Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (1) F
Aspen Cinemas
Food and Drink (5) F
Fast Food
Fast Food
Taco Time
Fast Food
Costa Vida
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (1) F
Walmart Supercenter
Grocery Store
Parks (6) F
Ottley Park
Shops (1) F
See more Evanston amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.2% take public transportation in Evanston.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Evanston commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Evanston is 95/100 - which is 3% lower than Wyoming.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Evanston cost of living data

crime C-

Evanston crime rates are 1,707 per 100k, which is 3% higher than Wyoming
Property Crime
1,388 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
320 crimes per 100k
See more Evanston crime data

employment C+

The median income in Evanston is $62,356 - which is 5% higher than Wyoming.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Evanston employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (3)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Arrowhead Dental
Evanston Regional Hospital
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Evanston health & safety data

housing A+

Evanston home prices are $169,300 - which is 15% lower than Wyoming
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.7x (home price to income ratio)
See more Evanston housing data

schools C+

The Evanston graduation rate is 80% - which is 9% lower than Wyoming
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (6) A+
Evanston Middle School
Uinta Meadows Elementary
Davis Middle School
Clark Elementary
Aspen Elementary
North Evanston Elementary
High Schools (2) F
Evanston High School
Horizon Alternative School
See more Evanston education data

ratings F

Evanston has an overall rating of 37% from 16 reviews.
User Reviews (10)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (6)
From AreaVibes
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Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
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( 16 Ratings )

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Evanston Reviews

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What The Locals Want, The Locals Get! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 23, 2022) My review is about the people of this town. And the common gestures that hold them together to suck out life from their preselected target of recipient. There is the regular round the clock surveillance and back door gossipers closing their ranks up in utter contempt as soon as y ...Read More ou drive up to your doorstep. It is too bad that there is no nearby tai chi class for the housewives to gather and gossip at the nearby park every morning while drinking tea before going into houses to talk about some other people's long past life stories.

The common body moves to unwelcome you from the start are in showing off their ass as their fronts timing precisely to your every move, lots of tailing from the rear to watch up close your grocery items and waggling behind closed curtained windows being envious about you fixing up a motion light detector, demanding your reason for being there at all, and intimate arousing broadcast the first thing in the morning, head swaying to the side while they walk by the front or back of the house as if they are coming across something utterly contemptuous to bringing out their pets to defecate in and out of your front curb as a right of entitlement. Before that, lots of running over pedestrians like wild animals who has lost their way as well as stalking to shout with savage ferocity if you happen to walk too near their front door or windows.

Mind you, the master mind behind the local ganging up session will never show her or himself out. Only that you will pick up on the unspoken cues once you have moved in, and if you are more receptive enough, even earlier than that. Read Less
Hello Good Ol' Neighbors! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 21, 2022) Self-welcoming and fully invited and not just in using your garbage bin and driveway as their private alley. The local in this town is fully presumptuous and takes over your house as well as your living space just as soon as they step into it, and not just you! You need to be the ...Read More ones they want here to be allowed to come in (and not just to shop at the local businesses!)

When you are not welcome, the ganging up session begins in the first walk through with lots of hidden surprises in and out of the house left for you to figure it out by yourself. Playing up super friendly to bring your guards down before starting a long series of non-stop calling the cops! When they are done with calling the cops, they will summon some other people to come knock at the door the very instant they want to harass you, usually within half an hour, if not the very next day usually after lunch. Tailing in hot pursuit just as soon as you wake up with the wake-up extortion and even more pulling over competition to watch you up close while giving you the evil eye if you dare to step out through the back door.

From leaving their cars and trucks head beam lights directly into your face as well as reverse back far enough to leave their exhaust pumping out poison gas to simply putting out their favorite black garbage bin. Old news is worn news!

Unlike the previous neighborhood, the ones here prefer using cars and trucks to intimidate and harass while trespassing with their brood for their free access ahead of everybody else while coming out in groups in the back alley for the actual physical! Lots of sneering and shouting along the streets at night if not running over if they are given half of a chance.

Timing to precision in following your every move from cutting tree branches to throwing out thrash while leaving their motion sensor lights repetitively the whole night long just for the thrill of the chase. Less on flipping of the air-conditioning each time you step into the bath given that theirs are seldom located right next to your bathroom/bedroom windows. It defeats the purpose! And even less on slamming their doors and windows shut out loud given that the weather is too cold.

When you have experienced a ghetto town, this one waits on you to play on the very same games as before. If anything, they can't wait to follow through from the ones before with full peak of hostility just as soon as you move in with the regular stance of dashing out like a mad dog into your face while laughing in an outburst of hysterics.

