50 km
30 mi

Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.
There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (116) A+
Entertainment (106) A+
Food and Drink (481) A+
Fitness (66) A+
Groceries (90) A+
Parks (721) A+
Shops (693) A+
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Of all people who commute, 1.7% take public transportation in Albuquerque.
Public Transit Stops (289)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
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The cost of living in Albuquerque is 100/100 - which is 8% higher than New Mexico.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
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Albuquerque crime rates are 6,022 per 100k, which is 66% higher than New Mexico
Property Crime
4,705 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,317 crimes per 100k
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The median income in Albuquerque is $53,936 - which is 18% higher than New Mexico.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
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There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (216)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
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Albuquerque home prices are $204,100 - which is 26% higher than New Mexico
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.8x (home price to income ratio)
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The Albuquerque graduation rate is 85% - which is 6% higher than New Mexico
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (209) B-
High Schools (82) F
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Albuquerque has an overall rating of 41% from 98 reviews.
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From AreaVibes
User Surveys (76)
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Photo of Albuquerque, NM
( 98 Ratings )

Living in Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Area Facts

  • Albuquerque has a Livability Score of 72/100, which is considered excellent
  • Albuquerque crime rates are 66% higher than the New Mexico average
  • Cost of living in Albuquerque is 8% higher than the New Mexico average
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Albuquerque Reviews

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Worse decades later 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 14, 2023) I left Albuquerque 30 yrs ago to the military,came back leaving again. Town closes at 9pm Walmart ,food, everything, because fear of crime,had less gunfire in Afghanistan on some nights, people angry, rude, self serving, homeless outa. Control, sad what's happened here. People I ...Read More left behind are either dead, In prison, or moved out of state. Seen neighborhoods with better chances In Iraq (northern). Drugs easier to get than a meal after9 pm,every business has security Inside and roaming parking, security companies the biggest moneymakers in the city,on the plus side caught between 2 people shooting at each other and they can't hit the ground if they dropped the bullets,. It isnt hard to be the smartest person everywhere you go especially if your in a room of city officials, highschool grad doing better than most. Even the one thing Albuquerque did better than anywhere in the world Lowriders (yes anywhere) has slipped I want to cry now and cry later, The one thing that is still better than anywhere else is Mexican food, it's still and I believe will always be the greatest place for Mexican food on the planet, yours city may have less crime but not great Mexican food. So get a gun and move to the 505 if the food is the most important thing In your life. Read Less
It's the people! 2 rating By DebDeeABQ ( Sep 27, 2022) Albuquerque could be a great city. It's easy to navigate, and it's got beautiful scenery, mild weather, unique culture, some great restaurants, lots of outdoor activity, and some top notch employers, like Sandia Labs, Intel, the University, the film industry, Facebook, Amazon, HP ...Read More , Fidelity Investments, and others. It has a wildly popular soccer team, popular minor league baseball team, and a long history of "packing the pit" for college basketball. The airport is a breeze to fly in and out of, always super clean. Most homes on the east side of ABQ, the northwest side, and Rio Rancho are within normal suburban style neighborhoods that are safe or fairly safe, where homes are generally taken care. The job market seems to have improved some in recent years, with more tech related or engineering jobs in demand, higher wages for public service jobs like teachers and police officers, the expansion of Facebook and expanding Amazon footprint. Healthcare workers are in serious demand, and for the first time in many years, Intel has been hiring, not laying off. So, what's wrong with this place?

