average
  • Cost of living in Kirkland is 55% higher than the Washington average
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Kirkland Reviews

Write a review about Kirkland Tell people what you like or don't like about Kirkland…
Pricetag to match everyone's ego 2 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 09, 2021) I was born and raised in Kirkland. I moved away as an adult and decided I wanted to come back to raise my children after the recession of 2008, price is plummeted for a couple years but sure spiked right back up. When I was a kid this was small town living by the mid eighties pri ...Read More ces started to skyrocket and the yuppies moved in it's gotten worse since Microsoft and Google. What you get are a bunch of snobby ass rich people and middle class who are aspiring to be snobby as rich people. They're extremely unwelcoming if you do not fit into the "in" crowd. Most conversations with people relate around what new thing they have bought for their house what new classes there kids are in and so on. It's nauseating honestly. It is everything a place would be if you were looking for people with inflated pride and ego. Average people can't afford to live here the cost of living is outrageous. We're looking to move out of here and I have watched countless neighbors lose their homes and move to somewhere cheaper simply because it's not affordable. If you want to live next to a Carol or next to a covert racist republican, I suggest moving to kirkland. Read Less
You get what you pay for! 5 rating By ( Jul 10, 2017) There is nothing wrong with this city aside for the hefty price tag. Buying a house here and maintaining a living is tough but you get what you pay for. Everything in this city is perfect the people are nice the parks are nice the restaurants and shops are nice. Does not get any ...Read More better than this. Read Less
Great town 4.5 rating By Ranger ( Oct 21, 2014) A lot to like about living in Kirkland. I'll just say right off that housing is expensive here. Having said that, every time we think about moving somewhere else we always are reminded of how great it is right here. The housing is high for a reason. There are a lot of high paying ...Read More tech type jobs here. Microsoft and Google are big employers here. Kirkland has a very vibrant town center with a great lakeside park as the center that the town revolves around. The much larger Bellevue is only minutes away, but Kirkland has evolved as the place to be. A nice variety of eateries and coffee shops. Kirkland is also known for its art galleries. The town center is a fabulous area to just go take a walk in the park or along the lake shore. Very low crime here, and I have never ever felt unsafe here at any time of day or night. There is a great variety of neighborhoods although as I said before pretty pricey. We have lived here for over 30 years and have seen much change. The negatives to that change is "traffic". I will say that traffic is about the only thing I don't like about Kirkland. The schools are rated very high. We have learned how to deal with the traffic and make it work. There are certain times you just don't go here or there. You adjust. All in all, everything you need is nearby. Parks, larger cities, shopping malls (Bellevue Mall, Redmond Town Center), Lake Washington waterfront, hiking, skiing, water sports, biking, etc.. Kirkland even has an equestrian neighborhood (Bridle Trails) with a huge state park that caters to horseback riding! Very rare for a high density area. We live within walking distance to Kirkland town center yet can go for a walk and see horses lounging in their corrals. You won't find that anywhere in Seattle. Read Less
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Great town 4.5 rating By Ranger ( Oct 21, 2014) A lot to like about living in Kirkland. I'll just say right off that housing is expensive here. Having said that, every time we think about moving somewhere else we always are reminded of how great it is right here. The housing is high for a reason. There are a lot of high paying ...Read More tech type jobs here. Microsoft and Google are big employers here. Kirkland has a very vibrant town center with a great lakeside park as the center that the town revolves around. The much larger Bellevue is only minutes away, but Kirkland has evolved as the place to be. A nice variety of eateries and coffee shops. Kirkland is also known for its art galleries. The town center is a fabulous area to just go take a walk in the park or along the lake shore. Very low crime here, and I have never ever felt unsafe here at any time of day or night. There is a great variety of neighborhoods although as I said before pretty pricey. We have lived here for over 30 years and have seen much change. The negatives to that change is "traffic". I will say that traffic is about the only thing I don't like about Kirkland. The schools are rated very high. We have learned how to deal with the traffic and make it work. There are certain times you just don't go here or there. You adjust. All in all, everything you need is nearby. Parks, larger cities, shopping malls (Bellevue Mall, Redmond Town Center), Lake Washington waterfront, hiking, skiing, water sports, biking, etc.. Kirkland even has an equestrian neighborhood (Bridle Trails) with a huge state park that caters to horseback riding! Very rare for a high density area. We live within walking distance to Kirkland town center yet can go for a walk and see horses lounging in their corrals. You won't find that anywhere in Seattle. Read Less

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Kirkland Awards

Compare Kirkland, WA Livability


      C+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Kirkland? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      McAuliffe Park
      Juanita Bay Park
      Crestwoods Park
      Forbes Creek Park
      Highlands Park
      Cotton Hill Park
      Juanita Beach Park
      North Kirkland Community Center Playground


      Kirkland Arts Center
      Kirkland Performance Center
      Tech City Bowl
      JM Cellars
      Chateau Ste. Michelle Stage
      Magnuson Community Garden Amphitheater
      Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery
      Columbia Winery

      Food & Drink

      Pagliacci Pizza
      Mongolian Grill
      Bungalow at Juanita Beach
      Maelstrom Brewing
      Five Guys
      Jimmy John's
      Papa Murphy's

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Kirkland? Of all people who commute, 8.7% take public transportation in Kirkland.
      Drive to Work

      9% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      equal to the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Kirkland a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      EvergreenHealth Kirkland
      Fairfax Hospital
      Eastside Therapeutic Resource
      Odegard Chiropractic Clinic


      Bartell Drugs
      Bartell Drugs
      Herban Wellness
      Bartell Drugs
      Market Street Natural Health
      Bartell Drugs
      Fred Meyer Pharmacy
      Bartell Drugs


      Lake Washington Therapy
      Kirha Healing Arts
      Evergreen Health Urology & Urogynecology
      Empowered Pregnancy
      WA Urology and Urogynecology
      Neal, Leonard & Sorenson Facial Surgeons
      Zachary Joos M.D.
      Market Street Chiropractic