Mind you, there will be lots of stalking all around the fence and all around the clock with them breathing down their backs while hovering in their closed off windows like an evil spirit waiting to be set free to go about for her next new target of recipient. Read Less
"Can't Wait To See Me Leave Yet?" 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 22, 2021) NO RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE, AND EVEN MORE THAN A MENTAL DESTROYER COMING IN TO TERRORISE THEIR MORMON SANCTUARY! This town has absolutely nothing good with neighbors who do absolutely nothing but wait on for an opportunity for violence. I have had countless police showing up at t ...Read More he front door to express the collective disapproval that I have not act on leaving the house. For neighbors who are utterly so concern about the new neighbor, I have not once seen them come over to do anything other than create an ongoing need of themselves by sneaking up from behind as well as to call their family city police coming round to bang louder and longer at the door. The people in this town sure play up to the double standard to the extreme in that they get to do whatever they want to other people for as long and for as often as they like. These neighbors do absolutely nothing but these . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wait on to watch neighbors' IN TO OUTDOOR MOVEMENTS armed with guns to intimidate, shine their motion detector bright lights right into opposite neighbor's window around the clock, park their black garbage right in front of the face, park their trucks across the flow of traffic, park and obstruct the back alley as their private driveway, park and block neighbors' back and front driveway to letting their dogs run at large to defecate on the nearby property. Strangely, I have never seen any police showing up at these neighbors' homes. Read Less
ZERO RATING, NO CLASS! 1 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 29, 2021) When the old neighbors are done calling the cops on you, you can be rest assured that they will step out from their house just to boss you into passing letters to the owner of the house like you are their servant girl waiting on hand and feet to take their new command. Not just i ...Read More n cleaning after their pet feces which has been left long before you have a chance to move into the house.
Can you imagine? No conscience, utterly no shame. You can dream on if you think they will have the moral decency to leave your letters at the front porch and then walk off quietly, as GOOD neighbors should be.

The local postal office does nothing except send you a NEW CUSTOMER green form for you to fill in the number and names of residents of your house, and keeps making you repeat the same process even after a year. You can be sure that they have no intention to do their jobs except walk up to your front door just to sound themselves up close to you. Meantime, your letters both outgoing and ingoing will be misdirected to some other people's homes. Your current mail box will be turned UPSIDE DOWN while you are out of the house.

Just as a consolation, the false impression only last six to eight months at the most before they reveal their true face, and not just watch you from morning, noon and night center locked in their favorite hot section of the house. Tailing from one end to the other is the standard since the layout of the house allows them a see through access! You get a rough house monkey laughing jamboree who pairs you up with their favorite "LGBT brood of the clan" just to stage cats fight in the back alley! OOOH! You should hear how loud and long these people can laugh?

Who needs a comedy movie?

Your entire back as well as side section of your house belongs to them, and not just the front of the house. You won't get much flipping OFF AND ON of air-conditioning or slamming of the doors here given that the weather is not cooperative. You will get a lot of dogs running at large and not just around the neighborhood. And so on what they can't do, they will concentrate bullying into more excessive stalking behind darkly shaded windows as well as doors and obsessive eavesdropping at all the other times.

When they can smell fear, you can be rest assured that the females will be the first to show themselves out, save on having your fingers flattened on the barbeque pit. It will usually start with one neighbor bringing out one big and one small dog followed by the entire family creeping out from behind your back alley like father and mother rabbits going out to market to buy a fat pig. And at the other times, out from no where you will have to come across a mother and child posing themselves sitting comfortably right in the center of the public side walk just to have a near encounter for a last say.

A close up at all the other times most especially at the grocery stores where they simply invite themselves to step up right next to you just to mimic in picking up fresh fruits and vegetables. You can be rest assured that you will find a whole group of people keeping two steps ahead of you by blocking out your items so as to prevent you from reaching them. Read Less
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"Can't Wait To See Me Leave Yet?" 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 22, 2021) NO RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE, AND EVEN MORE THAN A MENTAL DESTROYER COMING IN TO TERRORISE THEIR MORMON SANCTUARY! This town has absolutely nothing good with neighbors who do absolutely nothing but wait on for an opportunity for violence. I have had countless police showing up at t ...Read More he front door to express the collective disapproval that I have not act on leaving the house. For neighbors who are utterly so concern about the new neighbor, I have not once seen them come over to do anything other than create an ongoing need of themselves by sneaking up from behind as well as to call their family city police coming round to bang louder and longer at the door. The people in this town sure play up to the double standard to the extreme in that they get to do whatever they want to other people for as long and for as often as they like. These neighbors do absolutely nothing but these . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wait on to watch neighbors' IN TO OUTDOOR MOVEMENTS armed with guns to intimidate, shine their motion detector bright lights right into opposite neighbor's window around the clock, park their black garbage right in front of the face, park their trucks across the flow of traffic, park and obstruct the back alley as their private driveway, park and block neighbors' back and front driveway to letting their dogs run at large to defecate on the nearby property. Strangely, I have never seen any police showing up at these neighbors' homes. Read Less
ZERO RATING, NO CLASS! 1 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 29, 2021) When the old neighbors are done calling the cops on you, you can be rest assured that they will step out from their house just to boss you into passing letters to the owner of the house like you are their servant girl waiting on hand and feet to take their new command. Not just i ...Read More n cleaning after their pet feces which has been left long before you have a chance to move into the house.
Can you imagine? No conscience, utterly no shame. You can dream on if you think they will have the moral decency to leave your letters at the front porch and then walk off quietly, as GOOD neighbors should be.