The answer to that is lots. There is a lot wrong with this city, and it's frequently recognized as an area plagued by crime, homelessness, poverty, bad school system, lack of doctors, gang problems, above average unemployment, low participation in the workforce, and nearly every other socioeconomic problem out there. It all boils down to the PEOPLE! There is a mentality that has been the root of most issues here for almost as long as I can remember. New Mexicans don't like to work, don't think they should have to work, think that they are so entitled to things that it's okay to take whatever they want, from whoever they want. They accept poverty as just "the way that it is", and "it's always going to be this way, so why do anything different to change it?" It's like the twilight zone or some bazaar trance that has taken over large parts of the population, causing them to wander aimlessly void of any hopes and dreams or desires. The community is quick to point fingers in every direction but their own, blaming teachers for the embarrassingly poor school system, blaming politicians for property crime, blaming their food stamps for being fat. Losers blame the winners for their losses. Wake up people. Be accountable for your own life and demonstrate responsibility through your actions! It's you, it's not them that's the problem. You are the reason that there is nothing to do in a city of nearly a million people. You are the reason businesses close earlier here than anywhere else in America. You are the reason that the unemployment level is high at the same time there are tons of job openings and employers begging for reliable employees. You are the reason that you don't have a high school or college education. You are the reason that you started having babies when you were a teenager. You decided to do drugs instead of getting a job. You are the reason that you can't keep a job. You are the reason you never ventured outside of New Mexico and don't know that this is not normal in the rest of the world. And sadly, because there are so many of you, and so many of you that refuse to take responsibility for your own lives, and be responsible for giving your kids a better life, and because you refuse to take charge of your own life and not just sit back and let life happen to you, you have made living here miserable. You've made the city and state a laughing joke. You've made it one of the worst places for young people to live. You've milked public resources and stolen from local businesses, and done anything to avoid having to show up, work hard, and earn the things that you have, the roof over your head, the food on your table, and so on. You have settled with living in a crime infested city, and think by doing so that you are somehow tough, and that your ignorance is excused. You've helped land NM on the bottom of every list, whether that is violent crime, auto thefts, poverty, food insecurity, poor education, homelessness, hopelessness, gangs, unemployment, domestic violence, and the list goes on.

Yes, this town is filled with people that do nothing more than waste space, commit crimes, and have no standards or expectations of themselves. There are occasional glimmers of hope or small windows of opportunity that offer a chance to lift part of the community up, but they are usually quickly squashed, either by reality or the idiots on city counsel. Albuquerque would be a great city, but you'd need to find a way to get rid of about 200,000 residents that currently drag the area way downhill. Read Less
Love in the South Valley, Albuquerque 3 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 12, 2022) I love in the NE Heights of ABQ, but I've loved visiting, exploring and shopping in the South Valley over the past 38 years. This short video is a wonderful example of the area vibe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZE2UTEHcqU
...Read More Read Less
Albuquerque is What you Make It 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 21, 2021) I was born and raised in Albuquerque. It is full of people who don't ask for much and are willing to help others in need. It may not be a rich city or have a ton of things to do but it has so many hidden gems. It is diverse and people live differently than some snobby-nosed subu ...Read More rb people found in other states like AZ or CO. The food is amazing cannot be replicated anywhere else. There is a huge gang culture here and is close to the border of Mexico so the crime has risen to terrible political policies and no care for its citizens in making the city better. The weather is great as it has four seasons. The cost of living is low so you can get a lot of property for less. It is not for everyone but I am proud to call it my home as it made me a humble and grateful person. Read Less
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Love in the South Valley, Albuquerque 3 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 12, 2022) I love in the NE Heights of ABQ, but I've loved visiting, exploring and shopping in the South Valley over the past 38 years. This short video is a wonderful example of the area vibe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZE2UTEHcqU
...Read More Read Less
Albuquerque is What you Make It 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 21, 2021) I was born and raised in Albuquerque. It is full of people who don't ask for much and are willing to help others in need. It may not be a rich city or have a ton of things to do but it has so many hidden gems. It is diverse and people live differently than some snobby-nosed subu ...Read More rb people found in other states like AZ or CO. The food is amazing cannot be replicated anywhere else. There is a huge gang culture here and is close to the border of Mexico so the crime has risen to terrible political policies and no care for its citizens in making the city better. The weather is great as it has four seasons. The cost of living is low so you can get a lot of property for less. It is not for everyone but I am proud to call it my home as it made me a humble and grateful person. Read Less
Miss Rufina Myers 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 22, 2019) If you won't to be assaulted by sheriff's and criminals It is the best place to be. The hospital prespatirine will even help them cover it up .there worst officers seem to be the ones that move up the ladder faster than any honest one .They will terminate one for trying to do w ...Read More hat is right. But please read this .see after ten years of living there and working hard to make a live for me and my grand children this is how I was treated by the sheriff's the hospital and cumnity. https://1drv.ms/w/s!AtR4A7s7J_G5gT1plEncZP0Lx3JZ?e=yFXc1Q


