Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (1) F
Art Guild at Fairfield Glade
Art Gallery
Food and Drink (0) F
Fitness (1) F
Fairfield Glade Community Center
Community Centre
Groceries (0) F
Food City
Grocery Store
Parks (1) F
Robinhood Park
Shops (0) F
Convenience Store
Dollar General
Discount Store
Ace Hardware
Home Improvement
Dollar Tree
Discount Store
See more Fairfield Glade amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Fairfield Glade.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Fairfield Glade commute data

cost of living A

The cost of living in Fairfield Glade is 99/100 - which is 11% higher than Tennessee.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Fairfield Glade cost of living data

crime C

Fairfield Glade crime rates are 1,599 per 100k, which is 47% lower than Tennessee
Property Crime
1,263 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
336 crimes per 100k
See more Fairfield Glade crime data

employment B

The median income in Fairfield Glade is $58,785 - which is 26% higher than Tennessee.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Fairfield Glade employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (2)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Good Samaritan Society - Fairfield Glade
Nursing Home
Fairfield Glade Police Department
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Fairfield Glade health & safety data

housing A+

Fairfield Glade home prices are $220,500 - which is 51% higher than Tennessee
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more Fairfield Glade housing data

schools D

The Fairfield Glade graduation rate is 91% - which is 14% higher than Tennessee
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (0) F
High Schools (0) F
See more Fairfield Glade education data

ratings B+

Fairfield Glade has an overall rating of 75% from 23 reviews.
User Reviews (4)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (19)
From AreaVibes
See more Fairfield Glade user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Fairfield Glade, TN
( 23 Ratings )

Living in Fairfield Glade, TN

Fairfield Glade Area Facts

  • Fairfield Glade has a Livability Score of 59/100, which is considered below average
  • Fairfield Glade crime rates are 47% lower than the Tennessee average
  • Cost of living in Fairfield Glade is 11% higher than the Tennessee average
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Fairfield Glade Reviews

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Need to do Homework before accepting mindless slander 5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 23, 2019) Goodness! The previous commentator really has things WRONG! I cannot believe the misrepresentation of this Beautiful community!

We have TONS of things to do here, and it is a VERY safe community, as well. We have our own community center (with indoor pool, and gym), library b
...Read More uilding, art building, walking trails, considered the golf capital of Tn. 4 swimming pools (one indoor pool) our own health/wellness clinic, tennis courts (both indoor and outdoor) with a dedicated bldg. for that purpose, 11 lakes for swimming, fishing and boating, not to mention many planned activities and clubs for all ages-but most often for retired adults!

We are a wooded community, therefore there will be some insects, and wild life, but NOTHING unusual or extraordinary at all. Actually our climate is superb, with 4 mild seasons, since we are middle south and are on top of the Cumberland Plateau.

We have our own restaurants, gas stations, banks,churches, and grocery store, complete with bakery, deli and gas station there. Many other stores, as well. We even have our own enclosed Mall with post office. It is not big, but very nicely kept.