The local postal office does nothing except send you a NEW CUSTOMER green form for you to fill in the number and names of residents of your house, and keeps making you repeat the same process even after a year. You can be sure that they have no intention to do their jobs except walk up to your front door just to sound themselves up close to you. Meantime, your letters both outgoing and ingoing will be misdirected to some other people's homes. Your current mail box will be turned UPSIDE DOWN while you are out of the house.

Just as a consolation, the false impression only last six to eight months at the most before they reveal their true face, and not just watch you from morning, noon and night center locked in their favorite hot section of the house. Tailing from one end to the other is the standard since the layout of the house allows them a see through access! You get a rough house monkey laughing jamboree who pairs you up with their favorite "LGBT brood of the clan" just to stage cats fight in the back alley! OOOH! You should hear how loud and long these people can laugh?

Who needs a comedy movie?

Your entire back as well as side section of your house belongs to them, and not just the front of the house. You won't get much flipping OFF AND ON of air-conditioning or slamming of the doors here given that the weather is not cooperative. You will get a lot of dogs running at large and not just around the neighborhood. And so on what they can't do, they will concentrate bullying into more excessive stalking behind darkly shaded windows as well as doors and obsessive eavesdropping at all the other times.

When they can smell fear, you can be rest assured that the females will be the first to show themselves out, save on having your fingers flattened on the barbeque pit. It will usually start with one neighbor bringing out one big and one small dog followed by the entire family creeping out from behind your back alley like father and mother rabbits going out to market to buy a fat pig. And at the other times, out from no where you will have to come across a mother and child posing themselves sitting comfortably right in the center of the public side walk just to have a near encounter for a last say.

A close up at all the other times most especially at the grocery stores where they simply invite themselves to step up right next to you just to mimic in picking up fresh fruits and vegetables. You can be rest assured that you will find a whole group of people keeping two steps ahead of you by blocking out your items so as to prevent you from reaching them. Read Less
Old World Bullies Mormon Style! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 14, 2020) Come and find out for yourself what these people in this particular town is like? Unique and different and misunderstood. So much talk about polygamy! Nothing beats coming in for the fun, freedom and fresh air, if you can catch my drift. You get the best of both worlds from both ...Read More males as well as females from the old to the young ones joining in one force collectively!

You will be impressed by how precise the old neighbors can make their initial come back while timing themselves in and not just after you drop a bowl of soup or even have a tree trimmed with a few leaves falling over to their side of the fence. Oh My They sure take immediate notice if you happen to leave your trunk open.

Boy these people sure can go all out in isolating and intimidating while making you pay for each and every single task which you have done both in and outside of your house, and that they get to make some use over to dominate you and not just calling the police on you. I guess they know that you are not impress with their racoon.

These ones are the most outstanding ones you will ever find.

While they play busy in waggling behind their windows, you can be sure that they make every satisfaction of not just stopping to stoop but to sniff your rear just to make it worth their time and effort. What a turn on any woman's greatest fantasy? See how they flaunt in that they get to park themselves comfortably and even at an angle to turn you on.

"Martha Stewart is single."

One house to bully and another one or two more to stand back to affirm and watch in silent cooperation!

For that one particular bullying neighbor, you will find preselected daughter assigning her other truck loads of team members for each time slot and one person assigned to each member of your household executed with such precise discipline that will leave you falling off your chair in no time.