And I am still fighting to get justice done in this case so please read and help get justice done. Read Less
A Fair Place to Visit, but Not A Place You Would Want to Call Home 1 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 24, 2019) We have lived in Albuquerque for more than 50 years and have seen it grow from somewhere around 250,000 to about a million in population (metropolitan area). From my perspective, these years have seen a steady decline in desirability as a place to live. It currently has about t ...Read More hree times the national crime rate, there are literally thousands of houses with nothing but weeds in the yards (along with cars, campers, etc.) and no enforcement of even the most basic regulations concerning these matters. It is a city with little or no city pride and an ineffective city government that does nothing to help the situation. If you are traveling through, there are some bright spots -- the nearby Sandia Mountains, the Albuquerque Bio Park, the Tramway, and quite a few nice restaurants. Enjoy these, then continue on down the road. Trust me -- this is not a place that you would want to call home. Read Less
Room for improvement 4 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 15, 2019) Well I cant say all the things are not true,that the other are saying about Albuquerque, but it is what you make it,ya jobs are here and mostly dont pay you what your worth ,that's why no one wants to do any thing.But at end of day if you Make the choice to do your job.thats what ...Read More you make it .one act of kindness and be the better person, no matter were you live,you can look at your self and know you did the right thing.,but back to realality ya jobs are here and not so great but let's put it this way, I live in a gated complex,amazing gym ,indoor racket ball ,jacuzzi, pool, 2 bedroom 2full bathrooms, they call it a roommate apt ,both rooms same size and walk in closets and full bath, as well as security, nightly patrol .off a main street close to mountains and easy access to freeway. But borders on a bad and a great neighborhood, but I'm not scared to walk to a store in middle of night alone.and my rent is 680 plus 35 for trash and water and I only pay electric. And deposit was 250 so ya pay low but so is rent .u dont need 2 other roommates to pay bills.you can make ends meet,and their is alot to do and see here.schools and government are definitely need of cleaning house also police department as well ,people are always doing some corrupt things with state monies,and keep the hard working people held back .just sad but corruption is every were.the whole country is in need of reform on alot of things,but what we do need improvement on with some right people making decisions they can be Improved. But what we got is clean skies no smog ,plenty of open areas to explore and see ,art,good people,and who ever said green Chile is bad for you,is a idiot, come on so many health benefits, compared to other seasonings that cause health issues So many farmers markets,fresh fruits and vegetables for below market prices .I can name as many pros as cons, it's just if you hate Albuquerque last I checked it's not holding you hostage.and mayband for the person that said i people that are unhappy leave then we would have more jobs for the happy people. Who ever said it's more parcial to minorities for work ,wow that's a first I cant believe you ,can I say racist, you should hurry up and move,we dint need the hate here Read Less
Visit don't live 2 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 24, 2018) All I can is...people don't move here, don''t live here, come for the Chile and go home. This city is backwards. Corrupt officials in office. They spend money on a transit system that will fail and already is. They say there is "tech jobs" here but there is not. In less you have ...Read More a masters degree good luck. People drive like mad men, Cops getting charged with battery or shooting someone everyday because they had to. No one respects the law here and the ones that do still take a hit some how. Homeless are everywhere just about on any given corner or stoplight pan handling. come to visit but not to live. The city councilman throw home grown bushiness away for some big time golf park while letting them get away with free money as a part of "deal". It is the only way Albuquerque gets big name here, "begging and bribing" Just my two cents Read Less
May the good forces ever be with Abq 2 rating By Justice ( May 18, 2017) I have been here just about 2 years with family. First, on the plus side++ Housing is very reasonable , gas is very reasonable but (see below)+ Roads are maintained (just poorly designed)+ Somewhat diverse (ethnically, economically, maybe religiously?) but (see below)+ About 2 m ...Read More onths of good moderate weather (great hiking - weather permitting)+ School facilities seem good and teachers seem to try but (see below)+ APD seems to catch the criminals pretty quickly...-- Unfortunately, the judicial is quick to play catch & release, thus,--- Crime/criminal behavior flourishes --- Kids/family do not seem a priority - overpriced recreational programs, public parks & rec has insufficient programs/facilities; thus, idol unsupervised kids...--- Weather is slightly extreme at too hot, too cold, too windy about 10 months out of the year. Only the criminals don't mind this. Otherwise, most people keep indoors.- Not enough outdoor activities- Closed attitudes to change- Drivers drive inefficiently causing traffic--- APS (school district) seems to heavily mismanage the billion dollar annual budget - so the kids & teachers take the first hits instead of the too many 6 figured executives.--- The economic segregation is ghastly. The very poor are located in the dirtiest, polluted, apocalyptic part of the city instead of integrated into more affordable less distressed areas. I have never liked the idea of assuming poor are more criminalistic and that doctors, IT, lawyers, government contractors, bankers, and more have higher morals or less criminal behavior. However, placing a distressed group of people into 1 area is not the making of good things.Having lived in many areas of the US and some of the most high cost of living areas I know what an economic struggle feels like especially when your skills barely put you above minimum wage. In many conversations I have had/overheard I hear the constant complaint of money. I just wonder what some of these locals would do if they actually lived in a high cost of living area. I was able to survive in those areas working 2 or 3 low-medium wage jobs, always carrying credit card debt, living with roommates, but the economics of those areas were against me - so I moved to affordable areas that had the same jobs available. So, there is a cultural drab of some kind in this city and probably a lot to do with some things I mentioned.Again, this is not the worst city I have lived in, but not one I feel I can call home permanently. However, come visit just don't park your trailor far out of site. Stay in a motel locked and loaded to protect your self & stuff. Read Less
GetMe Outta Here! 0.5 rating By 702traveler ( Apr 26, 2017) I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. One of my favorite things is traveling the world. Seeing how others live. It fascinates me. I love the whole experience and usually find something unique or neat about each place I've traveled to. Hands down Albuquerque is the most ...Read More depressing place w not s single redeeming quality about it, for me. It's almost like there is a funk over the whole place and it possess the people who are here over a certain period of time. Drivers are the worst I've seen. Even the cops drive recklessly here. Not to mention it seems as if there are 5 officers to every citizen. I have not enjoyed a single meal here (usually firehouse is s sure bet no matter what and even they screw that up.) Since being here I have not had one pleasant encounter. People seem un helpful, rude, and pushy. The only people that go out of their way to be friendly and open up a door for another person seem to be the tweakers (maybe that's the only way to enjoy this place - be severely chemically altered.)Every morning the news has some horrific story about a crime spree and I've personally witnessed 3 crimes infront of me in the 3 months I've been here. 32 years in Nevada and my father was a cop for 31 and I have never seen half the things in my lifetime as I've witnessed here. Complete cess pool. I say burn it! Give it back to Mexico (lol). If I never have to return here again it would be too soon. Read Less
Why I hate ABQ and if you have ever lived anywhere else, you will too! 0.5 rating By worldtraveler ( Jan 05, 2017) I moved here to be closer to family and I landed a good job from a local employer while visiting. At first, it was great - mostly because I worked too much to notice anything else. I also liked my new apartment located in the heart of downtown. People told me I was crazy to live ...Read More downtown being that I am a young, professional female but I thought, I've lived in other cities, how bad can it be? BAD. The ABQ bums are strung out on meth making them completely insane. To give you a better idea, these are not East Coast bums that are down on their luck, these are welfare mooch bums that are homeless by choice, ie. more entitled than most wealthy people. I witnessed or heard about a random assault daily. Many were from residents of my apartment or guests of residents. I forgot to mention, this brand new apartment offered subsidized units and even brought in people from the homeless shelters while working professionals paid full price for the same or even smaller units. We were the minority - less than 20% of total occupancy. Housing market is the worst I have ever seen. Locals think I am a snob but I'm sorry, take some pride in your home. Most central areas are run down and reminiscent of Tijuana slums. Oh it gets better, all of these low ceiling, tiny, desperately needing work, box houses are listed for rent or sale well over their market value. Without HOA's people stack garbage and junk all over their properties. Seriously, the show hoarders should just drive through the South Valley for at least a years' worth of material. Cars are the same way - a complete and total rip-off.Lastly, that job I told you about, I was fired because a Hispanic bully boss targeted me after only three months of working there. I had built up a strong book of business in a short time and was over-performing in spite of the harassment, he had a horrible reputation, poor work performance and was argumentative and irrational; he's still working and I'm not. That's ABQ for you! If you're not a free-loader and a petty government handout is not your ultimate goal in life - I highly do not recommend. Read Less
City noise ordinance 0 rating By mgluvin@hotmail.com ( Jun 19, 2016) City noise ordinance is 7am-10pm. Not okay. Expect to wake daily to anything and everything possible from the JCC's noise polution to Leafblowers/mowers, trash pickup. ...Read More Read Less
311 and city doesn't work. 1 rating By meyati ( Dec 09, 2015) 12/06/15 someone dumped a full-sized couch by the side fence---I called 311 on Monday-I'm 73 by the way. I was told it would be picked up 12/08/15, the normal trash day. I called today, 12/09/15 and again they say. "It will be picked up tomorrow morning."

Monday I was given a
...Read More lecture about dumping stuff and expecting the city to pick it up. I was asked how it got there-I don't know- Everything but help. I keep telling them that the sidewalk and street belong to the city.

People might trip over it in the dark. They might hit it with their car. I've put a sign on it- CALL 311- Please. Read Less
This city does not function 0.5 rating By AMS ( Aug 21, 2015) Post offices close in the middle of the day. I have been told not to use the postal service because it is so unreliable. The public school system is a monstrous behemoth of misfiled paperwork rivaling Kafka, and the social services offices are good at only one thing and that is l ...Read More osing faxes. I really don't understand how this city functions. Everyone shows up late, even to the Bar Exam and flip flops and sweat pants are apparently considered professional attire even for school teachers. This places has very little for anyone interested in eating anything other than burgers or burritos. The city, if you can call it that, sleeps at about 5pm. There are no good bars, and by that I mean there are only bars for bros. There is very little art that does not have a wagon wheel on it and everything is centered around car culture (the vintage cars and low riders and the people who fix and drive them are the only redeeming quality about the car culture). I can't wait to leave this mass-transitless hole of poverty and unhealthy living. Don't come here if you don't have to, and leave as soon as you can. Read Less
An Ongoing Crime Competition 0.5 rating By DCA ( Aug 02, 2015) After a few years of living here I have become very comfortable about the area due to the increasing violent crime and horrible drivers that perpetually speed and run red lights.
I don't know where I may be living next, but moving away from here is my goal. Many people I have tal
...Read More ked with feel the same way and are on the verge of moving almost anywhere just to get away from here.
The incredible number of repeat drunk drivers is a danger and an embarrassment to the city, but they continue issuing permits for more alcohol producing breweries under the guise of job growth, it makes no sense.
The career criminals know how to play the legal system, which doesn't seem to be very difficult, to quickly get back to the streets and their law breaking routines.
Government at all levels throughout the state appears to be, and always has been, corrupt. It is common to learn that various relatives and friends have been given jobs and appointments rather than people that are actually qualified to perform these jobs. As with most things, this situation ultimately hits the tax payers in the wallet due to inept decisions and failed management of various state run programs.
One of the few positive things I've experienced here is the weather, it's pretty nice most of the year.
If you are considering moving to ABQ do some intense research about the area where you might want to live. Talk with people who have been there for a while to get some honest and candid input. This may save you from having to repack hundreds of boxes and relocating again as I am in the process of doing. Read Less
I can't wait to be home in Burque! 3.5 rating By Jessii ( May 12, 2015) I grew up in Albuquerque. I was excited to move away but am moving home this summer & can't wait!
The good-
1. Great restaurants & food! The Mexican food is the best but you can get any type of cuisine & it's all good!
2. Very convenient grocery shopping in clean high quality gro
...Read More cery stores that are not crowded and have great service.
3. Lots of nail & hair salons that are able to keep up with trends.
4.Minimal traffic/ very easy to get around
5. Overall clean
6. Schools have adequate transportation.
7. Overall friendly people
8. Reasonably priced homes
9.Nice weather/ has four seasons none too extreme! Beautiful fall weather!
10. Plenty of overall amenities
The bad-
1. The police department/ juvenile justice system are poorly run .
2. Lots of drugs & gangs in the schools.
3. The education department is poorly run & there are silly testing/graduation requirements for students.
4. There is not enough good paying jobs.
The it depends on you-
1. No nightlife if that's your scene.
2. Very old school family oriented (barbecues, family get togethers, etc) may be better for established Burque folks. It may not be east to come in if you don't have an existing family/friend bank.
3. Better for drivers not too public transportation friendly. Read Less
Albuquerque, NM City Review 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) In the five years that I have lived in Albuquerque, I have noticed that the city is very family oriented. There are so many things for families to do together than in any other city I have lived in, and I have lived in a few as I travel for a living.

