Cities in Northwest Territories

Population: 44,821

The map of Northwest Territories cities offers a user-friendly way to explore all the cities and towns located in the state. To get started, simply click the clusters on the map. These clusters represent groups of cities located close to each other geographically and as the map zooms, the individual cities within the selected cluster will become more visible. As you take a depper dive, the clusters will transform to pins and allow you to click the cities of your choice.

Largest cities in Northwest Territories by population

# City Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Yellowknife 22,316 105 57
2 Hay River 3,472 133 46
3 Inuvik 3,284 62 50
4 Fort Smith 2,561 93 43
5 Behchokò 1,894 75 44
6 Fort Simpson 1,264 78 46
7 Tuktoyaktuk 949 14 48
8 Norman Wells 773 83 51
9 Fort Providence 725 255 39
10 Fort McPherson 710 53 44
11 Aklavik 601 14 44
12 Déline 547 79 41
13 Fort Liard 515 68 40
14 Fort Good Hope 513 47 41
15 Fort Resolution 487 455 38

Northwest Territories Population

Statistic Value
Population 44,821
Population Density 0 ppl. / sq. mi.
Median Age 35
Male To Female Ratio 0.95 : 0
Married (15yrs & older) 50.10%
Families w/ Kids under 18 47.58%
Speak English 88.91%

Northwest Territories Race and Ethnicity

Statistic Value
Median Household Income $135,743
Unemployment Rate 9%
No Certificate 25%
Completed High School 74.58%
Bachelors Degree 15%
Masters Degree 7%
Avg. School Score n/a%

Best cities in Northwest Territories by livability score

# City Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Yellowknife 22,316 105 57
2 Sachs Harbour 105 291 55
3 Region 5, Unorganized 24 152,390 55
4 Region 6, Unorganized 357 184,797 53
5 Norman Wells 773 83 51
6 Inuvik 3,284 62 50
7 Wekweètì 125 15 49
8 Tuktoyaktuk 949 14 48
9 Tsiigehtchic 191 49 47
10 Fort Simpson 1,264 78 46
11 Hay River 3,472 133 46
12 Ulukhaktok 407 124 44
13 Detah 247 1 44
14 Region 4, Unorganized 65 193,572 44
15 Behchokò 1,894 75 44

Northwest Territories: Canada’s Last Frontier

When it comes to the Northwest Territories, this wild and beautiful area is comprised of an array of mountains, tundra, forests and islands, part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Panoramic vistas are the mark of this land, which was once the home of the First Nations indigenous people. Included in the Northwest Territories are the regions of Inuvik, Dehcho, North Slave, Sahtu and South Slave, with the capital being Yellowknife, situated on the Great Slave Lake. For nature lovers and those who love outdoors, the Northwest Territories might be the ideal place to live.

Yellowknife is both the capital and largest city, which presents numerous housing opportunities. From large multi-bedroom homes to micro-suite condominiums to small houses, there is a diverse variety of properties which one can call home. Housing designs range from the traditional to the modern, with some homes, in Yellowknife, that are very walk-able to work or to nature trails.

The Northwest Territories climate is diverse. Most areas are usually cold and dry. Summers are temperate, with abundant sunshine. In the summer, temperatures may range in the 25 degrees C (77°F) level, while winter brings some bitter cold of -40 degrees C (-40°F), especially north of the Arctic Circle. You will want to have waterproof, windproof and down clothing for winter outings, in addition to jerseys, gloves and moulded-sole shoes that might be used year-round.

Will you see a herd of bison or a grizzly bear? Perhaps, because like the weather, it can be a land of extremes. Nights are spent viewing the Northern Lights; days can be watching a herd of reindeer, as they cross the frozen Mackenzie River. The end of winter is celebrated with dog sledding, harpoon-throwing contests and skidoo races that take place at the Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik. Summer calls for visits to see whooping cranes at Wood Buffalo National Park; free roaming bison are a treat for residents and visitors who come here. Fishing and hiking through the Canol Heritage Trail in the Mackenzie Mountains provide entertainment. No wonder that the Northwest Territories are unmatched for adventure lovers.