You can be sure that they love most is to force themselves over by trespassing while laughing out loud (just in case you do not hear them walking by) your bathroom windows before going in to slam their doors shut. From the back of your house right through your driveway as a given right of entitlement, you had better not call the cops on them though. Read Less
MOCKING AND MIMICING LAUGHING RIGHT INTO YOUR FACE! 1 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 27, 2020) THESE PEOPLE IN THIS TOWN THINKS THEY WORLD OF THEMSELVES! AND NOT JUST THE GROUND THAT THEY WALK ON! Don't come and live in Evanston, Wyoming as it is populated by a local group of weirdoes who appears pompous and pious but keeps several wives under one roof and not mentioning b ...Read More utch daughters with the spiky 60's hair dos as mistresses. Not too sure how they go about doing it when it comes time for pay day and S>X?

They enjoy a close stare for just every single thing that you do from mowing your lawn to changing flat tires to wiping your windows which they get enliven in with a hateful stare followed by a hysterical outburst of horniness and the grand satisfaction of using you as their live captive. From being isolated with a lot of closed of curtains to a seeing them sit all together at the furthest end of a restaurant, it is their silent expression of disapproval. However they are ever devoted in leaving their back or side or front lights on just to have the bright lights beam right into your sleep at night!

You may have seen and live in better places but if you are not one of their preselected ones, you will be seen as an outcast coming in to destroy their quaint little neighborhood and to which they will go all out in isolating you as well as call the police to the fire department repetitively. A few examples are like slamming their doors persistently each time you step out of your house, flipping air-conditioning unit off and on just to frighten you as well as increasing the frequency and blast of their sprinkler heads so as to make your home a public sewer and drainage, not to mention the standard behind the scene stalking you from one corner end of your house to the other end just to enjoy a closed door monkey laughing jamboree.

These people will keep two steps ahead of you by changing their motion sensor detector to come on closer to their own step out of their doorway just as soon as you move in while immediately installing new security devices to ward you off from stepping too near your own fence line. And they go all out in following your every move from clearing off old branches to weeds and even to painting their walls up just to not lose faces!

There are only two food markets where the locals work and go and kill time in to stand and gossip while mobbing and blocking you from getting to your groceries, and not only that shopkeepers who will shun and stare at you should you have the unfortunate circumstance of coming into them. Their social distancing is about standing and staring at you within an arm pit so as suck it out from you even better! Your items are either not given out or be left falling out from your cart if not you will be given the wrong change should you not insist on your receipt and young cashiers who will force you to pay using credit card so as to get rid of you even faster.

Small business owners will put you to the test and will come back to you perhaps in four to five months time perhaps being hard pressed for popularity. Despite presenting itself as a small town with a lot of character, you will get a lot of honking from hostile motorists who do nothing but drive around aimlessly at night simply to have a fresh start with you as well as curious stare from drive-by who wants you to be their one night pick up stand and streetwalker. You get run down in the brightest part of town simply because they have four wheels and you only two. They drive right into your face leaving you an inch to hop out or be driven and knocked head down first!

Your home will be used for the next door neighbor to look into like a free movie screen given that the layout comes with an extremely large window to the side which they will use to see right into your bathroom while they sit comfortably in their couch with dinner in hand. You can be rest assured that they will enjoy using your private driveway and alley as their own private walk way and knows precisely when to sneak quietly by as you catch an afternoon nap. You can also be rest assured that your yard is not respected given that their pets as well as children's public restroom needs comes first. The small narrow dark back alley is nothing more than a private access reserved for the preselected neighbor of the block to use for parking for their own church members and to which you are not even allowed to stop, park or even walk through. And to which you owe it to them to back out in the opposite direction so as to have your car driven into by any other motorist entering from the rear!

The neighbors here do nothing but stalk and gawk and laugh at you for each opportunity they get let it be from removing old junk left in the basement or even by simply sitting quietly while reading a book as they see as another given chance to come up close to harass you as a way of habit. You can be rest assured that you will never be left alone, morning, noon or night!

For each time you step out to your backyard, you will be instantly tailed by these neighbors appearing out from no where to come by within a minute or so simply to have a coincidental encounter while they sit and watch you up close and not just from their favorite darkly tinted back room window.

The one thing that they pride themselves about is their winter which is supposed to be world class given that Jackson Hole is within driving distance. However, there is one thing they will never tell you and that you are more than welcome to come in and find out for yourself?!

No - no I shall not be the one to say it! - Read Less
Fishy Eyes For Newcomer! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 19, 2020) This is a town reserved for the majority of Mormons who do nothing but talk about some other people's past history as well as their grocery list from morning to night. The local town folks gather in groups so that you will not get much time out for yourself other than in coming i ...Read More nto one group of gossipers to the next crowd of people clumping together like expired shrimp in the seafood market.

