Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (2) F
Fine Arts Center for the New River Valley
Theatre Arts
Calfee Park
Food and Drink (6) F
Fast Food
Fast Food
Tha Dog House
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (2) F
Food Lion
Grocery Store
Food Lion
Grocery Store
Parks (7) F
Macgill Park
Sixth Street Park
Dora Highway Park
Pulaski Historic Commercial District
Pulaski Historic Residential District
Jackson Park
Pulaski Wayside Picnic Area
Shops (11) D-
Badcock Furniture
Convenience Store
Family Dollar
Discount Store
Department Store
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
Discount Store
Golden Nails
Dollar Tree
Discount Store
See more Pulaski amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 1.2% take public transportation in Pulaski.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Pulaski commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Pulaski is 88/100 - which is 20% lower than Virginia.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Pulaski cost of living data

crime D

Pulaski crime rates are 3,361 per 100k, which is 77% higher than Virginia
Property Crime
2,865 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
496 crimes per 100k
See more Pulaski crime data

employment D+

The median income in Pulaski is $50,417 - which is 24% lower than Virginia.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Pulaski employment data

health A+

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (6)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
CVS Pharmacy
LewisGale Hospital Pulaski
Pulaski County Health Center
Riner Fire Department
Fire Station
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Pulaski health & safety data

housing A+

Pulaski home prices are $112,100 - which is 55% lower than Virginia
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Pulaski housing data

schools B-

The Pulaski graduation rate is 73% - which is 14% lower than Virginia
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (4) F
Pulaski Middle
Southwest Virginia Governor'S School
Critzer Elementary
Pulaski Elementary
Pulaski County Public Schools Governor'S Stem Academy
High Schools (0) F
Pulaski County Senior High
See more Pulaski education data

ratings F

Pulaski has an overall rating of 40% from 6 reviews.
User Reviews (4)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (2)
From AreaVibes
See more Pulaski user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Pulaski, VA
( 6 Ratings )

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Pulaski Reviews

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A True Trump Dump 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 06, 2023) Pulaski has only one redeeming quality: Gatewood Park. Since selling it to a private party, the prices have gotten ridiculous.

There's nowhere to eat besides fast food, no nightlife, no jobs, and the streets are a mess with potholes. There's no shopping to speak of and two high
...Read More price grocery stores. There is a local transit system, but you can often walk wherever you're going faster. We do have two nasty Dollar General's though...

The jobs are poor paying, the schools suck, and the taxes are high. For some reason the water rates are double the surrounding areas too.

Lastly, the people here worship Donald Trump and the local paper is like reading a written version of the Hannity-Carlson bovine feces hour. Don't be fooled by the real estate prices. It sucks here and utility and taxes will make up for what you saved. Read Less
Recovering from industrial slump 3.5 rating By Elbert ( Dec 19, 2017) Pulaski is a small town in the New River Valley (NRV) of Virginia. The NRV is the third most economically vibrant area in the state, behind Northern Virginia and Tidewater, and is the 14th highest ranked area for business in the country, according to Forbes. The NRV is home to ...Read More 2 major universities (Radford U and Virginia Tech) and New River Community College. Pulaski is the seat of Pulaski County, one of 4 counties in the NRV. Unlike most of the other NRV towns, Pulaski was designed by early urban planners. The downtown area and close residential neighborhoods are in a grid of numbered streets and named avenues, named after the nation's founders. The town was a thriving hub of mining and manufacturing in the early and mid 20th century and at one time had the highest per-capita of millionaires in the state. Pulaski Furniture was locally owned and produced world class furnishing. And it was said that 20% of the hosiery and socks in the world were knitted in Pulaski. The 2 downtown theaters brought in world famous vaudeville acts and filled every seat for Saturday morning serials. Then the mines gave out and the furniture and textile plants shut down as corporations bought them and moved the production overseas. Pulaski almost became the sordid ghost town that other reviewers have described. But only almost, and only briefly. Savvy industrialists from all over the world looked at Pulaski and the surrounding county and saw opportunity. One building supply manufacturer built his largest plant in Pulaski and hired hundreds of workers. Other industries from all over the world did likewise. The large Pulaski Furniture warehouse lit up again after decades of sitting dark and empty. Long-time residents who had never really lost faith in Pulaski's ability to rebound were re-energized and formed groups to clean up, paint up and fix up the town. Thanks to one confident investor, the town's old WPA era baseball field has undergone a multi-million dollar renovation and became home to The Pulaski Yankees, a New York Yankees rookie league team that brings in up to 3,000 fans for a regular season game. This in a town of roughly 9,000 residents. One of the empty downtown warehouses was converted into a world-class hotel and restaurant. Other businesses have opened and continue to open in main street stores that have been vacant for years. Pulaski county voters have just approved construction of a $47 million dollar middle school. Volvo trucks employs 2600 workers in Pulaski County and is recruiting more. The New River Trail State Park starts in Pulaski and follow the New River for most of its 57 mile length and attracts bikers from around the country. Efforts are underway to develop a hostel in town to accommodate these and others who come for the New River, mountain trails and National forest adventures. Read Less
High Crime, Appalling Quality of Life 0.5 rating By Lee9 ( May 04, 2014) I've moved quite a few times and have been using this site to scout out info on potential future hometowns. When I saw the high livability score for Pulaski (a place I regret spending several years in), I was so appalled that I created an account just so I could write this review ...Read More . Let me make myself absolutely clear: I would *never* recommend this town to anyone. It's miserable and shockingly dangerous for such a tiny place.

A little background info: my spouse is a law enforcement officer (which was also true when we lived in Pulaski), so my view of crime in this drug-infested and impoverished area is grounded in reality and experience. And crime is the first thing I feel needs to be addressed with this town. To put it simply, it's through the roof. While living in my neighborhood by downtown Pulaski, random shootings were, on average, at least a weekly occurrence. (Usually, no one was actually hit, but do you really want to take the chance that your children might be hit by a stray bullet while playing outside?) Sometimes I'd watch my neighbors engage in drug-fueled shootouts with the police. Sometimes I'd lie on the floor with my dogs if the gunfire was especially close and I was afraid a bullet might come through a window.

One morning I woke to the sound of screaming as a woman had her skull bashed in a by a man with a hammer. One day some stranger climbed onto my roof. Roaming groups of children used to trespass onto my property and try to beat my dogs and vehicles with sticks (children as young as 2 would run unsupervised in the streets). My neighbors routinely dumped their garbage in my yard, yelled and swore at me, even cut 'f you' into their grass so I'd see it. Whenever I walked anywhere, even with a child along, strange men would follow me and try to get me to get into their vehicles. A house on my street was a notorious place to buy drugs, which caused a ton of problems for me. My property was vandalized. We were constantly surrounded by the convicted felons my spouse would encounter at work. Homeless people live in the small wooded areas by the town's parks and would approached me to harass me for money. I never went anywhere unarmed.

Besides the awful crime rates, anyone considering moving here should also know that there are almost no businesses and no jobs. Most town residents subsist on welfare and it shows. The poverty is extreme and depressing. There is literally not even a single coffee shop or cafe in the entire town. You have to travel to a neighboring town to even shop at a Wal-Mart. There is no culture, nothing to do. Schools are very poor.

The town is also extremely poorly managed. The clerks and people working in the town and utility offices are rude and dismissive of all citizens. They routinely send out inaccurate utility bills and refuse to address the issue, simply threatening to shut off your utilities if you don't pay immediately. One time, my water was randomly shut off during an ice storm (bills were up to date), along with that of dozens of other town residents. I consider the way this town is managed to be criminal.

The police force is surprisingly responsive. During my time there, I was usually treated with respect by the town police, who typically tried to help me with the (many) problems I experienced living there. This is a good thing, because the town is composed mostly of convicted criminals. There is absolutely no culture or sense of community.

In this part of Virginia, if you tell people in surrounding towns that you live in Pulaski, you will often receive a look of surprise, pity or outright laughter.

Also, we had a ton of problems with mosquitoes and spiders, probably because most people living in Pulaski don't keep up with their lawns or houses.

Real estate is very cheap in Pulaski, but it's for a reason. Do yourself an enormous favor and don't move here. I've lived in quite a few different places, and Pulaski was by far the worst. No force on earth could compel me to return there despite the fact that I still own property there, which I can't sell due to the terrible neighborhood. I don't blame people for not buying it, either. So I currently have two houses (my current home and my old place in Pulaski), a financial hardship that I put up with because it's better than living in Pulaski. As you can probably imagine if you've read my entire review, yes, my neighbors vandalized my property after I moved out of it.

If you're considering a move to this part of VA, I recommend the Christiansburg-Blacksburg area for enjoyable, safe small town Virginia life. Read Less
Avoid for any reason 0.5 rating By Martin10 ( Jul 21, 2013) Pulaski is a grungy old town that is dying a slow death. No entertainment. No decent restaurants other than one. Compadres. No shopping other than a Peebles. The town is poorly managed and is shockingly out of date. The old part of down town is over run with meth heads and undesi ...Read More rables. It is an ugly, grimy and undesirable place. And no one seems to care. If you are looking to visit, don't waste your time, there is nothing to see. If you are looking for a place to live look at Wytheville, Radford or Christiansburg. Honestly, this place is a dump. There is not a single reason to recommend it. Read Less
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High Crime, Appalling Quality of Life 0.5 rating By Lee9 ( May 04, 2014) I've moved quite a few times and have been using this site to scout out info on potential future hometowns. When I saw the high livability score for Pulaski (a place I regret spending several years in), I was so appalled that I created an account just so I could write this review ...Read More . Let me make myself absolutely clear: I would *never* recommend this town to anyone. It's miserable and shockingly dangerous for such a tiny place.