I hope that this will give a more balanced and favorable to Fairfield Glade to anyone who may be considering a move to Tn.! FFG had their own Facebook page so don't take my word for it-do your own homework and check it out-along with the many other places you can find online.
Good luck and check us out! Friendly people here, as well! :-) Read Less
Fairfield Glade is a community full of bugs and snakes 0.5 rating By Lisa M ( May 18, 2018) I lived here for 5 years and could not wait to get out! The ticks are atrocious, they spread Lyme, rocky mt fever, and 11 other diseases. Doctors will not test until you show symptoms, by that time it is too have permanent damage! Do not go to the local hospital in ...Read More Crossville, they will misdiagnose you or give you a drug that is being tested. Stay away from Dr. Stubbs, she takes your $100 deposit, tells you she can't treat your condition and keeps your deposit. Snakes are running rampid, they even closed some trails in the Smokey Mt national park when a 8 yr girl was bitten by a copperhead. If you enjoy life and want to stay here awhile, stay away from Crossville, (Fairfield Glade). Crime is high, a vet was mugged in his parking lot of the office by a druggie in front of the Kroger market. A elderly woman had her car rocked, while she was in it, by a bunch of thugs in the walmart parking lot. Restaurants are not good, fairfield charges extra for the ammenities on top of the outrageous dues. Handymen and landscapers charge high prices for Fairfield Glade residents. All the workers assume Fairfield Glade residents have money so they increase the costs for services in just that area. They spend too much money on trivial activities that are directed more for children than for seniors. The hiking paths go nowhere and you can feel the ticks crawling on your skin as you try to walk. The mosquitos and the gnats are annoying too, plenty of bugs to deal with and the electrical service is always going out. Utilities are higher in Fairfield than Crossville, once again seniors are being descriminated against and are being charged higher costs for services...the local Food City raises their prices prior to a sale, so you are really not saving anything. The sales tax is very high, even more in Fairfield than in Crossville. There also is a high rate of cancer, as our church lost many folks in a short period of time, all the dogs on our block died in one years time....a lot of cancer. Read Less
Amenities-F?? 4 rating By Frank4111 ( Jul 06, 2015) I agree with the other reviewer. I think that areavibes needs to update their findings, as the shops, grocery stores, restaurants have increased over the years. As this website is included on at least real estate company's website, I think that it's extremely important for the co ...Read More ntent to be correct, and they are anything but.
I lived in FFG from 2009-2014. It is a Wingate Retirement Resort. I'm not sure where areavibes is starting their 1 mile, as FFG encompasses over 21 miles of land.
There IS an excellent fitness center in FFG, and the equipment has been updated to the newer technology. They have an indoor heated swimming pool, classes for activities from Ballroom Dancing to Zumba, big screen TV's to watch while exercising, etc etc. There is also another chain Fitness Center located by the Food City grocery store.
Wyndham just finished building a new Visitors Center that has an indoor/outdoor swimming pool, free wifi, multiple meeting rooms, basketball and other sports. There are bikes for rent, and plenty of walking trails.
Food and Drink: There are multiple restaurants IN the Glade ranging from Red's Pub to Gourmet dining. Just outside the Glade entrance there are a minimum of 8 other restaurants, and bars with nightlife.
A small library is located inside of the Glade. 2 Banks are inside the Glade, and another two just outside the entrance. There is a Walk In clinic and an Optometrist and multiple veterinarian clinics.
Weigels opened a gas/convenience station at the Glade entrance, and the Kroger's inside the Village Mall inside FFG offers groceries. There are a minimum of TWO parks in the Glade.
There is an ABC store located just outside of the entrance as well as a Dollar General and a Family Dollar.
If I include everything that is INcorrect about the information found about FFG on areavibes, I would be doing their job. Please fix this. It's important to have accurate information. Read Less
No Amenities??? 5 rating By kwozny ( Dec 21, 2013) I can't believe that you rated this area an "F" for amenities.........there is a Food City just minutes from the entrance to the Fairfield Glade community/resort. There are two restaurants, a post office, gift stores, and spa ON the property. Also, dining at the Golf Course club ...Read More s and marinas. There is a great custard stand five minutes down the road, and a sandwich shop and more restaurants. Ten minutes away - a major shopping area in Crossville with more restaurants & fast food, grocery, gas and a winery.
If you are looking beyond shopping & dining, Fairfield Glade itself has golf courses, pools, tennis, volleyball, basketball, horseback riding, etc open to residents & vacationers. Soon, it will have its own medical center.
This score really needs to be changed. Read Less
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Amenities-F?? 4 rating By Frank4111 ( Jul 06, 2015) I agree with the other reviewer. I think that areavibes needs to update their findings, as the shops, grocery stores, restaurants have increased over the years. As this website is included on at least real estate company's website, I think that it's extremely important for the co ...Read More ntent to be correct, and they are anything but.
I lived in FFG from 2009-2014. It is a Wingate Retirement Resort. I'm not sure where areavibes is starting their 1 mile, as FFG encompasses over 21 miles of land.
There IS an excellent fitness center in FFG, and the equipment has been updated to the newer technology. They have an indoor heated swimming pool, classes for activities from Ballroom Dancing to Zumba, big screen TV's to watch while exercising, etc etc. There is also another chain Fitness Center located by the Food City grocery store.
Wyndham just finished building a new Visitors Center that has an indoor/outdoor swimming pool, free wifi, multiple meeting rooms, basketball and other sports. There are bikes for rent, and plenty of walking trails.
Food and Drink: There are multiple restaurants IN the Glade ranging from Red's Pub to Gourmet dining. Just outside the Glade entrance there are a minimum of 8 other restaurants, and bars with nightlife.
A small library is located inside of the Glade. 2 Banks are inside the Glade, and another two just outside the entrance. There is a Walk In clinic and an Optometrist and multiple veterinarian clinics.
Weigels opened a gas/convenience station at the Glade entrance, and the Kroger's inside the Village Mall inside FFG offers groceries. There are a minimum of TWO parks in the Glade.
There is an ABC store located just outside of the entrance as well as a Dollar General and a Family Dollar.
If I include everything that is INcorrect about the information found about FFG on areavibes, I would be doing their job. Please fix this. It's important to have accurate information. Read Less
No Amenities??? 5 rating By kwozny ( Dec 21, 2013) I can't believe that you rated this area an "F" for amenities.........there is a Food City just minutes from the entrance to the Fairfield Glade community/resort. There are two restaurants, a post office, gift stores, and spa ON the property. Also, dining at the Golf Course club ...Read More s and marinas. There is a great custard stand five minutes down the road, and a sandwich shop and more restaurants. Ten minutes away - a major shopping area in Crossville with more restaurants & fast food, grocery, gas and a winery.
If you are looking beyond shopping & dining, Fairfield Glade itself has golf courses, pools, tennis, volleyball, basketball, horseback riding, etc open to residents & vacationers. Soon, it will have its own medical center.
This score really needs to be changed. Read Less

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Compare Fairfield Glade, TN Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Fairfield Glade? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Robinhood Park


      Art Guild at Fairfield Glade

      Food & Drink

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Fairfield Glade? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Fairfield Glade.
      Drive to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      F Health & Safety

      Is Fairfield Glade a healthy and safe place to live? No, there are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,