Other than prying eyes behind their ancient windows, there are drug addicts, pederasty as well as bigamists to contend playing housewives who do nothing but time themselves precisely to your indoor as well as outdoor activities. If you plan to move here, you will be treated accordingly and not just be given the back rejection as well as countless dirty looks from married men who are curious to see if you qualify to be their first wife's part time play mate.

You will be judged not just by the size of your previous state's number plate but by the number of brood you can keep in your chicken coop.

Should you go into a fight or disagreement with your spouse, you will get the immediate attention in that your life belongs to the neighbors and not just your side walk way. In this instant, you will see her cowering to eavesdrop from one window sill to the next in God fear not to miss out on any single word of your conversation.

Once you have settled in, you will find the other next-door neighbor's daughter beginning a preying ritual by persistently loitering in the back alley while crouching her head each time she drive before giving you a surprise sitting patiently in her car just to see you undress and walk in bare naked. Read Less
Fishy Eye For The New Comer! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 19, 2020) This town is fully reserved for the local Mormons who do nothing but talk about some other people's long past history as well as their grocery list from morning to night. The town's folk gather in groups giving you a preview of walking into a seafood market. If you plan to move h ...Read More ere, you can be sure that you will be treated accordingly in that they can size you up in an instant and not just the size of your previous state's license plate.

Your new house will be filled with years and years of defecation left over from the previous decade stamp dried into the soil from the front walk way all the way to the back so that you will have no opportunity of cleaning after them. There will be more than just the regular peeping Toms who do nothing but sit out in their porch to stroke themselves out to others.

Just as soon as you move in, you get the first instant prying eyes staring at you behind close windows curious to see the new comer. And then you get a lot of side dirty looks of men who time themselves to walk side by side with you pretending to strike a side talk with you. Should you go into a disagreement with your family members or friends, you can be sure to find the folks next door cowering to eavesdrop from one window sill to the next ever vigilant in not missing out any single word of your conversation.

Once you have finally moved in, you will find the next door neighbors' daughter starting a daily persistent preying on her new pet mate while pretending to drive by constantly at the back alley . . . before peaking into giving you a sniffing from the rear standby surprise parking herself while sitting comfortably in her white SUV to stare at you (without winding her windows down) walking bare naked through your own bedroom window. Read Less
Not that great 1 rating By samanthaweston3061 ( May 29, 2018) Don't really have a whole lot of good things to day about this city. This is a small city of about 12,000 some odd people mostly of whom have been born and raised here . I lived here briefly due to a job my company was doing . I hate to say this but this is the most self entitled ...Read More ,self absorbed community I have ever lived in . If you are from another state you will be treated horribly . This people think they are better than everyone else . It,s mostly populated by Mormons who are basically alcoholics and drug addicts and profess a greater than thou attitude towards people who aren't from their precious little community . I have seen their gossiping ruin many lives . There is literally nothing here to do but get drunk which is what most of they do , there is nothing for kids to do in this town and there claim to fame is the Red Devil's which is Evanston High's sports teams . Their education system ranks #9 in the country not #1 as they would have you believe. The economy is horrible their unemployment rate is 7.5 and it has been called one of the worst places to live in Wyoming . They complain that they can't get any business's to come to this sleepy little town basically because the board of Directors that sit at the county offices think they can dictate what business's can open in their special little town . I am so glad that my time in this city was short won't be going back anytime soon . Read Less
The City With Mountain Joy! 5 rating By Anonymous ( May 28, 2018) Evanston is a small quaint town in Uinta County with a population of about 12,000 residents. The city offers convenient transportation throughout the town, such as bus, light rail and ferry services. The average one-way commute time is seventeen minutes. What I love most about li ...Read More ving in the area are the welcoming friendly people.

Winters here are present, but quite mild, throughout the year residents can expect about forty-eight inches of snow. Summers are perky and hot, but always comfortable. Occasional rainstorms that produce wet and damp temperatures.

The attractions are interesting and fun there's a host of parks and museums that many visit on the regular. One of my favorite destinations is the Bear River State Park in Wyoming, they feature activities like, biking, fishing, gift shops, group picnics, hiking, wildlife, skiing and swimming. There is also the famous Uinta County Museum, Hamblin Park and Medicine Buttle, where residents and tourists have the opportunity to view one of the most astonishing mountains in the city! Read Less

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Compare Evanston, WY Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Evanston? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Ottley Park


      Aspen Cinemas

      Food & Drink

      Taco Time
      Costa Vida

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Evanston? Of all people who commute, 0.2% take public transportation in Evanston.
      Drive to Work

      5% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      D+ Health & Safety

      Is Evanston a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Evanston Regional Hospital

