Orchards 75 Excellent
Orchards Livability #146 ranked city in Washington#3,489 ranked city in the USARanks better than 88% of areas

Pros and Cons of Living in Orchards

  • Commute

    An elevated score in the commute category points to excellent public transit accessibility and shorter-than-average work commute times in this area.

  • Housing

    High scores in the housing category are a distinguishing feature of this area, possibly driven by a favorable home affordability ratio, higher home values and appreciation rates.

  • Health & Safety

    Good air quality as well as nearby health facilities like hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, fire and police stations all contribute to a higher than average health and safety score.

  • Ratings

    Based on recent surveys and polls, locals gave high marks in the walkability to local amenities, safety, public transit, friendliness of neighbors and overall sense of community in the area.

  • Amenities

    The majority of amenities are not ideally located within walking distance. To access these amenities, residents may be required to rely on a vehicle or public transit.

  • Crime

    This area reports elevated crime rates per 100,000 individuals, potentially pointing some areas being unsafe for its residents. Stats are based on both property and violent crimes.

  • Schools

    The low schools score could result from issues like below-average graduation rates, inadequate reading and math scores, and the unavailability of local elementary and high schools.

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What's it like Living in Orchards?

Orchards, Washington is a medium-sized city with a population of 26,289 inhabitants. In Orchards, there are 4,911 people per square mile, which is well above the national population density average. The majority of Orchards residents report their race to be White; this is followed by Asian and Black. Something to be aware of when living in Orchards are the above average commute times. If you're looking for a short commute to work, this might not be the right area for you. With one way commute time of 30 minutes, this comes in much higher than the national average of 26 minutes.

Are you trying to decide if living in Orchards is the right fit for your lifestyle? To ensure a good experience before relocating to any new city in Washington, you will probably want to make sure that you check all of the most important boxes. Several key factors deserve attention. For one, safety is paramount, ensuring that your new area is low in crime is key. Proximity to workplaces or schools minimizes commute times and fosters convenience. Access to essential amenities like parks, grocery stores, food, fitness, shops and healthcare facilities enhances daily life. Efficient public transportation options provide mobility and connectivity. The sense of community creates a welcoming and supportive environment. Lastly, the overall atmosphere, encompassing the vibe, aesthetics, and lifestyle offerings, contributes to a fulfilling living experience. Considering these elements helps identify the ideal neighborhood for your needs and preferences. To help you find the best places to live in and around Orchards, AreaVibes has created a livability score using key metrics like crime, cost of living, employment, housing and more.

Using data and statistics Orchards has received a livability score of 76/100. This score is ranked in the 91st percentile when compared to all other cities. Pack your bags! This is a very high score in comparison to other US cities. Living in Orchards could be a great choice! Another exciting tidbit, is that Orchards ranks better than 90% of all US cities! There are nine total categories that generate the livability score. Orchards ranks well for employment (B) and housing (A+) On a less positive note, Orchards does not have favorable ranks for the following: amenities (F), crime (D-) and education (D-). If we take a look at the data, we can find out why.

Finding affordable real estate and housing in Orchards can be tricky. Having said that, this area might be the place to get the best of both worlds. Based on factors like home/rental affordability and appreciation rates, this area has received an above average score in the housing category. A healthy real estate market can lead to wealth appreciation for property owners, as rising property values can contribute to homeowners' equity, financial stability and the ability to build long-term wealth.

There are many factors that go into deciding if an area is the right fit for your lifestyle. Certain “must haves” like low crime, great schools and nearby amenities are all at the top of most people's lists. But before even considering if those options are attainable, we'll need to know if the real estate in Orchards is actually affordable. Median real estate prices in Orchards come in at $317,100, which is 17.7% higher than the Washington average. The home price to income ratio compares the median home prices to the median household income. In Orchards, the home price to income ratio is 4.2, which is 2.3% lower than the Washington average.

Best Places to Live in and Around Orchards

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      Orchards transportation information

      Statistic Orchards Washington National
      Average one way commute30min27min26min
      Workers who drive to work81.9%72.3%76.4%
      Workers who carpool7.7%10.2%9.3%
      Workers who take public transit0.5%6.2%5.1%
      Workers who bicycle0.4%0.9%0.6%
      Workers who walk0.4%3.6%2.8%
      Working from home6.5%5.6%4.6%
      Source: The Orchards, WA data and statistics displayed above are derived from the United States Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS).