Avg. test scores NAT. AVG.
High school dipl. NAT. AVG.
Bachelors degree NAT. AVG.
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Sadieville school information

Index Sadieville Kentucky National
Average Test Scoresn/a48%48%
Student/Teacher ration/a16:116:1
Total public schoolsn/a1,15779,221
Total private schoolsn/a29824,874
Total post-secondary schoolsn/a1307,963

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Key findings

  • The school test scores in Sadieville are 100% lower than the national average
  • There are approximately n/a public schools in Sadieville
  • 77.2% of people in Sadieville have completed 8th grade
  • 74.9% of people in Sadieville have completed high school
  • 22.2% of people in Sadieville have completed a bachelors degree

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      Education level achieved in Sadieville

      Index Sadieville Kentucky National
      Completed 8th grade77.2%81.0%84.3%
      Completed high school74.9%77.8%83.0%
      Completed some college52.6%51.3%59.4%
      Completed associate degree32.7%30.5%38.5%
      Completed bachelors22.2%22.7%30.3%
      Completed masters5.3%9.3%11.5%
      Completed professional degree0.0%2.6%3.3%
      Completed doctorate0.0%0.9%1.3%

      There are a total of n/a public schools, n/a private schools and n/a post-secondary schools in Sadieville. Using the proficiency score averages, the average test scores for Sadieville, KY schools is n/a. The average student to teacher ratio is n/a. In Sadieville, KY, an average of 77.2% of students have completed 8th grade and an average of 74.9% have completed high school.

      Nearby cities with high average school scores

      City Population Avg. Test Scores National Avg.
      Georgetown, KY34,36250%4.4%
      Stamping Ground, KY99248%= 100
      Cynthiana, KY6,27044%7.7%
      Sadieville, KY361n/a 

      Cities with similar population

      City Population Avg. Test Scores National Avg.
      Hopkins, MO36130%38.5%
      Poyen, AR36146%4.7%
      Casar, NC36157%18.8%
      Speculator, NY36050%4.2%
      Wyoming, NY36242%12.5%
      Sadieville, KY361n/a 
      Source: The Sadieville, KY education data displayed above is derived from the United States Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) and from the National Center for Education Statistics. The average school test scores are based on all schools that completed test scores within the state. Average test scores are conducted by each state independently and the type of tests may change from one state to another. Test scores were not available for all schools within the state, but were available for the vast majority.