There are several restauran
...Read More ts in the city, many that serve Mexican food. A word of advice is that if it's colorful on the outside, then you will probably find the best food as these are locations that take pride on the inside of the business and the food offered. You will also see a lot of food trucks and vendors on the sidewalks selling items like tacos and other portable foods.

An amazing festival that I have seen is the Balloon Fiesta. There are hundreds of balloons that fill the sky over the city during one weekend. The best thing to do to see them is get there early and go to the grounds so that you can watch them inflate and lift off. Another spectacular view is from the Sandia Peak Tramway. I don't like heights, but while you are in the gondola, you can't really tell that you are suspended from a cable unless you happen to look down below. However, if you want the best views, you have to look down at some point. It is a trip that takes you to the top of the Sandia Mountains and back down. The fall season is the best time to take this trip as you see glorious colors on the trees. Read Less
Announced on KOAT - New Mexico is the POOREST state in the USA 0.5 rating By SRED1 ( Sep 19, 2014) More than half the population is on Welfare! Its pathetic 54% is unemployed or getting paid "under the table". No state tax revenue means no services or just running out of money for everything. As the post previous to mine illustrates so well with all the the misspellings; ed ...Read More ucation is poor here as well. Oh, and TESLA opted to NOT come here! No major corporations want to be here. Without the air force, Sandia Labs and military dollars this whole state would have no jobs whatsoever. Their biggest claim to fame is Hatch Chili !! And the green chili is GMO now - which may ultimately hurt them too. Read Less
Home of people who don't like their home. 4.5 rating By abovebelow ( Mar 09, 2014) Very interesting thing like people in Albuquerque hate Albuquerque! By the way, it's one of the best cities in US, which got a lot of defferent honors.

It has great climate, every day is sunny day, and it's really great thing! I thought that i like Seattle rain, but actually i f
...Read More elt in love with albuquerquan climate.

Another thing - culture. It's amazing. There are a lot of arts, streets in downtown full of street art, knob hill has many caffes and restaraunts which definately differnt from usual american and serves delcious food. Old town amazing too. And, beside this, in 30 minutes drive located city of Santa Fe, which is the most artistic in states, really.

Everybody say that there is a lot of crime in Albuquerque. Gangs are saling drugs etc. I think we don't need any words here. Just look at statistics. ABQ much safer than any city to the East. Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Oklahoma City, even DC has more crime. But i never heard that someone told that this cities has a lot of this. But Albuqueque, yeah, the most dangerous in USA. Very strange thing.

