Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities D

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (5) F
Oscar's Cafe
Coffee Shop
Eureka Daily Roast
Coffee Shop
Slushy Stand
Coffee Shop
Eureka Springs Coffee House
Coffee Shop
Mud Street Cafe
Coffee Shop
Entertainment (11) A+
Intrigue Theater
Theatre Arts
Hammond Bell Museum
The Statton Gallery, Madison's Garden
Art Gallery
Studio 62 Eureka Springs
Art Gallery
aMUSEd Fine Art
Theatre Arts
Harps Doll Museum
Studio 34
Art Gallery
Rainbow Stairs
Eureka Springs Historical Museum
The Great Passion Play
Theatre Arts
Ozark Mountain Hoe-Down Music Theatre
Theatre Arts
Food and Drink (7) F
Rowdy Beaver Den
Missy's White Rabbit Lounge
Missy's White Rabbit Lounge
Two Dumb Dames
Eureka Live
Pied Piper Pub & Inn and The Cat House Lounge
Booze Brothers
Fitness (1) F
Eureka Springs Community Center
Community Centre
Groceries (2) F
colossal cupcakes and cones
Hart's Family Center
Grocery Store
Parks (16) A+
Harmon Playground
Harmon Park
Harmon Park
Carnegie Spring Park
Harding Park
Eureka Springs Music Park
Basin Spring Park
Basin Park Stage
Magetic Springs Park
Lake Leatherwood Park
Shops (9) F
Jewelry Show
Just Between Friends
Gift Shop
East By West
Gift Shop
Scarlett's Lingerie & Curiosities
Pivot Rock and Natural Bridge
Gift Shop
Eureka Vintage & Outdoor
Gift Shop
Razorback Gift Shops
Gift Shop
Romi's Vintage On Van Buren
The Barn Shoppes at the Old Sale Barn
See more Eureka Springs amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Eureka Springs.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Eureka Springs commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Eureka Springs is 93/100 - which is 8% higher than Arkansas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Eureka Springs cost of living data

crime F

Eureka Springs crime rates are 2,779 per 100k, which is 10% lower than Arkansas
Property Crime
2,232 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
547 crimes per 100k
See more Eureka Springs crime data

employment D-

The median income in Eureka Springs is $34,835 - which is 18% lower than Arkansas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Eureka Springs employment data

health C-

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (4)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Eureka Springs Hospital
Cop Pull Out
Eureka Springs Fire Department Station 4
Fire Station
Eureka Springs Police Department
Holiday Island Volunteer Fire Department Station 2
Fire Station
Inspiration Point Volunteer Fire Department Main Station
Fire Station
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Eureka Springs health & safety data

housing B-

Eureka Springs home prices are $161,300 - which is 41% higher than Arkansas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
4.6x (home price to income ratio)
See more Eureka Springs housing data

schools B-

The Eureka Springs graduation rate is 88% - which is 11% higher than Arkansas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (4) F
Clear Spring School
Academy Of Excellence
Eureka Springs Elem. School
Eureka Springs Middle School
High Schools (2) C-
Clear Spring School
Eureka Springs High School
See more Eureka Springs education data

ratings B

Eureka Springs has an overall rating of 72% from 11 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (8)
From AreaVibes
See more Eureka Springs user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Eureka Springs, AR
( 11 Ratings )

Living in Eureka Springs, AR

Eureka Springs Area Facts

  • Eureka Springs has a Livability Score of 66/100, which is considered good
  • Eureka Springs crime rates are 10% lower than the Arkansas average
  • Cost of living in Eureka Springs is 8% higher than the Arkansas average
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Eureka Springs Reviews

