Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (4) F
Golden Harvest Cafe
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
Java Junkies
Coffee Shop
Entertainment (5) F
Pahrump Valley Speedway
Pahrump Valley Museum
Food and Drink (17) D-
Fast Food
Capriotti's Sanwhich Shop
Fast Food
Burger King
Fast Food
Taco Bell
Fast Food
Taco Bell
Fast Food
The Bearded Lady Saloon
Carl's Jr.
Fast Food
Arnie's Cocktail Bar
Fast Food
Fast Food
Panda Express
Fast Food
Dairy Queen
Fast Food
Seemoore's Polar Parlor
Seemoore's Polar Parlor
Fitness (1) F
Bob Rudd Community Center
Community Centre
Groceries (4) F
Grocery Store
Walmart Supercenter
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Heavenly Sweets Bakery
Parks (12) F
Trojan Park
Ian Deutch Memorial Park
Discovery Park
Petrack Park
Calvada Eye
Shops (16) F
Terrible Herbst
Convenience Store
Nutrition Supplements
The Home Depot
Home Improvement
Green Valley Grocery
Convenience Store
Green Valley Grocery
Convenience Store
Dollar General
Discount Store
See more Pahrump amenity data

commute D-

Of all people who commute, 0.5% take public transportation in Pahrump.
Public Transit Stops (2)
Stops & Stations
Pahrump Nugget;Pahrump
Bus Stop
Bus Stop
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Pahrump commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Pahrump is 96/100 - which is 4% lower than Nevada.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Pahrump cost of living data

crime F

Pahrump crime rates are 3,328 per 100k, which is 13% higher than Nevada
Property Crime
2,855 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
473 crimes per 100k
See more Pahrump crime data

employment D

The median income in Pahrump is $48,948 - which is 8% lower than Nevada.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Pahrump employment data

health A+

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (5)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Nye County Sheriff's Department
Pahrump Tecopa myGeneration Senior Clinic
Reiner Medical
Desert View Hospital
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Pahrump health & safety data

housing A+

Pahrump home prices are $184,400 - which is 4% lower than Nevada
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more Pahrump housing data

schools F

The Pahrump graduation rate is 79% - which is 3% lower than Nevada
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (10) F
Community Christian Academy
Warm Springs Elementary/Middle School
J G Johnson Elementary School
Pahrump Early Childhood Special Education
Pathways Elementary (Alternative)
Pathways Middle School (Alternative)
Mt Charleston Elementary School
High Schools (3) F
Community Christian Academy
Pathways High (Alternative)
Pahrump Valley High School
See more Pahrump education data

ratings F

Pahrump has an overall rating of 39% from 37 reviews.
User Reviews (7)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (30)
From AreaVibes
See more Pahrump user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
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( 37 Ratings )

