Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (18) C-
Entertainment (41) A+
Food and Drink (175) A-
Fitness (6) F
Groceries (37) F
Parks (248) A+
Shops (157) A+
See more Wichita amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.6% take public transportation in Wichita.
Public Transit Stops (4)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Wichita commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Wichita is 92/100 - which is 3% higher than Kansas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Wichita cost of living data

crime F

Wichita crime rates are 5,865 per 100k, which is 132% higher than Kansas
Property Crime
4,732 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,132 crimes per 100k
See more Wichita crime data

employment C-

The median income in Wichita is $53,466 - which is equal to Kansas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Wichita employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (74)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Wichita health & safety data

housing A+

Wichita home prices are $138,100 - which is 2% higher than Kansas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.6x (home price to income ratio)
See more Wichita housing data

schools F

The Wichita graduation rate is 83% - which is 4% lower than Kansas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (110) F
High Schools (23) F
See more Wichita education data

ratings F

Wichita has an overall rating of 49% from 60 reviews.
User Reviews (15)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (45)
From AreaVibes
See more Wichita user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
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( 60 Ratings )

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Avoid the whole city and avoid the whole state 1 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 18, 2022) I so far have lived in Wichita, and am extremely disgusted and appalled at the city. Do not move here if you are moving from a big city like Salem, OR and do not expect it to be a fair play. The city is full of super snobby residents, as well as ignorant, uncultered, touchy as SI ...Read More N and waste of space dummies. I hate this place so much. Costs are average, and the housing is fair for me. The restaraunt business is gaining attention though. I will never come back to this draconian black hole.

HEAD MY WORDS: Refrain from moving here! Avoid the whole city and whole state! Read Less
A very HARSH experience here.. 1 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 04, 2022) Living in Wichita has been a harsh experience especially with police brutality with my cousin at 24 years old who was savagely beaten by a cop with a botan and a taser..It was a really bad time for my wife who was taking care of my backyard garden and left the water pitcher and t ...Read More he cop thought it was blood inside...was completely red.....everything was ready and the cop didn’t care, he sued us and now we are stuck....we can’t stand living here anymore and are choosing what to do next, since even the City Council is debating on locking this wacko cop up in jail and has no respect or dignity for civilians around us....everything is costing us much more than just making end’s meat and putting food on the dinner table.... this city is full of uncultered and very ignorant people because the school funding for “better education” is abysmal at best, and unpardonable at worst....same experience with the teachers who are intense with students like at Coleman Middle near Rock Rd.. Every time I turn the news is On, a shooting takes place near the East Side and cops don’t do anything to stop it for civilians’ sake. What an appalling city full of losers and morons and I’m making the effort to steer away from here, people aren’t even normal it’s just fake people and a really sad city to live in. Summer days also suck since it’s like Kansas City weather and Washington DC weather too. Just no. Read Less
A very sad place 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 31, 2022) I have never been to a city full of the most ignorant and uncultered-beyond-belief idiots alive. One of the biggest problems we have in Wichita is a very dishonest mayor and corrupt morons running this black hole completely. ...Read More Read Less
Low IQ At Best 1 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 16, 2022) It's the worst city I've ever lived in. Everyone is too rude to give a shit about you. And the people here aren't very polite or friendly. It's a sad city with nothing to offer the younger crowd and if you're in your millennial years or Gen Z years then you can definitely move ou ...Read More t and move to LA or NYC or Chicago. Not a city I'd recommend living in. If you're a senior citizen you're in luck. If you're a millennial your days are coming to an end in Wichita, for it's WAY too worthless to care about. Read Less
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A very sad place 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 31, 2022) I have never been to a city full of the most ignorant and uncultered-beyond-belief idiots alive. One of the biggest problems we have in Wichita is a very dishonest mayor and corrupt morons running this black hole completely. ...Read More Read Less
Low IQ At Best 1 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 16, 2022) It's the worst city I've ever lived in. Everyone is too rude to give a shit about you. And the people here aren't very polite or friendly. It's a sad city with nothing to offer the younger crowd and if you're in your millennial years or Gen Z years then you can definitely move ou ...Read More t and move to LA or NYC or Chicago. Not a city I'd recommend living in. If you're a senior citizen you're in luck. If you're a millennial your days are coming to an end in Wichita, for it's WAY too worthless to care about. Read Less
Not what it used to be- in a good way 4 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 08, 2021) I was born and raised in the city and moved to CA in my early 20’s. I used to hate this place, and my reality was partying, doing and selling drugs, and many of my friends where having kids at 18.

