Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities B-

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (10) F
Entertainment (68) A+
Food and Drink (103) A-
Fitness (5) F
Groceries (23) F
Parks (150) A+
Shops (99) C+
See more Mobile amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 0.9% take public transportation in Mobile.
Public Transit Stops (5)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Mobile commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Mobile is 90/100 - which is 2% higher than Alabama.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Mobile cost of living data

crime F

Mobile crime rates are 3,389 per 100k, which is 61% higher than Alabama
Property Crime
2,487 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
902 crimes per 100k
See more Mobile crime data

employment D-

The median income in Mobile is $43,456 - which is 3% lower than Alabama.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Mobile employment data

health A+

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (59)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Mobile health & safety data

housing A+

Mobile home prices are $134,100 - which is 4% higher than Alabama
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.1x (home price to income ratio)
See more Mobile housing data

schools D-

The Mobile graduation rate is 84% - which is 6% higher than Alabama
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (76) F
High Schools (21) F
See more Mobile education data

ratings D-

Mobile has an overall rating of 50% from 24 reviews.
User Reviews (4)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (20)
From AreaVibes
See more Mobile user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Mobile, AL
( 24 Ratings )

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Mobile Reviews

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Mobile - Terrible Mistake 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 23, 2021) I have lived in Mobile about a year and a half. That is a year and half too long. The weather is nice, but city offers no biking trails, few walking trails, no full size public pools, few senior citizen centers and parks and areas of recreation are severely lacking. Mobile is uns ...Read More afe to live, work and also drive. It has dangerous drivers and is safe to travel here. Terrible public transportation , with few city buses and no private taxi services. Downtown is a bust, and all restaurants over priced, lack of movie theatres and people skills in the deplorable behavior range. Doing business and medical in mobile is terrible and very difficult with every aspect, from asking folks to listen to your concerns as citizen, taxpayer, patient or customer. Also they are not moral or ethical, hostile , mean and non transparent in all personal and business dealings. I can't really think of anything nice, positive or good to say about the Mobile area, except, great place to visit for very short term, but NOT to live, relocate, retire, or ever try to call and make your home. All the folks here are looking to exit, and spend as much time trying to leave and visit other locales , as make anything positive happen or occur here. Read Less
Mobile: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 24, 2019) My family has lived in Mobile for 3 years now and although we love our house and the scenery, there are many things that leave us wishing for somewhere else.

THE GOOD: Lots of good places to eat with a modern convenient infrastructure. Beautiful scenery with massive Live Oaks,
...Read More some as old as 250 years. Plenty of affordable homes. Midtown (downtown hub and surrounding area) is the historic district with many gorgeous antebellum homes. The West end of town was built up much later with more modern homes. The West end contains most of the retail sector. Plenty of things to do and many cultural events and venues. The downtown area is thriving with many places just a walk away.

THE BAD: There is little if any southern hospitality here if you are seeking such. The person you walk past on the sidewalk will not look at you or tell you hello (or take their head out their phone). There is a lack of trust amongst neighbors and as a rule people keep to themselves. The older families will not give you the time of day if you are not from here originally and friends are not easily met. There are very few jobs and most of those available are hard labor type blue collar jobs or retail. Wages are out of the 1970's. Do NOT come here if you are will not make it.

THE UGLY: Crime here is horrendous. Every other week someone is murdered. Packs of pitbulls run at large killing any animal that crosses their path. Rap music blares out of every other car that rolls down your road and there is much racial tension. The schools are horrible. As a rule, whites go to private schools, blacks go to the habitually failing public schools. People treat red lights like they are optional and many traffic fatalities result.

Synopsis: Our family came here with high hopes but we are ready to leave. If you are reading this post- you are forewarned, we were but we chose to come anyway. Don't make the same mistake. Read Less
Living in Mobile, AL - A Pleasant Experience 4 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 21, 2011) We have lived in Mobile, AL for six years now and there's very little I can say that isn't good about this place. The city lies near the Gulf of Mexico and we love going to the Gulf to watch the ships and barges. In April, we plan on at least one day to spend at the Azalea Trail ...Read More Festival, which goes through 30 miles of antebellum homes when the azalea bushes are blooming. It's a spectacular sight. We spend a few nights a week dining out in Mobile and have found the best Creole-style gumbo in the state.

