Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (0) F
Food and Drink (2) F
Sarsaparilla Ice Cream Parlor
Chalet Drive-In
Fast Food
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (0) F
Parks (0) F
Shops (2) F
Gold Mine Gas Station
Convenience Store
Idaho City Grocery
Convenience Store
See more Idaho City amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Idaho City.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Idaho City commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Idaho City is 88/100 - which is 8% lower than Idaho.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Idaho City cost of living data

crime B-

Idaho City crime rates are 1,307 per 100k, which is 25% higher than Idaho
Property Crime
1,014 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
293 crimes per 100k
See more Idaho City crime data

employment F

The median income in Idaho City is $33,214 - which is 32% lower than Idaho.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Idaho City employment data

health D-

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (1)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Idaho City Fire Station
Fire Station
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Idaho City health & safety data

housing C-

Idaho City home prices are $84,500 - which is 50% lower than Idaho
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.5x (home price to income ratio)
See more Idaho City housing data

schools C+

The Idaho City graduation rate is 85% - which is equal to Idaho
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (1) F
Basin Elementary School
High Schools (1) D-
Idaho City High School
See more Idaho City education data

ratings A+

Idaho City has an overall rating of 93% from 2 reviews.
User Reviews (1)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (1)
From AreaVibes
See more Idaho City user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Idaho City, ID
( 2 Ratings )

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Idaho City Reviews

Write a review about Idaho City Tell people what you like or don't like about Idaho City…
East Boise County Living 5 rating By Idahorealtor ( Dec 27, 2015) Idaho City and the east Boise County area offers the best of both worlds. It offers mountain living and pine covered hills all within 30 to 60 minutes from the city of Boise respective of the area you live. Many folks want the enjoyment of mountain living but not forsake the am ...Read More enities of the city. This allows for both. There are some trade offs and it isn't for everyone. Some may not like the 30 to 60 minute drive but others coming from long traffic congested commutes find the stress and traffic free driving, with great views, therapeutic. Also while Boise gets very little snow you will experience it in the higher elevation of Boise County. Snow that stays usually starting from mid Nov through end of March generally, as we do tend to get glorious Springs here. I like to say that 'winter is as hard as you are prepared and about when your tired of it its over'. It does however bring its own wondrous beauty. Another perk to Boise County area is you are generally above any inversion in winter time so lots of sunshine. Most employment is in the city of Boise but there are a lot of local businesses and amenities to enjoy such as the Hot Springs Resort and Trudy's Kitchen, the pancakes are a must. Boise County is surrounded by Federal and State land for quick easy public recreation. Thousands of miles of back country trails for ATV, Motorbike riding, cross country skiing, fly fishing and just exploring. Many natural hot springs and hiking trails to be discovered. On top of Mores Summit there are 200 miles of equestrian trails that make great snowmobile highways in winter. If you are a nature enthusiast and outdoors kind of person then it is heaven. If your a nightlife person then it may not hold the same charm. It does offer a very serene, relaxing quality of life if you are looking for that. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the area as I have specialized in property sales there for many years. You can get more info at Read Less
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Compare Idaho City, ID Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Idaho City? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.



      Food & Drink

      Sarsaparilla Ice Cream Parlor
      Chalet Drive-In

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Idaho City? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Idaho City.
      Drive to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      10% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Idaho City a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


