Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (19) B
Entertainment (15) A+
Food and Drink (74) A+
Fitness (10) C-
Groceries (15) F
Parks (236) A+
Shops (127) A+
See more Lethbridge amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 2.5% take public transportation in Lethbridge.
Public Transit Stops (28)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Lethbridge commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Lethbridge is 85/100 - which is 14% lower than Alberta.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Lethbridge cost of living data

crime F

Lethbridge crime rates are 9,869 per 100k, which is 54% higher than Alberta
Property Crime
7,967 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,902 crimes per 100k
See more Lethbridge crime data

employment C+

The median income in Lethbridge is $73,730 - which is 22% lower than Alberta.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Lethbridge employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (40)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Lethbridge health & safety data

housing B+

Lethbridge home prices are $369,011 - which is 22% lower than Alberta
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
5x (home price to income ratio)
See more Lethbridge housing data

schools B

The Lethbridge graduation rate is 85% - which is equal to Alberta
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (49) C-
High Schools (19) F
See more Lethbridge education data

ratings F

Lethbridge has an overall rating of 31% from 10 reviews.
User Reviews (1)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (9)
From AreaVibes
See more Lethbridge user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Lethbridge, AB
( 10 Ratings )

Living in Lethbridge, AB

Lethbridge Area Facts

Lethbridge Reviews

Write a review about Lethbridge Tell people what you like or don't like about Lethbridge…
A nice place to live 5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 10, 2024) Lethbridge is an amazing place so beautiful my daughter loves it there but we had to move they have a festival called whoop up days its really nice and the rides are fun i don't go out at night so i'm not sure about the nightlife and the schools are amazing unlike calgary they ar ...Read More e friendly too . Read Less
Lethbridge is Latin for "City of Red Lights and Bad Drugs" 1 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 26, 2022) Longtime resident here-
Hoenstly, avoid this place like the plague. Yeah, it's cheaper than the rest of AB. Let me tell you, there is a VERY good reason for that. Between the constant howling wind, the frankly astounding level of petty crime and the failing infrastructure in this
...Read More town, it is not a slice to live in. You will spend 80% of your driving time stopped at red lights for no apparent reason. You are going to be stolen from. You and your kids WILL see hard drugs and needles all around the city. The people that are born and raised here are not your average quirky locals - just trust me. Everything that happens in this town feels like a half-hearted joke that nobody thinks is funny- from our sporting events to our yearly Fair, we have a proud tradition of doing things second-rate at best. Our roads are in a general state of disrepair, we have dangerously negligent and incompetent medical services and a relatively useless City system. Our police force is also dangerously incompetent (the RCMP almost had to take over for LPS after several very public incidents). Do not be suprised if a police officer points a gun at your face- it's how our cops were trained to say hello here, and they probably won't hit you, even if they do shoot by accident. Unless you are an active student at the Uni or college, prepare to be intimately familiar with existential boredom. There is NOTHING to do if you're between the ages of 16-55 (and folks wonder why we have a drug problem). I tell everyone I meet that is curious about Lethbridge the same thing- just stay away. People get trapped here because of the pricing and live their lives in quiet desperation, barely even knowing that there are far better places that aren't so far away. What you save in money, you'll lose in sanity and dignity. When I can shake the dust from this town off my heels, I will, and I'll not be looking back. Read Less
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Compare Lethbridge, AB Livability


      Lethbridge, AB

      Flanked by the Rocky Mountains and lying close to the Oldman River, Lethbridge is the commercial centre of southern Alberta and offers residents lucrative employment opportunities, great connectivity to other parts of the city and pleasant weather in all seasons. Our Lethbridge Livability guide will take you through the best of what this multicultural city offers, from affordable housing and a low cost of living to the wide range of cultural offerings and entertainment options.

      The cost of housing or renting in Lethbridge is lower than the national average and contributes to the relatively low cost of living. Combined with a family friendly atmosphere and booming economic opportunities in recent, it’s easy to see the reason behind Lethbridge’s steadily rising immigration rates. While the majority of Lethbridge residents are of European descent, the city is also host to a vibrant community of First Nation peoples as well as immigrants from East Asia. The most commonly spoken languages after English are Japanese, Italian, Ukrainian, Nepali, Cantonese and Vietnamese. The government is the top employer of the workforce and most other employment opportunities are in the health, education, retail and hospitality sectors centred in the city. Lethbridge also offers an excellent education system and the Lethbridge School District No. 51 and Holy Spirit Roman Catholic School Division run a number of schools in the area.

      Lethbridge is a beautiful city and you should be sure to explore all the best of the community, from beautiful nature and family fun to fine dining and nightlife. With Lethbridge Transit, which provides a well-connected network of bus services, you’ll find it easy to get around all across the city. Lethbridge is built along the banks of the Oldman River so this area has a number of nature trails that eventually lead to Nature Reserve and Indian Battle Park. You can spend many a summer day here taking in the scenery or simply relaxing at a picnic with family and friends. You should also be sure to visit the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, which was built to commemorate friendship between Canada and Japan after many Japanese people settled in Lethbridge after World War 2.

      The Galt Museum and the Bowman Art Centre offer a wide range of cultural offerings and events and are great for educational tours, which makes them a popular choice for adults and families with children alike. For eating out and fantastic bars, most Lethbridge residents will tell you to head downtown, which has a number of casual and fine dining options. Local favourites include Coulee Brew Company, Firestone Restaurant and Bar and Koko are some popular choices. The downtown area is also home to a range of big brands and boutique shops to suit any range of budgets.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Lethbridge? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Kiwanis Park
      Botteril Bottom Park
      London Road Park
      Kinsmen Park
      Lethbridge Civic Centre
      Galt Gardens
      Indian Battle Park
      Bull Trail Park South


      Galt Museum & Archives
      Bowman Arts Centre
      Studio 54
      Fort Whoop-Up
      Southern Alberta Art Gallery
      Yates Memorial Centre
      Sterndale Bennett Theatre

      Food & Drink

      Lethbridge Orient Liquor (LOL)
      Average Joe's
      Lady Luck Lounge
      Andrew Hilton Wine & Spirits
      Telegraph Taphouse

      B+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Lethbridge? Of all people who commute, 2.5% take public transportation in Lethbridge.
      Drive to Work

      11% higher than the CDN average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the CDN average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the CDN average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Lethbridge a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Chinook Regional Hospital


      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Shoppers Drug Mart
      London Drugs
      Walmart Pharmacy
      Stokes Drugs


      Medicentres - Haig West