Write a review about Eureka Springs Tell people what you like or don't like about Eureka Springs…
Was not happy living here 1 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 19, 2020) We lived in Eureka Springs for 22 months and the happiest day while we lived there was the day we were pulling out of the driveway with our U-Haul filled with our belongings.
It is true about folks not accepting newcomers very well, we experienced that on a daily basis, from neig
...Read More hbors to shop merchants. There is only one run down small grocery store that looked as if should have been torn down. Or you could drive 1 hour to Bentonville to shop for decent groceries.
There are Victorian homes but most are in great need of repair. Fortunately my husband is a great handy man and i love to paint and did repair work also on the 125 year old house that had been very neglected, for decades.
Our neighbor across the street would walk past us and have a bucket filled with some of his home grown tomatoes and vegetables and not once offered to us, even though my husband on more than once occasion helped him make home repairs (for free). I might be in the yard and he walked right past me. So, it was with all of our neighbors behavior.
The doctor i visited almost killed me by putting me on the wrong medication and did not take my calls at his office when i called frantic the next day. Causing me to drive a long distance to find a doctor to help me out.
There are nice shops to visit (the best hat store you will ever see) with pretty things and nice restaurants to eat at and some nice Bed and Breakfast, is why i gave 4 stars. For a visit, the town is not that bad. I just wish that we had only stayed for a weekend and not a day longer!
It was a hot day on moving day and not one neighbor stopped by to say we would be missed (even though we had helped each one with a chore or two). They stayed in their houses and stared out the window as we packed and left. Read Less
One of my favorite small towns in America 5 rating By lessismore ( Mar 31, 2018) This is an example of how disconnected a score can be to the real-life experience. Eureka Springs with its victorian architecture, rolling hills w/ trolly stations, and artist retreats is like a mini San Francisco in the Ozark mountains. Nearly a million visitors visit the town e ...Read More ach year so the crime rate should actually be an A if you divide the data against 1 million people vs. 2,000. Read Less
A hidden Gem 5 rating By rjaidie ( Oct 27, 2015) This city is absolutely beautiful. It is perfect for family vacations and get-aways. I would recommend it to anyone who loves mountains, the country side, and event the beach. It is such a serene little town with friendly locals and there is always something to do. My persona ...Read More l favorite is downtown Eureka Springs. Downtown you will find shops you Will Not find anywhere else. Downtown there are natural rock formations along walkways, fountains and streams (yes, this is downtown), and adorable little parks right in the middle of the city. All I have to say about this city is that it is an undiscovered gem. I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't really know where they'd like to vacation, to the experts, and especially to couples as it is a place you will fall in love all over again. Read Less
Show All Reviews
A hidden Gem 5 rating By rjaidie ( Oct 27, 2015) This city is absolutely beautiful. It is perfect for family vacations and get-aways. I would recommend it to anyone who loves mountains, the country side, and event the beach. It is such a serene little town with friendly locals and there is always something to do. My persona ...Read More l favorite is downtown Eureka Springs. Downtown you will find shops you Will Not find anywhere else. Downtown there are natural rock formations along walkways, fountains and streams (yes, this is downtown), and adorable little parks right in the middle of the city. All I have to say about this city is that it is an undiscovered gem. I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't really know where they'd like to vacation, to the experts, and especially to couples as it is a place you will fall in love all over again. Read Less

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Compare Eureka Springs, AR Livability


      D Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Eureka Springs? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Harmon Playground
      Harmon Park
      Harmon Park
      Carnegie Spring Park
      Harding Park
      Eureka Springs Music Park
      Basin Spring Park
      Basin Park Stage


      Intrigue Theater
      Hammond Bell Museum
      The Statton Gallery, Madison's Garden
      Studio 62 Eureka Springs
      aMUSEd Fine Art
      Harps Doll Museum
      Studio 34
      Rainbow Stairs

      Food & Drink

      Rowdy Beaver Den
      Missy's White Rabbit Lounge
      Missy's White Rabbit Lounge
      Two Dumb Dames
      Eureka Live
      Pied Piper Pub & Inn and The Cat House Lounge
      Booze Brothers

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Eureka Springs? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Eureka Springs.
      Drive to Work

      9% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      8% higher than the US average

      A- Health & Safety

      Is Eureka Springs a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Eureka Springs Hospital