Having lived in LA for 20 years and moving back to Wichita to live I have notice
...Read More d that things have gotten much better. Has my perspective changed now that I am middle aged and have a family of my own? Yeah sure.

But they have skateparks, good Korean, Indian, and Vietnamese food. There is more culture, more open minds, and the living expenses are so much better.

They still have crime and all that, but so does every city. Like LA, always be mindful of that fact and you’ll be prepared for it if and when it ever comes your way.

I couldn’t let my kids ride their bikes in the street or side walk in CA because of the gang violence and we paid $2000 a month for a 900 ft house. Now we have more than double the space, my kids can play outside, and we pay half the amount.

If you want bright lights, big city feel, sport teams, lots of traffic and overpriced living, you should probably go to a different city to visit or live. There are many other cities one could live but you can do a lot worse than Wichita. M

I grew up on the South side, we lived on the West for a year and now we are living on the East side of time. Def. like this side the best. In some sections it feels like some of the CA places my wife and I are used to, and there is more diversity here so that’s cool too. Read Less
If you have a dream, DONT MOVE HERE 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 18, 2021) Basically..Wichita is for people who are done living life..Theres nothing but food,drugs,and prostitution here.Nothing really good to say except the westside and east sides are nice. There are no sports teams,one mall that people actually go to,no amusement parks,no resources (li ...Read More ke being a musician,no major label,etc),not many attractions besides Botanica,Zoo,Exploration Place,Intrust Bank,Riverfest (I actually like the Arkansas River,it is where alot of people come to chill,jog etc.,)no skylines,not many career paths for the"youth"(youtubers,musicians etc,) . The majority of people are followers,not leaders, and people do coke and meth like its no tomorrow..Wichita probably has one of highest theft rates and people are terrible drivers..Teens are breaking into cars(girls and boys) and pregnancy is outrageous here..probably 1 in every 7 and probably 1 in every 3 have is self explanatory..everyone seems to have negative outlook on life since its not much to do in Kansas..Barry Sanders is non existent down here..and so will you if you move here while youre young..This city keeps its 1860s western culture ,which is why everyone moves to KC,OKC, yea if youre 40 with a family done living life,this is your you(not really).If youre young like me,STAY AWAY!They will not take you seriously because Wichita is a city full of jealous people and homeless bums whod rather drink beer with the change you might give last thing..these thiefs dont care who you are..theyre stealing from anywhere and anyone ,..even their moms..but thats what happens when a city offers little to nothing for the youth teens and young to do.Im moving to Cali and never looking back.. Read Less
Overall a Pretty terrible city 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 06, 2019) the only good thing about Wichita is the insane amount of restaurants. so if you are a lard-ass who likes to eat then its great here, but for everybody else it sucks ass. Wichita has a homeless problem whenever you go near downtown then its bum city. there isn't anything interest ...Read More ing here or any good scenery. if you plan on moving here avoid it at all cost the only good thing is the affordable homes and the amount of restaurants. terrible city i plan on moving out as soon as i can because if i stay here i feel like im going to go insane Read Less
Octapharma Plasma TERRIBLE 0.5 rating By Gclasen65 ( Aug 17, 2016) This place is very slow, I swear every time I come it gets a little worse. If your not in like for the physical forever your sitting in a chair forever. I have now been sitting in a chair with no stick for 23 minutes. I arrived here at 11:10 and was in line for a physical at 11:4 ...Read More 0. Just now at 11:24 am I actually getting stuck. I just wish their employees would look at us as a good thing and not a burden. Also would suggest better organization. I have seen now 6 people whom were behind me in line get stuck before myself. Read Less
Not a Nice Place to Live 0.5 rating By moonbeamagain ( Feb 25, 2016) Wichita has become a mini detroit/chicago over the last several years. crime just keeps going up and up. I don't believe all crimes reported to police are counted in their numbers. If you're looking for a place with plenty of crime and lots of Mexican food, the Wichita is for ...Read More you. If I had the money I would be gone so fast that it would make your head spin. Read Less
Hot In Wichita, KS 3 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) I lived in Wichita, Kansas for four years while attending college at Wichita State University. I lived in the dorms for my first two years and eventually moved out near Waco Avenue. Housing was very cheap in Wichita. I was able to rent a 1 bedroom apartment for under $1000. The a ...Read More rea was fairly nice and quiet. The people living there were friendly. I never feared for my safety, the crime rate in this area was very low. I never heard about any crimes while living there.