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Pahrump Reviews

Write a review about Pahrump Tell people what you like or don't like about Pahrump…
Leave while you can 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 31, 2018) If you are planning on moving to Nevada. Pahrump is not the place. If you wanna be bored and have nothing to do besides go to the grocery store or put to eat. There’s more casinos To go to more than anything else. It’s a ghost town. And the water is like poison people look ro ...Read More ugh here. It’s a ghost town. So do not move here Read Less
Nevada Pahrump Review 3 rating By Irishwillow ( Nov 23, 2017) Pretty mountains surround the town of Pahrump. Most residence are friendly and over the age of 40. If you like the outdoors there are places to hike, ride horses, bike and camp and enjoy the beauty of the desert and high desert mountains. About 45 minutes to Las Vegas and 7 mile ...Read More s to California border. When purchasing a home be careful of the flood zones and salt cedar trees that were planted all over the area. The root system is very invasive, attracts bees and very messy. The dust is awful when windy. Nice town if you like the small town environment. Read Less
Corrupt Pahrump and Nye County 1 rating By CorruptPahrump ( Aug 15, 2017) The Observer newspaper has been exploring corruption in Nye County. Nye County has been referred to as the most corrupt in the USA. The Nevada Attorney General has referred to Pahrump as Planet Pahrump.Examples:A former commissioner served her full term but was granted a 'made ...Read More up job' as Assistant Town Manager. Further research found that she and her husband were paying slightly over $500.00/year in property taxes for a house valued in excess of $400,000.00. People in this county are paying that same amount for an undeveloped lot. The observer wrote an extensive article outlining this travesty. Their response was a threat of a lawsuit from the District Attorney - simply for exposing the truth.Reference the following link: second example involves the latest Nye County Sheriff's election. Negative signs were put up against the Under Sheriff. He removed some of them from private property. 6 Nye County cops appeared, drew their weapons and man handled the Under Sheriff and his companion.Reference following link: fact - reference all the following links: and Nye County are - in my view cesspools. These cited examples are only the tip of the iceberg. Read Less
Pahrump is a Dump 0.5 rating By Outraged ( Apr 16, 2017) I live between Silver and Thorne St. East of Homestead. I have two daughters who love to horseback ride. Yesterday Friday April 14, 2017 we tried to ride toward BLM land. When we got past Thorne Street we were met with a group of individuals shooting rifles and handguns. This ...Read More area is supposed to be closed to shooting and has been supposedly so for 15 years. It was like a mini shooting range. Targets set up, several shooters firing. We were forced to turn back and abandon our 'peaceful' ride in the desert. Today we tried to ride in the California Wilderness area, south west of where we were yesterday. Same problem. Shooters again. No motorized vehicles are allowed in the Wilderness region let alone no shooting. Once again our day was ruined. BLM doesn't give a damn and Nye County plays politics with turf and refuses to respond to calls which involve BLM land. Pahrump specifically and Nye County is NOT safe for recreational activities. Shooting and other forms of recreation are mutually exclusive. Neither BLM nor Nye County Sheriff's Dept. will enforce the declared safety zone. We are placing our house on the market and moving to an area where we can safely ride our horses and enjoy a safe environment for our girls.Don't walk - run from Pahrump the dump. Read Less
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Corrupt Pahrump and Nye County 1 rating By CorruptPahrump ( Aug 15, 2017) The Observer newspaper has been exploring corruption in Nye County. Nye County has been referred to as the most corrupt in the USA. The Nevada Attorney General has referred to Pahrump as Planet Pahrump.Examples:A former commissioner served her full term but was granted a 'made ...Read More up job' as Assistant Town Manager. Further research found that she and her husband were paying slightly over $500.00/year in property taxes for a house valued in excess of $400,000.00. People in this county are paying that same amount for an undeveloped lot. The observer wrote an extensive article outlining this travesty. Their response was a threat of a lawsuit from the District Attorney - simply for exposing the truth.Reference the following link: second example involves the latest Nye County Sheriff's election. Negative signs were put up against the Under Sheriff. He removed some of them from private property. 6 Nye County cops appeared, drew their weapons and man handled the Under Sheriff and his companion.Reference following link: fact - reference all the following links: and Nye County are - in my view cesspools. These cited examples are only the tip of the iceberg. Read Less
Pahrump is a Dump 0.5 rating By Outraged ( Apr 16, 2017) I live between Silver and Thorne St. East of Homestead. I have two daughters who love to horseback ride. Yesterday Friday April 14, 2017 we tried to ride toward BLM land. When we got past Thorne Street we were met with a group of individuals shooting rifles and handguns. This ...Read More area is supposed to be closed to shooting and has been supposedly so for 15 years. It was like a mini shooting range. Targets set up, several shooters firing. We were forced to turn back and abandon our 'peaceful' ride in the desert. Today we tried to ride in the California Wilderness area, south west of where we were yesterday. Same problem. Shooters again. No motorized vehicles are allowed in the Wilderness region let alone no shooting. Once again our day was ruined. BLM doesn't give a damn and Nye County plays politics with turf and refuses to respond to calls which involve BLM land. Pahrump specifically and Nye County is NOT safe for recreational activities. Shooting and other forms of recreation are mutually exclusive. Neither BLM nor Nye County Sheriff's Dept. will enforce the declared safety zone. We are placing our house on the market and moving to an area where we can safely ride our horses and enjoy a safe environment for our girls.Don't walk - run from Pahrump the dump. Read Less
Abandon Pahrump Retirement 0.5 rating By Olive ( Jan 21, 2017) My husband and I were considering retirement in Pahrump. We did extensive research and found the following: The Planning Dept. is headed by someone not so affectionately known as Loser Lacey. Planning approved a strip club on the main corner of Pahrump (Homestead and Hwy 160). ...Read More It has since gone bankrupt. Planning has a laissez-faire attitude toward building codes and enforcement. They are only interested in collecting fees. They also are approving Pot growing permits without any investigation simply for the $2500.00 permit fee. CC&R's are not enforced by the town or County. Tax dodgers from high tax states are coming to Pahrump to avoid taxes. So if you buy a lot you face tax dodgers from California and other high tax states moving to Pahrump, putting up a substandard development knowing the Planning Dept will not inspect or enforce building standards. Further, Planning has tried to attract these tax evaders by allowing RVs to camp for 6 months without permit. Local subdivision CC&R's prohibit such living but if you buy (or own) property in these subdivisions you will spend thousands on an attorney to enforce what Pahrump will not. So you may build your retirement home only to have an RV parked on the lot next to you without requiring a permit for basics (such as a septic system).My husband and I went for a walk into the desert with our dogs. After 15 minutes we heard gunshots not more than 100 feet away. We contacted Nye County Sheriff's Dept. (NCSD) They refused to address the issue as we were on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. Although BLM has declared a no shooting area, NCSD say they will not venture onto BLM land and will not enforce the shooting closure. Pahrump Planning will not 'mirror' the BLM closure so NCSD will have responsibility to prevent shooting near residential housing - but they will approve a Pot growing permit without question and a bankrupt strip club on the main highway.As Trump has identified Washington, DC as a swamp, Pahrump's politicians and bureaucrats are a microcosm of the same mentality and practice. It's what is good for them and to hell with the population they were hired for and voted in to serve. It is an incestuous situation where a select few look after their own interests. As a result, we have come to the painful and difficult decision that we have no other recourse but to abandon our retirement plans and began again somewhere else. Read Less
Keep on Driving 0.5 rating By JSalinas ( Oct 26, 2016) If you are a non-resident Pahrump, Nevada land owner you are likely unaware of or privy to the self serving, legislation passed by individuals whose limited (if any) professional management experience and lack of educational credentials resulted in irresponsible legislation nega ...Read More tively affecting your property values specifically and more generally for one of the largest counties in the USA. Incomprehensively, Nye County Planning will now allow RV living on lots in Nye County for a six month period without requiring permit. •This is a major health hazard as RV’s will not be required to install septic systems and is fraught with potential abuse,•The ordinances were passed without your knowledge or involvement,•CCR’s were disregarded when the ordinances were adopted,•CCR’s are the more restrictive legal document and despite Planning denial, take precedence over general ordinances passed by the County.Your property values, already having been decimated by the installation of manufactured housing in areas designated for custom homes and the USA national 2008 real estate meltdown, will be completely devastated when RVers live right next to an established home - not to mention the health hazard. This will necessitate thousands of dollars outlay by sub-division residents to undertake legal recourse as a direct result of Commissioner actions. No where in the world would this be even considered except in the land of Podunk, Pahrump.Make no mistake, the Nye County Commissioners, Planning Dept. and Nye County Manager are taking advantage of your absentee status and have worked directly against your interests. In many people’s opinion, Nye County Management are self-serving, incompetent, bored, house wives/husbands intent on carrying out their personal agendas while professing to be working on your behalf. (Read on-line forums). Nye County Commissioners have a legal obligation to abide by the law and respect existing Covenants, Codes and Restrictions for all sub-divisions. Their actions are both reckless and irresponsible. The Commissioners demonstrated contempt and disregard for the restrictions on these properties puts in question their ethics and suitability to be Commissioners.If you own land in Pahrump - sell it. If you are contemplating buying land - forget it.There is little sense of community. Every Spring a major cleanup is undertaken because for the rest of the year, individuals dump trash on County and BLM land. There has been a shooting closure in effect for more than 10 years. Shooting near residential subdivisions is still a major problem. Pahrump is a community which sinks to the lowest common denominator. Read Less
Friendly, sunny. 3 rating By Pahrumpkin ( Mar 03, 2015) Me and my husband retired and moved here 11 years ago. Wow what a change from the Wisconsin weather! I must say that if you have arthritis and allergies this is a great place to retire. The people are very friendly and open minded. A very laid back place to live Pahrump. Tha ...Read More t part I love.