To say some thing about economics, i need to say that ABQ trying do it's best with it. New Mexico has bad taxes, so there is no ugly skyscreapers. Only 1. But in albuquerquan Mesa del Sol a lot of high-tech companies. Even Tesla wants to build plant here. Emplyment was one of the best, before crisis. What about poverty, it's rate neither higher than any big city.

I like people. They are quite wierd, but still has good attitude to everybody. Also they don't like nightlife, prefer be with their families and at all they are introverts. Some people like it in them, some hate.

So, i can't find reason to hate this city. It's not ideal, but why should be? Just try to stop comparing it with Santa Barbara. It's different things. Read Less
Employment/Culture 2 rating By VictoriaBrant ( Jan 18, 2014) I've lived here for the most part about 6 years. The weather is sunny, extremely so. And at the altitude, it can be extremely intense. Of course, it is dry, very dry, most days of the year. The weather is very consistent throughout the year, but you will experience stark diurnal ...Read More differences. You will feel much colder in the shade and in the evening. The outdoors is great for activity, but the employment situation is not healthy. Job growth in the entire state is quite bad, with a current job growth of 0.2%. That is two tenths of a percent job growth. And, some areas, including Albuquerque, have negative job growth. There is not much for industry in the area, except a service one. Education is poor, leading to a workforce that is deficient. Of course, many will say per capita speaking, the state and city boasts the largest number of doctorate working employees at some military labs. But, remember, the entire state has about 1.4 million people in it, too. It is very difficult to find good work here. And, honestly, there is a real cultural preference for the native Hispanics to work in the area, particularly in the public sector, whether qualified or not. The state has a real problem attracting businesses here; some say it is due to the lack of water. That doesn't seem to affect Phoenix, however. Others, and probably more accurately, have stated it is due to the culture - a lazy work ethic, an attitude that people show up for work when they want to, the manner of dress upon employees, and the lack of good skills (basic reading, writing and math.) Many businesses pay a paltry wage to even work in an office. Insurance and mortgage businesses, for example, offer their employees $10/hour to be an accounting clerk, office clerk, any kind of clear, even requiring advanced technological skills. Their is a big reason why the state continues to be impoverished, and the businesses have contributed to this by keeping wages low for even office jobs. I have seen many pack up and move, even younger folks, and I will be following suit in a year. Read Less
Albuquerque, New Mexico - A Colorful City 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 24, 2011) As part of my relocation to Santa Fe, I traveled to Albuquerque often, staying overnight for business, skiing at the local slopes and visiting attractions within the city. It is a colorful city friendly to art, steeped in Native American culture, and a mecca of museums dedicated ...Read More to art and science. One of its highlight is the Balloon Fiesta, where I witnessed a sky filled with color and shapes of every imaginable form: It was awe inspiring and a must see if you travel to Albuquerque in early October.

One of my trips to Albuquerque from the east was by Amtrak train. It is a wonderful experience seeing the magnificent New Mexico landscape from the window. However, the approach to Albuquerque goes through the backyards of some not-so-picturesque houses. Don't let this put you off, though, as the city has many beautiful areas.

A visit on the tram will take you up to a unique restaurant overlooking the city. Located on Sandia Peak, it is a magnificent tram ride up as well as view, either in winter or summer. I spent one Christmas skiing on Sandia Peak in very uncrowded conditions and looking down at the beautiful western sunset.

If you like food, traditional art and shopping, Old Town is an area filled with the past. Great traditional shops, churches and restaurants are clustered around a square, and the opportunity for enchanting photos abounds. I also heard mariachi type music and dined at an outdoor New Mexican restaurant, feasting on enchiladas with green chile.

Holiday art shows are part of the Albuquerque scene, with magnificent local arts and crafts, as well as art by many vendors from throughout the country. Visit the nearby Turquoise Trail for delightful and beautiful offbeat arts and crafts. Read Less
Enjoy Great Restaurants In Albuquerque, NM 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) I lived in Albuquerque for about 8 years, from 2001 to 2009. It's really one of the most unique cities you might ever visit. One thing you'll instantly notice is that the entire city rests at the base of the Sandia Mountains. It's really tough to find a city with a better daily s ...Read More pectacular view. It's also great because you always have a compass: the Mountains are always to the West.