Everything was very accessible from where I lived. Everything was about a 20 minute drive and public transportation was available. As a student, I saw a lot of tourism spots to check out. There is a zoo, a drive-in, a movie theater, botanical gardens, and plenty of museums. Aside from that, I did not do much.

The weather here was unpredictable. There were days in which the weather was fine, but other days it was very unpredictable. The summer weather can get quite hot. Being originally from California, it was hard to get adjusted. The temperature just gets too hot. This was only during the summer, which made living there possible.

College students near the university would go to the local bars and venues. The club scene is okay, it could be better. The clubs are only open to those who are over 21 years old. They also would charge a cover charge every time I went. I could not access the clubs without a car.

After finishing college, I moved back to California. In Wichita, there were not that many things to do besides going to the museums during the day or clubs at night. I saw it as a good city to raise a family, but not a permanent place for a post-college student. Read Less
Not a Place to Live Permanently Unless You Like a Lot of Noise 0.5 rating By moonbeam2 ( Sep 14, 2014) I think that Wichita needs to have noise laws that are enforced so that people can enjoy the peace and quiet of their home. I don't think that having a "juvenile" beating on the drums next door around 7 or 8 times a day should be legal. I think the city should require that the ...Read More room the drums are in be soundproofed. For those of us wanting some quiet time at home, it is impossible. Also, when you live near a school, be prepared to have lots of trash in your yard from the kids that go to the school and also from the people that drive them there or pick them up. As far as restaurants go, Wichita seems to have mostly Mexican Restaurants. While I like Mexican food, I would dearly love to find good BBQ. Read Less
Good city to live in and visit 4 rating By cdavis188 ( Apr 01, 2014) I don't live in wichita, but in salina about 85 miles up 135 highway. i visit there once in a while about every 3-4 months and i like it. There seems to be some type of food or shopping on every block. I was walking down a road and the people are nice, but dogs when they see you ...Read More make a lot of racket and it can get annoying, as with any city. I have one small problem with any where in central kansas. Unpredictable weather. It can be sunny and 105 one minute and the next minute it can be pouring rain. The traffic is good but try not to go out during rush hour. There is a lot of attractions in every part of the city. I don't know much about the nightlife but i think there is bars and late night events in wichita. Read Less
Lived many places- like Wichita best- great for family 5 rating By JalapenoJane ( Dec 07, 2012) I have lived in some great cities (Denver, Boulder, Seattle, Portland, Ojai, Austin, Dallas & Houston) The more I live in bigger cities the more I appreciate Wichita. It is an ideal size for livability- nothing is more than a 20 min easy drive. I like the size- enough to have man ...Read More y events & amenities but small enough to be "in the know", get reservations anywhere at the drop of a hat and the value of the homes are amazing. I know our home would cost over a million and a half in any other city I have ever lived in before. We have an amazing home & enormous lot overlooking a lake- could never afford in Dallas/Austin/ Denver/Ojai etc!!!

The people here are genuine and good people. I was surprised to see the poor crime rating for this city & all I can say is that it must be very isolated to specific areas in town because I feel VERY safe in Wichita & don't hear crime stories from my friends at all. My children attend a wonderful school, as well.

My only complaint is that the mid summer temp. can be unbearable but we have learned to take advantage of the BEAUTIFUL long spring weather so we only have to find indoor activities for the worst heat in late June & July. There is plenty to do in the heat- we attend the Open Bounce at PURE Entertainment for fun & awesome exercise in air-conditioning. My children play for 4 or 5 hours for under $8 & I work at a table supervising their play with friends while using my laptop, going through my mail & completing busywork. It is a real win win situation!

We take advantage of a wonderful facility called "My Gym" on the East side, as well. My children not only go to classes there but also attend "Kids Night In" Events so we parents can hit the town. We also take advantage of their summer camp events & older children pizza parties. These things keep them happy & busy for hours with their friends. "My Gym" is top notch. The academic element in the pre-school lessons prepped my children for success in school (colors/shapes/taking turns/cheering on friends/polite words etc etc) Best value = learning + safety +exercise + cheaper than babysitters & the kids have more fun there, too boot!!!

The night life is super in Wichita- something for any age & any style. Great tickets available for any concert or local event. We really love living in Wichita & would never move unless we were forced to do so. Here to stay & happy to be here!! Read Less
Wonderful Wichita, KS! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) The big city of Wichita, Kansas has a lot to offer the people that inhabit the area or chose to visit for vacation! The nightlife down to the sports are pure amazement and nothing but a good time for all! The people that live in this area are very friendly and extremely colorful! ...Read More The city encapsulates the true spirit of America and represents that in the architecture, food, and citizens. It truly is a city made for everyone!

The first thing you'll notice when entering into Wichita is the skyline. The buildings that line the city can be seen from miles away and give you that big city vibe with the feeling of small town attitudes. The main attraction that Wichita offers and one place you'll have to visit is The Keeper of The Plains. This statue surrounded by water has a fire show nightly that represents the history of the American Indian. The spectacular statue and fire show happens just as the sun goes down out on the water with a huge platform going around so that all can see. Nightly you'll find people out at Keeper of The Plains enjoying the show and the culture of the American Indian.

The next thing you'll be dying to see is the Intrust Bank Arena. This arena is always jam packed for different events that take place there. From big music stars to local hockey games, you'll be sure to have nothing but a good time! This venue is always jam packed and sold out for all the lovers of entertainment.

All in all the city of Wichita has a big time feel with the personality of a small town. Come down and visit Wichita today and see what everyone that inhabits this area loves and appreciates day to day. Read Less
Life In Wichita, Kansas 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) Since I have relatives in Wichita, I visit this city once each year. Wichita has many activities for visitors, and there are a few restaurants that everyone should try. In fact, the Old Town red brick district in downtown Wichita offers many venues to provide an evening full of e ...Read More ntertainment and enjoyment for visitors. The shops, restaurants, and clubs in this district provide a lively, intriguing atmosphere.

Every time I find myself in Wichita, I dine at the Scotch & Sirloin, an upscale steakhouse that provides diners with an incredibly delicious experience. Another personal favorite is the Old Mill Tasty Shop, where you can treat yourself to a great old-fashioned malt. Also, the Sedgwick County Zoo is home to a breathtaking tiger exhibit.

However, Wichita simply cannot compare to cities such as Los Angeles or New York City. There simply is not enough diversity in Wichita. It is a friendly city, to be sure, but it lacks the excitement expected in a city of its size. If not for family, I probably would not keep returning. Read Less

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      Wichita, KS

      Wichita, Kansas, located near the Arkansas River, is the largest city in Kansas. Although it began as a trading post in the 1860s, it earned its nickname “cowtown” from becoming a cattle destination for those traveling from Texas. Not only is it known for its rich history, but Wichita is often considered a regional center for culture.

