Cities in District of Columbia

Population: 705,749

The map of District of Columbia cities offers a user-friendly way to explore all the cities and towns located in the state. To get started, simply click the clusters on the map. These clusters represent groups of cities located close to each other geographically and as the map zooms, the individual cities within the selected cluster will become more visible. As you take a depper dive, the clusters will transform to pins and allow you to click the cities of your choice.

Washington, D.C.: The Nation's Capital

Washington, D.C., the nation's capital, is a city that embodies the history, culture, and political heart of the United States. Located along the Potomac River, this federal district is not part of any state, allowing it to serve as the seat of the U.S. government. Cities in Washington, D.C., are defined by their monumental architecture, iconic landmarks, and vibrant neighborhoods. The National Mall, with its sprawling green spaces and significant memorials, including the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and the U.S. Capitol, is the centerpiece of the city. Washington, D.C., is also home to world-renowned museums, such as those in the Smithsonian Institution, offering residents and visitors unparalleled access to art, history, and science. The city's diverse neighborhoods, from the historic charm of Georgetown to the cultural vibrancy of Adams Morgan, provide a rich tapestry of experiences and communities. Washington, D.C.'s educational institutions, including prestigious universities like Georgetown University and The George Washington University, contribute to a robust intellectual and research environment. The city is also a hub for international diplomacy, with numerous embassies and global organizations headquartered here. Washington, D.C.'s blend of history, culture, and politics creates a unique and dynamic living experience that reflects the nation's identity and values.

Largest cities in District of Columbia by population

# City Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Washington 701,974 158 75

District of Columbia Demographics

The District of Columbia's demographics are distinctive, reflecting its role as the nation's capital. The population includes significant representation from African American, White, Hispanic or Latino, and Asian communities. The city is characterized by high levels of cultural and economic activity, with a large transient population of government workers and professionals. Income levels in D.C. are generally high, but there are stark economic disparities. The average age in D.C. is lower than the national average, driven by a young, professional workforce. This dynamic demographic landscape highlights the unique cultural and economic aspects of the District of Columbia.

District of Columbia Population

Statistic Value
Population 705,749
Population Density 10,779 ppl. / sq. mi.
Median Age 34
Male To Female Ratio 0.90 : 0
Married (15yrs & older) 33.54%
Families w/ Kids under 18 43.27%
Speak English 82.57%
Speak Spanish 9%

District of Columbia Race and Ethnicity

Statistic Value
White 40%
Black 48%
American Indian 0%
Asian 4%
Hawaiian 0%
Other Race Alone 4%
Multi Racial 3%
Hispanic Or Latino 10%

District of Columbia Education

Statistic Value
Completed eighth Grade 88%
Completed High School 87.35%
Bachelors Degree 58%
Masters Degree 4%
Avg. School Score 31%

District of Columbia Employment

Statistic Value
Median Household Income $72,935
Income Per Capita $48,781
Median Earnings Male $51,839
Median Earnings Female $44,179
Unemployment Rate 6%

District of Columbia State Facts

What are the states that border District of Columbia on the map?

Virginia, and Maryland are bordering states to District of Columbia.

What is the capital city of District of Columbia?

The capital city of District of Columbia is Washington. It has a population of 659,009 people.

What is the size of District of Columbia?

District of Columbia has a land area size of 68 square miles and is 10.67% water.

What is the state nickname of District of Columbia?

The state nickname of District of Columbia is "D.C.".

What is the population of District of Columbia?

The population of District of Columbia is 705,749.

What are the demographics in District of Columbia?

The median age in District of Columbia is 33.8, 33.54% of people are married, 43.27% of people have kids under the age of 18, 82.57% of people speak English and 8.79% of people speak Spanish

Best cities in District of Columbia by livability score

# City Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Washington 701,974 158 75

District of Columbia - Quick Facts, History & Geography

District of Columbia Quick Facts

Home to the Capitol Building, the White House and the Supreme Court the District of Columbia is located on the east coast of the United States. The district is not a state, but is the capital of the United States and known as a federal district. It was established in 1790 as an area specifically created to house the government. D.C. is home to the world's largest museum - The Smithsonian Institution. It holds multiple museums, galleries and is also a research complex. It is also home to multiple international institutions like the Organization of American States, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The Washington National Cathedral took 83 years to build. The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus. The District of Columbia covers only 68.34 miles. Famous people born in D.C include Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Alyson Hannigan, Goldie Hawn, Chris Cornell, Dave Chappelle and Katherine Heigl.

A Rich History of Events In D.C.

In the earliest days, multiple North American tribes settled on the lands including the Piscataway and the Nacotchtank. Explorer Joh Smith was the first to arrive in the region back in 1608, but it wasn't until later in the 17th century that the first permanent settlements were established. The history of the District of Columbia goes back to George Washington, who chose D.C. to have the honor of being the nation's capital. The district would include land from both Virginia and Maryland as was designed by Pierre Charles L'Enfant. In 1814, during the war of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain, British forces set fire to several government buildings, including the White House and the Capitol. They city was slowly rebuilt in the years that followed. In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in D.C., and the district became a hub fo the Union Army and a center for refugees and freed slaves. The district also played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement as it would host historic events like the March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr. would also deliver his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. In recent decades, the district has seen a rise in population and economic growth as the area has been rejuvenated.

District of Columbia Geography

The District of Columbia is very small, with only 68 square miles of land area. Just over 10% of that is covered by water. However, it is one of the most densely population areas in all of the United States with a population density of more than 11,000 people per square mile. The Potomac River flows along the western and southern boundaries of the district. It serves as a natural border between Washington, D.C. and the neighboring states of Maryland and Virginia. The district is very flat with a maximum elevation of just 410 feet in Tenleytown.

District of Columbia Relocation Guide

In Washington, D.C., there are many different opportunities for everyone. The attractions are many, depending upon your tastes. For the locals who have come to city for business opportunities, the bar scene is vibrant and there are many restaurants to enjoy, as well. Looking at a map of D.C., you will see that it's quite compartmentalized, with little communities having their own feel. As for businesses in the area, one might not be surprised to learn that many of them are government related or they are designed to service individuals working within the government.

In the early 90's, it was common for people to refer to Washington as the crime capital of the United States. Perhaps it's time for a new nickname as the crime rate in D.C. has decreased by nearly 50% since then. Having said that, crime in D.C. is still higher than the national average. Today, Washington is growing by leaps and bounds and the economic opportunities there remain strong, despite the recent downturn. Jobs are competitive, since many people want to move in the city. The nice thing about D.C. is that the public transportation system is one of the best in the world, with buses connecting people to different areas there. Lots of people use public transportation in Washington as a cost cutting measure. Cutting costs is somewhat important, since housing prices and cost of living are very high. Many townhomes are available throughout the city, but they come at a high cost in a good area.

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