If there's anything I have to complain about in Mobile, it's the humidity. We relocated to Mobile from Phoenix, one of the driest places in the country and after six years, still haven't gotten the hang of dealing with the warm humid days of summer. All in all, however, we love the spectacular, historic architecture of the city, which reflects the English, French and Spanish influences in the city. Along with the gorgeous old oak trees and the Spanish moss, walking around Mobile is a true delight.

Shopping in Mobile is fun, too, especially the fish markets where we can't get enough of the freshly caught seafood at prices that we can afford, compared to those we found in land-locked Phoenix. We have a nice home near Mobile's historic shopping district, where we find some of the most incredible antiques, art and handmade gifts. Mobile has a vibrant performing arts community and we enjoy its art galleries, symphony orchestra, ballet and opera company. Overall, living in Mobile has been a pleasant experience for us. Read Less
Mobile, AL - State Parks and Battleships! 4 rating By Anonymous ( May 05, 2010) As a child, I routinely visited Mobile, Alabama for vacations and trips. Mobile is a small, formerly industrial town that has been hit hard by both hurricanes and globalization. Still, it is home to a number of attractions for visitors, most notably those provided by the bay and ...Read More the nearby ocean.

The biggest tourist attraction in Mobile is the USS Alabama, one of the only WWII-era battleships which has been preserved. All but the lowest decks have been preserved for the viewing public, and the ship has been cemented into the bay, with all guns plugged thoroughly. The ship is now a museum, and the nearby buildings have been built to house airplanes from the Second World War. There is also a submarine from the same era, the USS Drum, definitely worth checking out.

A few miles out of town is Gulf Shores, the largest beach park in the state. Large portions of it were preserved as a state park, and consequently have not been built up. As the area is largely unknown and unvisited, it is possible to obtain inexpensive hotel rooms right on the beach, even during the tourist season.

Overall, Mobile doesn't have the big city appeal of a New York or Chicago, but it does have the small city feel. I could see Mobile being a nice place to live if that style of city is for you. Either way Mobile is definitely an interesting place to visit. Read Less
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Living in Mobile, AL - A Pleasant Experience 4 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 21, 2011) We have lived in Mobile, AL for six years now and there's very little I can say that isn't good about this place. The city lies near the Gulf of Mexico and we love going to the Gulf to watch the ships and barges. In April, we plan on at least one day to spend at the Azalea Trail ...Read More Festival, which goes through 30 miles of antebellum homes when the azalea bushes are blooming. It's a spectacular sight. We spend a few nights a week dining out in Mobile and have found the best Creole-style gumbo in the state.

If there's anything I have to complain about in Mobile, it's the humidity. We relocated to Mobile from Phoenix, one of the driest places in the country and after six years, still haven't gotten the hang of dealing with the warm humid days of summer. All in all, however, we love the spectacular, historic architecture of the city, which reflects the English, French and Spanish influences in the city. Along with the gorgeous old oak trees and the Spanish moss, walking around Mobile is a true delight.

Shopping in Mobile is fun, too, especially the fish markets where we can't get enough of the freshly caught seafood at prices that we can afford, compared to those we found in land-locked Phoenix. We have a nice home near Mobile's historic shopping district, where we find some of the most incredible antiques, art and handmade gifts. Mobile has a vibrant performing arts community and we enjoy its art galleries, symphony orchestra, ballet and opera company. Overall, living in Mobile has been a pleasant experience for us. Read Less
Mobile, AL - State Parks and Battleships! 4 rating By Anonymous ( May 05, 2010) As a child, I routinely visited Mobile, Alabama for vacations and trips. Mobile is a small, formerly industrial town that has been hit hard by both hurricanes and globalization. Still, it is home to a number of attractions for visitors, most notably those provided by the bay and ...Read More the nearby ocean.

