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Safest Cities In Alaska 2025

Nearby Areas With A High Livability Score

Low crime rates are an important factor when determining the livability of any given city in Alaska. Finding the safest places to live in Alaska can be challenging, especially in larger cities which tend to have more crime. Luckily, AreaVibes has done all the heavy lifting for you. Using science and data, AreaVibes has created a list of the safest places to live in Alaska with a population over 5,000.

The Alaska cities listed above have impeccably low crime rates when compared to other cities in the state. How did we choose the safest places to live in Alaska? To create the list, we looked at both property crimes (burglary, theft, vehicle theft) and violent crimes (murder, rape, robbery, assault), then calculated the number of crimes per 100,000 people so that all cities are compared equally. Higher weights were given to violent crimes.

To narrow your search results even further, you can fully customize your list of the safest places to live in Alaska. Simply adjust the filters to select cities or neighborhoods, population size and home/rent prices. You can also select any other categories (amenities, cost of living, education, employment, housing and weather) that are most important to you.