The best thing about Albuquerque is the food. One question you'll need to get used to answering is "Red or Green?" This question refers to the type of Chili you'd like on your food. The food here is delicious, but it is spicy. I never did get completely used to the spicy food after all those years.

You may disagree with me on this, but the one thing I never cared for in Albuquerque is the architecture. Everything is modeled after the Pueblo Indian adobe style houses. To me, they look like mud huts. I suppose you may find some charm in them, but they're not my cup of tea. Read Less

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      Albuquerque, NM

      Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico and an easy drive to the capital, Santa Fe. The city of Albuquerque offers residents and visitors a wide variety of activities and events to make life fun, educational and interesting.

      Anyone thinking of moving to Albuquerque will be happy to know that the housing market offers a great deal of variety. If you're looking for a small apartment to enjoy while you get settled in, you can find studios and 1 bedrooms throughout the city. The eastern edge of the city, which borders on the Sandia Wilderness, offers many unique options for those interested in a smaller home and footprint.

      If you're ready to rent your own house in an established neighborhood, you can find homes with multiple bedrooms and baths. The pueblo style of architecture is prevalent in the city of Albuquerque, so your space may even offer lower utility bills!

      Albuquerque offers residents a wide variety of activities to make your free time interesting. For families with small kids or anyone concerned about their budget, this city features many free things to do. From the New Mexico Steam Locomotive and Railroad Museum to a visit to the New Mexico Veterans Memorial, you can find interesting and educational activities for children and adults alike.

      Additional activities include a trip to the New Mexico Turquoise Museum, a ride on the Sandia Peak Tramway, or a hike to the Petroglyph National Monument. If fitness is one of your goals in your new home, Albuquerque makes it easy to feed your brain while strengthening your body.

      You'll likely need a car when you get to Albuquerque, though you can get around a lot of the city on foot, via the local bus system, or on one of the many bike lanes. Luckily, if you've got a car, you've got access to the multiple interesting and brain-stretching day trips in the area. Parking isn't expensive, and there are park and ride lots near the more congested areas of the city.

      As Albuquerque is the largest city in the state, the cost of living is a bit higher than in other areas. Luckily, the job market is better as well. In addition, there are many state and federal government jobs in this region, so the benefits are excellent.

      When a city exceeds half a million people, there are many features of big city living that open up for the whole region. Retail options available in larger metropolitan areas suddenly open up in your neighborhood. Federal transportation funds become available and road improvements make getting around much easier. Albuquerque is poised to grow. Grow with us!

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Albuquerque? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Bataan Park
      McDuffie Park
      Triangle Park
      Wellesley Park
      Morningside Park
      Prado del Sol
      Summit Park
      Campo Mañana


      The Guild Cinema
      Mariposa Gallery
      Lobo Theater
      Matrix Fine Art
      Remarque/New Grounds Print Workshop
      ASUNM Southwest Film Center
      University Art Museum

      Food & Drink

      Jubiliation Wine & Spirits
      Lizard Tail Brewing
      ABQ Bite
      Urban Hotdog
      Olo Yogurt Studio
      Happy Accidents
      Two Fools Tavern

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Albuquerque? Of all people who commute, 1.7% take public transportation in Albuquerque.
      Drive to Work

      2% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      3% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      A Health & Safety

      Is Albuquerque a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital
      UNM Carrie Tingley Hospital
      Kindred Hospital - Albuquerque
      Lovelace Women's Hopsital
      St Joseph's Hospital Complex
      Bill & Barbara Richardson Healthcare Pavillion
      University Hospital
      UNMH Ambulatory Care Center


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless
      Mariposa Plastic Surgery
      Healthy Families
      Midtown Family Medicine
      Epiphany Dermatology
      Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery