Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (126) A+
Entertainment (143) A+
Food and Drink (324) A+
Fitness (18) F
Groceries (69) A+
Parks (224) A+
Shops (384) A+
See more New Orleans amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 5.7% take public transportation in New Orleans.
Public Transit Stops (315)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more New Orleans commute data

cost of living B-

The cost of living in New Orleans is 106/100 - which is 17% higher than Louisiana.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more New Orleans cost of living data

crime F

New Orleans crime rates are 6,451 per 100k, which is 103% higher than Louisiana
Property Crime
5,090 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,361 crimes per 100k
See more New Orleans crime data

employment D

The median income in New Orleans is $43,258 - which is 5% lower than Louisiana.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more New Orleans employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (112)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more New Orleans health & safety data

housing B-

New Orleans home prices are $250,000 - which is 69% higher than Louisiana
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
5.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more New Orleans housing data

schools C+

The New Orleans graduation rate is 83% - which is 6% higher than Louisiana
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (103) F
High Schools (50) B-
See more New Orleans education data

ratings D-

New Orleans has an overall rating of 52% from 39 reviews.
User Reviews (11)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (28)
From AreaVibes
See more New Orleans user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of New Orleans, LA
( 39 Ratings )

Living in New Orleans, LA

New Orleans Area Facts

  • New Orleans has a Livability Score of 75/100, which is considered excellent
  • New Orleans crime rates are 103% higher than the Louisiana average
  • Cost of living in New Orleans is 17% higher than the Louisiana average
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New Orleans Reviews

Write a review about New Orleans Tell people what you like or don't like about New Orleans…
Once apon a time 2 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 06, 2021) Wow, one of the wealthiest cities in the world but it has terrible weather. Not only that but this city also has very bad crime ...Read More Read Less
Fine to Visit. Don't Recommend Living There 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 21, 2019) Amazing food (albeit often unhealthy). Fresh seafood, oysters, oysters, oysters. Copious amounts of alcohol. Numerous festivals all the time, seemingly a festival for everything, although most, if not all, are just excuses do drink heavily. For some that's heaven, but for me ...Read More the appeal wore off quickly. It should go without saying that the nightlife is plentiful. Good music, but nothing that's going to blow your mind more than many other cities. New Orleans is home to the National WWII Museum, due to the fact that the D-Day landing craft (Higgens Boats) were built in this city. The WWII museum is awesome, but I wish it were somewhere else, like Chicago, or Washington D.C. I think it would get more attention if it were not in New Orleans.
Rent is so-so, high as a kite in the Quarter, but more reasonable if you go a few blocks away. The thing about New Orleans is that good a bad neighborhoods can literally be from street to street. There a gentrified neighborhoods here and there mixed in with the ghetto.
Streets are terrible, pot holes abound. Some streets look like the surface of the Moon, or Normandy beach after the D-Day naval bombardment. These don't get fixed because....I don't know but they just don't.
There seems to always be this stagnant smell and feel to the air. A kind of swampy stink, which makes sense, because the city is basically in the middle of a stinky swamp. The French Quarter itself smells like piss, trash, stale beer, and vomit.
The place is a sauna. From November to March it isn't too bad, but after that it is hot as Hell. You can walk from your front door to your car and break a sweat. Humidity that can be cut with a knife.
New Orleans also has a distinct lack of attractive buildings, French Quarter stuff aside. All the house and apartment buildings are old, or seem old. It is just not a very pretty city.
Crime is horrendous. Bad. Shameful. Car jackings in broad daylight, shootings, stabbings, and muggings all day long. New Orleans city government is corrupt and incompetent (Louisiana as a whole is ranked bottom in terms of how things are governed). Public schools are a hopeless loss. Honestly New Orleans is more like a city in a third world nation.
In summation- like a resort city in a third world nation, New Orleans might be worth visiting for a few days or so, but I personally could never, in good faith, or with a straight face, recommend to anyone to live here. Sorry. Read Less
Basin Street Parking - Crooks 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 07, 2019) We parked our large pick-up on this lot across from St Louis Cemetery 4 days without an issue. Great location and reasonable price. We have a large vehicle dual rear wheel pick-up so we park far away from other vehicles. The parking lot owner had our vehicle booted for parking ...Read More over the lines when we were not within 50 yards of another vehicle. This tells me that this company and ownership is a rip-off preying on visitors. $120 later they un-booted our vehicle and when we asked why they did it, the response was "cash or card".... Soured our whole experience of the day's visit. Read Less
Don't spend ur vacation here 0.5 rating By Marlins sucks ( Aug 06, 2017) I will give u the truth from a native born New Orleanian.The place is a dump.Majority black racist ghetto ,with pockets of ultra rich snobs.The streets and public schools are worse than any third world country.Crime ridden cesspool.typical liberal run city.Water utilities,rent an ...Read More d insurance are unaffordable for the middle class.Welfare PLANTATION mentalitt.The people are ignorant rude and hateful. It's not the politicians but the ignorant sheep like ctizens.Avoid this dump at all costs and my advice will save u from a mugging,carjacking, beat down , rape and murder.U have read the truth about this place.God packed up his stuff and left too! Read Less
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Basin Street Parking - Crooks 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 07, 2019) We parked our large pick-up on this lot across from St Louis Cemetery 4 days without an issue. Great location and reasonable price. We have a large vehicle dual rear wheel pick-up so we park far away from other vehicles. The parking lot owner had our vehicle booted for parking ...Read More over the lines when we were not within 50 yards of another vehicle. This tells me that this company and ownership is a rip-off preying on visitors. $120 later they un-booted our vehicle and when we asked why they did it, the response was "cash or card".... Soured our whole experience of the day's visit. Read Less
Don't spend ur vacation here 0.5 rating By Marlins sucks ( Aug 06, 2017) I will give u the truth from a native born New Orleanian.The place is a dump.Majority black racist ghetto ,with pockets of ultra rich snobs.The streets and public schools are worse than any third world country.Crime ridden cesspool.typical liberal run city.Water utilities,rent an ...Read More d insurance are unaffordable for the middle class.Welfare PLANTATION mentalitt.The people are ignorant rude and hateful. It's not the politicians but the ignorant sheep like ctizens.Avoid this dump at all costs and my advice will save u from a mugging,carjacking, beat down , rape and murder.U have read the truth about this place.God packed up his stuff and left too! Read Less
Boy has it changed 1 rating By Catty ( May 24, 2017) I have been coming here for years and it has changed . It is so dirty and smells of vomit and urine. The food in the French quarter has gone downhill and is barely passable. But nothing is more disappointing then the amount of homeless that are strung out on drugs and beg for mon ...Read More ey aggresively. The people that work in the French quarter are rude and ignorant. My children in their 20's found the French quarter to be disgusting as well. Will never go back!!!! Read Less
My favorite place on earth 4 rating By HiThere ( Sep 04, 2013) So, the bad stuff first. A reviewer (Brian, I believe) mentioned New Orleans' ugly, negative characteristics, and I'm not going to lie and say he's making them ALL up. He isn't. I gave the city four stars rather than five in an attempt to be objective about these things. It's tru ...Read More e that in N.O., the politics tend to be corrupt, crime is a problem, it's dirty, the heat is oppressive, and the public school system is sketchy unless you live across the lake in Mandeville or somewhere like that. However...

I've lived in 6 different states and 9 different cities, and I've never felt more at home or at peace than when I'm in New Orleans. Each time I leave (especially since Katrina), I literally grieve and immediately start planning how and when I can come back. It sounds corny, but I feel a sense of "magic" there, and it's as if all my anxieties and problems sort of disappear when I get into town. No matter where I go, nothing compares to the way I feel when I'm in New Orleans. The place (for me) carries a sense of, "Everything is OK. Just relax and enjoy the day." There is no judgment, pressure, or expectation to "hurry up," "do it right," defend my perspective, or compete for anything (except parking, haha). You don't have to work on Mardi Gras, dinner can last for 2-3 hours, and people frequently greet each other - even distant acquaintances - with hugs. No one cares if you're quirky or traditional, bubbly or reserved, etc. New Orleans as a community simply "gets it" - that life is about the present moment, laughing and having fun, being with friends and family, expressing yourself, and simply living your life.

So, yes, if you live in New Orleans (or just visit), you will need to lock your doors, keep your valuables out of plain view, and avoid talking to weird drunk dudes if you're alone. I have to do the same thing when I'm in Atlanta or D.C. If it's important to you to live in an efficiently run city in which potholes are promptly repaired (or repaired at all), government buildings open on time, and/or the smell of rum and beignets doesn't linger the morning after a parade or festival, you'll probably dislike New Orleans. If you like uniqueness (and are maybe even a little different yourself), rich and vibrant culture, and a slow and easy lifestyle, there is absolutely no place like it. :)

BTW, anyone (say, the reviewer I mentioned above) who says N.O. shopping is poor or downplays the quality of the food really isn't being very honest. Read Less
Magnificent New Orleans, LA 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 24, 2011) I lived in New Orleans for a year and a half. It truly is a great city full of great food and culture. I moved to New Orleans from Baton Rouge, so I found it a refreshing change with lots of things to do. There is always something new and exciting going on in this city. The Jazz ...Read More Fest, usually occurring around April or May, attracts visitors from around the world. The Christmas parade runs through downtown and makes for a great family outing. Mardi Gras, perhaps what New Orleans is most famous for, is also a pretty adventurous season. Parades usually start in January and last through Fat Tuesday. Tuesday festivities include a full day of back to back parades, followed by lots of partying on Bourbon Street.

New Orleans also has great culture and museums. The downtown streets are old cobblestone and make you feel like you're in an old Western film. I would recommend the Aquarium of Americas for families. The children's museum is right next door also. A few short steps further is the Riverwalk, which consists of many shops and restaurants. I like to go to the top floor and use the telescope to look out into the distance. There's water for miles, but you might just catch a bird doing something interesting.

Of course New Orleans does have crime and there are parts to steer clear from. Anytime you are downtown at night, it's best not to be alone. The police have gotten really good about patrolling the area to keep crime down. I lived in the middle of downtown, in a secured building, and never had issues with a break in or robbery. Don't let the bad things you've heard about the city keep you away. Read Less
Worst City In USA 0.5 rating By BrianCollins777 ( Oct 27, 2011) I lived in New Orleans for 15 months. I have never seen so many people so proud to live in an absolute dump. It's amazing how proud of this filthy place people are. The crime is absolutely horrible. I lived in a "nice" area and was scared to go out of my front door. Everywhere yo ...Read More u drive, you fear for your life. You have to spend a fortune to live in a so called "nice" area. The cost of living is OUTRAGEOUS! It is like a third world country. People are trashy. Businesses are all trashy. Houses are very poorly kept. The landscape is ugly. People always talk about the great food. I never understood that either. In New Orleans you have Boudreaux's poboy stand that looks like it's about to fall down and people rave about how that's like the best food in the world! In New Orleans that's wwhat they talk about good food. Some Po Boy restaurant that's falling to pieces, right next door to the projects. I am so glad I got out of there. I will never understand why so many people love New Orleans. Read Less
LOVE New Orleans 5 rating By DWalk ( Feb 24, 2011) I have many fond memories of New Orleans. As a child we would spend summers there with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. As a young adult I would travel there and always find something new. As an adult, I got the thrill of living there for 5 years. Now, as a parent, I ...Read More bring my children there.

My most favorite time of year to go to New Orleans is for Jazz Fest. It happens every year at the same time; the last weekend in April, the first weekend in May. To me, this is the festival that epitomizes what New Orleans is; a merging of music, culture, food, and fun. It is unlike anything I have experienced anywhere else. And I have to tell you I have traveled, world-wide, extensively.

Unfortunately, New Orleans has been publicized strictly for Bourbon Street. Folks! This is about five blocks of night life out of the entire city!! Not fair. New Orleans has so much to offer. You can tour the Garden District, Canal Street, the bayous and swamps outside of the city. You can walk along the river, around the lake. You can canoe along the river, the bayous, the lake. You can walk up and down Magazine Street and explore all of the art galleries with the local art.

There is so much to offer here. New foods, new sites, new sounds. My favorite thing about this city is that around every corner you find street music, new types of food, and new sites. This to me, is what gives this city its unique soul and sound.

If you are looking for a unique adventure, travel to New Orleans. And you don't have to stay in the famous French Quarter. Try staying in the Garden District or on Magazine Street for a different view of this amazing city. Read Less
Beautiful, Historical City 5 rating By Dawnotello ( Feb 02, 2011) New Orleans is a city that I visit often. I have family there and love having and excuse to visit this awesome city. Everyone asks about Mardi Gras when I mention going to New Orleans. And, yes, they certainly know how to throw a party in New Orleans. The French Quarter is practi ...Read More cally never closed and there is usually something fun going on there, but there is so much more to New Orleans than the parties.

The food in this town is amazing. The Camellia Grill is my number one place for breakfast. You don't have to go to a big name restaurant either to get good food. There are plenty of small, family-owned cafes and diners that have some of the best Cajun food ever made. There is some great shopping in town, too. From the French Quarter, where there are dozens of shops, you can walk to the mall on Canal. And, the history of New Orleans is evident everywhere you go. The city is has some of the grandest old homes and largest oak trees I have ever seen. They have various walking-tours available as well. Some are strictly factual and historic, others have fun themes. I've been on both types of tours and enjoyed them equally. The parks in town are beautiful too. We have so much fun taking the kids to the parks in the Garden District and near the university. I think there is something for just about anyone to enjoy in New Orleans. Read Less
New Orleans - Crescent City Class 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) I have lived in the city of New Orleans, on and off, for most of my life. Compared to just about any other city I have been to, New Orleans has a certain "je ne sais quoi" that is unmatched just about anywhere else. It is hard to define but it is a combination of classic Southern ...Read More hospitality, the Big Easy's old world charm, its rich culture and history and of course, a culinary adventure that leaves no stone unturned and no taste bud unstimulated. In New Orleans you'll find many great restaurants with famous names attached to them.

New Orleans may have its drawbacks but they are relatively minor ones. Plan on visiting before summer really gets started because it gets quite hot here. Bourbon Street, while famous, is an unabashed tourist trap. To see the real New Orleans venture out of the French Quarter a little bit. Hardcore shopaholics might be a tad disappointed if they expect all the haute couture of Rodeo Drive, but Canal Place or Magazine Street will serve in a pinch. Read Less

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Compare New Orleans, LA Livability


      New Orleans, LA

      The Big Easy is one of America's best-known party cities, but there is so much more to offer in this southern destination. Founded in 1718 by Jean Baptist Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville, the city has worked hard to recover its glory following the devastation that Hurricane Katrina caused. Thanks to a resilient populace who has a love for the city, New Orleans is back on its feet, and the city is once again treating residents and guests to never-ending entertainment and merriment on Canal Street and other city hotspots.

      Those looking to buy or rent a home in New Orleans will find that the area offers a good choice of homes at price points all along the spectrum. While homes in New Orleans may be more expensive than other parts of the state, in general they are still pretty affordable when compared to larger metropolitan areas. East Jefferson Hospital is one of the largest employers in the area, and the hospital was one of the big players in keeping folks safe during the worst of Hurricane Katrina. Lockheed Martin has a large operation in the city that is concentrated on the space program and NASA support. Harrah's Casino also is a large employer in the area who operates one of the biggest hotels and gambling establishments in the area.

      While there are over 375,000 who live in New Orleans, the city does not seem to have any major traffic problems. Asides from the occasional traffic jam during Mardi Gras or another big event that is in town, it is fairly easy to get around the city. Interstate 10 cuts from east to west in the city, and it offers access to other points along the coast.

      New Orleans East Area, Uptown, and Dillard are a few of the neighborhoods that are popular with those who are looking to buy or rent a home for their family. The French Quarter can be a fun place to live for those who are single, but it may be hard to find a home that is for sale since many of them double as vacation rentals for tourists who are looking to come and have a good time on Bourbon Street.

      Jackson Square is home to some of the city's most iconic landmarks, and it is the place you should head if you want to try one of New Orleans world-famous beignets. The French Quarter is a fun place to go if you are looking for a night out on the town that involves great food, good music, and a lot of friendly folks. NORTA operates bus service in the city to get you home after that long, long night at the bar.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in New Orleans? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Lafayette Square
      Richard & Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Plaza
      Duncan Plaza
      Musical Legends Park
      Bienville Place
      British Plaza
      Harmony Circle
      Freenotes Harmony Park


      The Civic Theatre
      Eagle Saloon
      Bourbon Street
      Bourbon Street
      Bourbon Street
      The Sazerac House
      Davenport Lounge
      Hard Rock Cafe

      Food & Drink

      Catahoula Rooftop Bar
      Smoothie King
      Mike Serio's Po-Boys
      Mike Serio's Po-Boys
      Welty's Deli
      Sazerac Bar at The Roosevelt

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in New Orleans? Of all people who commute, 5.7% take public transportation in New Orleans.
      Drive to Work

      10% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      1% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% higher than the US average

      A- Health & Safety

      Is New Orleans a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Community Care Hospital
      Saint Catherine Memorial Hospital
      Saint Charles Surgical Hospital
      NOEH Emergency
      Children's Hospital Calhoun Campus
      Touro Infirmary
      Oschner Baptist Medical Center
      Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System


      CVS Pharmacy
      Rite Aid


      Sickle Cell Center of Southern Louisiana
      New Directions Adult Day Health Center
      Moses Plastic Surgery
      Delgado STD Clinic