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Best Places To Live In Rockford, IL

Nearby Areas With A High Livability Score

Rockford, IL: The Forest City

Rockford, also known as the Forest City, is the third largest city in Illinois and the state's largest city outside of the Chicago. A total of more than 150,000 people live here, making it the 171st biggest urban area in the US. The town serves as Winnebago County's seat, while also having a portion in Ogle County. Over 348,000 people live in the larger metro area that surrounds Rockford. Rockford has seen a lot of economic diversification since the 1990's, leading to an increase in healthcare, aerospace, and automotive jobs. There are also several landmarks of cultural and artistic significance in this community, including the Burpee Museum of Natural History and Anderson Japanese Gardens that draw a lot of traffic.

A move to Rockford is always a smart move, with the best places to live in Rockford IL near key attractions. Rockford offers unique city advantages while having a character distinct from other metro areas elsewhere in Illinois and surrounding states. The many industries represented in this city have made it very diverse ethnically and religiously. Rockford is a great place to live if you want to see perfect examples of multiple groups enriching the life of a city, with various celebrations common throughout the year. Anyone relocating to this area is likely to be in for a lot of pleasant surprises. The town offers a viable alternative to living in a huge metro area, without requiring you to give up what's important for enjoying plenty of things to do.

The city offers plenty of jobs with room for advancement, housing costs of half the national average, all four seasons with warm summers and cold winters, and a large selection of public, alternative, and private schools, to name a few things important to prospective residents. Rockford offers a distinct advantage over more densely populated urban areas like New York City or San Francisco. With the reduced living cost, you'll have more money to enjoy your free time.

There is easily-accessible public transit in this area. Service is available on 17 routes on weekdays, as well as more limited service on weekends. Two Interstate highways, one US highway, and four state highways provide easy access to areas like Chicago and Bloomington. There is also affordable paratransit bus service for those in need of it.

Locating the ideal place in Rockford might seem like a bit of a task because there are so many possible choices. However, our information can help you make an informed decision about the best places in Rockford IL. If you need to further refine your list of places to live in Rockford, you can enter a price range, search radius, crime rates and amenities.