      Home to large museums, parks and theater, Wichita, Kansas has lots to offer. While many cities offer museum tours for cultural art events, Wichita has a “Final Friday Gallery Crawl.” This event allows visitors to tour many small art galleries for free on the last Friday of each month. To boost creativity, conversation and relationships, this event has been a great benefit to socializing in the city.

      Thunderstorms are frequent during the spring and summer. Although hail can occur, many people enjoy sitting outside on a screened in porch or deck to watch the storms roll in. Uniquely positioned between Canada and the Gulf of Mexico makes for a wide variety of weather. For those who prefer to experience a full spectrum of seasons, this is a particularly attractive place to live.

      For $40,000 a year, the majority of families can live quite comfortably in Wichita. Renting a one-bedroom apartment to enjoy living in a big city costs substantially less than most metropolitan areas. Since there a variety of options for public transportation including trolleys, public bicycles and buses, the cost of owning a car can also be eliminated.

      Wichita is unlike many other cities in its ability to retain small-town charm. Even though it is home to a large downtown area of art museums, concert venues, it still has the coveted Midwestern feel to it. The Old Cowtown Museum recreates a variety of vintage buildings from the late 1860s with hands-on exhibits for children. Although the metropolitan area has much to offer in the way of shopping and cuisine, it’s not hard to find relief from city life. The botanical gardens and zoo are an easy way to transported into exotic nature.

      Since 1972, the Wichita River Festival has been held in the Old Town area of the city. Not only are there music events, but sporting and historical activities are also held on a regular basis. Because Wichita, Kansas has a hometown feel to a big city, there are still many activities for children to enjoy. Interactive events for children include parades, plays and historical activities that can all be found downtown.

      As with any established city, the public library is a staple. The Wichita Public Library offers an Academy Awards Shorts program that hosts a public screening completely free to the public. Short films include those that are nominated by the Oscars. In Wichita, there are many ways to enjoy culture without spending money. Whether attending free gallery meetups or perusing library gatherings, a rich culture is not hard to find.

      Wichita, Kansas has much to offer at any age. Children, college students and older adults can all enjoy both downtown and nature-filled locations in the city. For a range of weather and interesting activities, Wichita is one of the biggest cities with a home-town feel.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Wichita? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Mayor's Pine Grove
      Veterans’ Memorial Park
      Finlay Ross Park
      A Price Woodward Jr. Park
      ICT Pop Up Park
      Chester I. Lewis Reflection Square Park
      Central Riverside Park
      Heritage Square Park


      Boeing Dome Theater
      Exploration Place - Science and Discovery Center
      Kansas African American Museum
      Kansas African American Museum
      Wichita State University - Lowell D Holmes Museum of Anthropology
      Wichita - Sedgwick County Historical Museum
      Indian Center Museum
      Roxy's Downtown Theater

      Food & Drink

      The Monarch
      Merle's Place
      Cocoa Dolce
      Nortons Brewing Company
      Club Billiards
      John Barleycorn's Rock & Roll Hall

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Wichita? Of all people who commute, 0.6% take public transportation in Wichita.
      Drive to Work

      6% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      B- Health & Safety

      Is Wichita a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      LTAC Hospital
      Cypress Surgery Center
      Montoya Medical Center
      Wesley Woodlawn Hospital & ER
      Kansas Heart Hospital
      Kansas Surgery and Recovery Center
      Via Christi Hospital Saint Francis
      Wesley Medical Center


      Walmart Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Sandpiper Bay Healthcare and Retirement Center
      South Wichita Family MedCenter, PA
      Wichita Family Medicine Specialists LLC
      Family Medicine East
      Via Christi Clinic