Pahrump took a terrible hit when the economy dumped, and it still has not recovered that well especially for people looking for work. I would not recommend coming out here if you are looking for work.

I also would never recommend for anybody to move here if you have any serious health issues that are chronic needing specialists, ect. I say that because of my own experience. Unfortunately there is a downside to living here and it is the medical. Thinking back knowing what I know just for that reason (medical) I would have not moved here. We are currently considering moving to another state just for this reason. I know a couple that are thinking of doing the same. Reason is...chronic health problems and the husband is a vet and I guess he is not happy with the vetran's hospital services in fact he is miserable so he wants to leave too. Just for that reason. The frustration with the medical is not worth staying here for. Out east we had fabulous medical doctors, ect. Not so here.

Otherwise it is very lovely here, mild winters, sunny days! Fresh air, the mountain views are lovely, peaceful. Too bad I feel like leaving. I am kind of sad about it. Read Less

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Pahrump Awards

Compare Pahrump, NV Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Pahrump? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Trojan Park
      Ian Deutch Memorial Park
      Discovery Park
      Petrack Park
      Calvada Eye


      Pahrump Valley Speedway
      Pahrump Valley Museum

      Food & Drink

      Capriotti's Sanwhich Shop
      Burger King
      Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      The Bearded Lady Saloon
      Carl's Jr.
      Arnie's Cocktail Bar

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Pahrump? Of all people who commute, 0.5% take public transportation in Pahrump.
      Drive to Work

      5% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      F Health & Safety

      Is Pahrump a healthy and safe place to live? No, there are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,


      Desert View Hospital




      Reiner Medical