A little background info: my spouse is a law enforcement officer (which was also true when we lived in Pulaski), so my view of crime in this drug-infested and impoverished area is grounded in reality and experience. And crime is the first thing I feel needs to be addressed with this town. To put it simply, it's through the roof. While living in my neighborhood by downtown Pulaski, random shootings were, on average, at least a weekly occurrence. (Usually, no one was actually hit, but do you really want to take the chance that your children might be hit by a stray bullet while playing outside?) Sometimes I'd watch my neighbors engage in drug-fueled shootouts with the police. Sometimes I'd lie on the floor with my dogs if the gunfire was especially close and I was afraid a bullet might come through a window.

One morning I woke to the sound of screaming as a woman had her skull bashed in a by a man with a hammer. One day some stranger climbed onto my roof. Roaming groups of children used to trespass onto my property and try to beat my dogs and vehicles with sticks (children as young as 2 would run unsupervised in the streets). My neighbors routinely dumped their garbage in my yard, yelled and swore at me, even cut 'f you' into their grass so I'd see it. Whenever I walked anywhere, even with a child along, strange men would follow me and try to get me to get into their vehicles. A house on my street was a notorious place to buy drugs, which caused a ton of problems for me. My property was vandalized. We were constantly surrounded by the convicted felons my spouse would encounter at work. Homeless people live in the small wooded areas by the town's parks and would approached me to harass me for money. I never went anywhere unarmed.

Besides the awful crime rates, anyone considering moving here should also know that there are almost no businesses and no jobs. Most town residents subsist on welfare and it shows. The poverty is extreme and depressing. There is literally not even a single coffee shop or cafe in the entire town. You have to travel to a neighboring town to even shop at a Wal-Mart. There is no culture, nothing to do. Schools are very poor.

The town is also extremely poorly managed. The clerks and people working in the town and utility offices are rude and dismissive of all citizens. They routinely send out inaccurate utility bills and refuse to address the issue, simply threatening to shut off your utilities if you don't pay immediately. One time, my water was randomly shut off during an ice storm (bills were up to date), along with that of dozens of other town residents. I consider the way this town is managed to be criminal.

The police force is surprisingly responsive. During my time there, I was usually treated with respect by the town police, who typically tried to help me with the (many) problems I experienced living there. This is a good thing, because the town is composed mostly of convicted criminals. There is absolutely no culture or sense of community.

In this part of Virginia, if you tell people in surrounding towns that you live in Pulaski, you will often receive a look of surprise, pity or outright laughter.

Also, we had a ton of problems with mosquitoes and spiders, probably because most people living in Pulaski don't keep up with their lawns or houses.

Real estate is very cheap in Pulaski, but it's for a reason. Do yourself an enormous favor and don't move here. I've lived in quite a few different places, and Pulaski was by far the worst. No force on earth could compel me to return there despite the fact that I still own property there, which I can't sell due to the terrible neighborhood. I don't blame people for not buying it, either. So I currently have two houses (my current home and my old place in Pulaski), a financial hardship that I put up with because it's better than living in Pulaski. As you can probably imagine if you've read my entire review, yes, my neighbors vandalized my property after I moved out of it.

If you're considering a move to this part of VA, I recommend the Christiansburg-Blacksburg area for enjoyable, safe small town Virginia life. Read Less
Avoid for any reason 0.5 rating By Martin10 ( Jul 21, 2013) Pulaski is a grungy old town that is dying a slow death. No entertainment. No decent restaurants other than one. Compadres. No shopping other than a Peebles. The town is poorly managed and is shockingly out of date. The old part of down town is over run with meth heads and undesi ...Read More rables. It is an ugly, grimy and undesirable place. And no one seems to care. If you are looking to visit, don't waste your time, there is nothing to see. If you are looking for a place to live look at Wytheville, Radford or Christiansburg. Honestly, this place is a dump. There is not a single reason to recommend it. Read Less

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Compare Pulaski, VA Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Pulaski? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Macgill Park
      Sixth Street Park
      Dora Highway Park
      Pulaski Historic Commercial District
      Pulaski Historic Residential District
      Jackson Park
      Pulaski Wayside Picnic Area


      Fine Arts Center for the New River Valley
      Calfee Park

      Food & Drink

      Tha Dog House

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Pulaski? Of all people who commute, 1.2% take public transportation in Pulaski.
      Drive to Work

      8% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      B- Health & Safety

      Is Pulaski a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      LewisGale Hospital Pulaski


      CVS Pharmacy