The biggest tourist attraction in Mobile is the USS Alabama, one of the only WWII-era battleships which has been preserved. All but the lowest decks have been preserved for the viewing public, and the ship has been cemented into the bay, with all guns plugged thoroughly. The ship is now a museum, and the nearby buildings have been built to house airplanes from the Second World War. There is also a submarine from the same era, the USS Drum, definitely worth checking out.

A few miles out of town is Gulf Shores, the largest beach park in the state. Large portions of it were preserved as a state park, and consequently have not been built up. As the area is largely unknown and unvisited, it is possible to obtain inexpensive hotel rooms right on the beach, even during the tourist season.

Overall, Mobile doesn't have the big city appeal of a New York or Chicago, but it does have the small city feel. I could see Mobile being a nice place to live if that style of city is for you. Either way Mobile is definitely an interesting place to visit. Read Less

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Compare Mobile, AL Livability


      Mobile, AL

      Mobile is a port city on the coast of Alabama that is one of the nation's most important logistics hubs thanks to its location on the Gulf of Mexico. The city is home to over 175,000 some who descend from the town's 1703 inhabitants who were actually the first to celebrate the Mardi Gras celebration before New Orleans took all of the credit. Mobile has an affordable housing market that makes it an attractive option for those who are looking to rent or buy a home. A low cost of living and a nice climate are some other calling cards of the city.

      The United States Navy's footprint can be felt throughout the city, and the U.S.S. Alabama self-guided tour is one of the best things that you can do in the city to expand your knowledge of U.S. history. Walking around the World War II era battleship is an eye-opening experience that makes you grateful to the young sailors who defended our freedom during the conflict. Touring the entire Battleship Memorial Park is worth a full-day to take in all of the different pieces of history. Those looking to get out and explore nature will find that Bellingrath Gardens and Home offers a nice shaded grove of trees and flowers. Those looking to get into the water should head to Meaher State Park where there are miles of beautiful beaches and warm Gulf of Mexico waters.

      Aviation, aerospace, local government, and the University of South Alabama are some of the largest employers in the region. Pine Grove, Alpine Hills, Wintrhop Square, and Highland Park are some of the areas that renters and home buyers check out as part of their Mobile housing search. Getting around town is easy thanks to Interstates 10 65 cutting through the city's center. Those who prefer to travel by bus will find that the Wave Transit System does an adequate job thanks to the large number of routes that they operate on weekdays and the weekends.

      Mobile has a rich history that predates Alabama becoming a state. The city has also made history in the modern day when it was one of the first cities to have a video go viral on YouTube. The city's culinary scene has expanded in recent years, and some of the most popular eateries in the city include the Noble South, Dumbwaiter's Restaurant, and Dauphins. Mary B. Austin Elementary School and E.R. Dickson Elementary School are a couple of the cities best public education options for children.

      A low cost of living, high quality of life, and a cool coastal vibe make Mobile a smart choice for those who are looking to buy or rent a home.

      B- Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Mobile? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Bienville Square
      Cooper Riverside Park
      Mardi Gras Park
      Cathedral Square
      Spanish Plaza
      Malaga Square
      Ryan Park
      British Park


      Crescent Theater
      Richards DAR House Museum
      IMAX Dome Theater
      Soul Kitchen
      Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center
      History Museum of Mobile
      Saenger Theatre

      Food & Drink

      Veet's Bar & Grill
      Dauphin Market
      Studio 54
      Pita Pit
      Three Georges Southern Chocolates
      Grand Central
      Alchemy Tavern

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Mobile? Of all people who commute, 0.9% take public transportation in Mobile.
      Drive to Work

      8% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      C+ Health & Safety

      Is Mobile a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Springhill Medical Center
      Mobile Infirmary
      University of South Alabama Children's and Women's Hospital
      University of South Alabama Medical Center
      Providence Hospital
      BayPointe Hospital
      Mobile County Health Department


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Family Practice Associates
      Immediate Care of the South