Statistic St. Marys Kansas National
Population 2,715 2,913,314 328,239,523
Population density (sq mi) 2,304 36 91
Median age 27.5 36.2 37.7
Male/Female ratio 1.0:1 1.0:1 1.0:1
Married (15yrs & older) 64% 59% 55%
Families w/ Kids under 18 49% 45% 43%
Speak English 95% 89% 79%
Speak Spanish 3% 8% 13%

Overview of St. Marys Demographics

The population of St. Marys is 2,715, with a population density of 2,304 people per square mile, diverging from the national average of 91. The median age is 27.5 and 64% of individuals aged 15 or older are married, while 49% have children under 18. As far as income equality in St. Marys goes, 9% of households have a median income below $25,000, whereas 12% report an income exceeding $150,000. The St. Marys demographics data can provide indispensable insights into the composition, dynamics and needs of cities, towns or even villages, empowering planners, developers and policymakers to devise strategies that foster prosperity, equity and well-being for all residents.

St. Marys Racial Demographics & Ethnicity

The St. Marys racial demographics and ethnicity breakdown could be indispensable tools for recognizing and rectifying systemic inequities, fostering social justice and inclusion and cultivating resilient communities. In St. Marys, the racial breakdown reveals 92.3% White, 0.7% Black or African American, 1.3% Asian, 0.4% American Indian and 0% Native Hawaiian, with 6.6% of the population identifying as Hispanic or Latino. Of all households, 94.9% reported speaking English only, while 3.4% reported speaking Spanish only. Moreover, 4.5% of residents were classified as foreign-born.

St. Marys Population Density

High population density areas typically offer a diverse array of amenities and services within walking distance or a short commute, enriching residents' quality of life and well-being. Accessible healthcare facilities, educational institutions, cultural venues, restaurants, shopping and public transportation options contribute to the convenience and vibrancy of these communities. The population density of of St. Marys is 2,304 people per square mile, which far exceeds the national average of 91 and ranks among the most densely populated cities in the nation.

Why are Demographics Important?

Social Cohesion: Reporting and analyzing demographics can play a crucial role in fostering social cohesion and understanding among diverse communities. By recognizing and appreciating differences in St. Marys demographics, societies can promote inclusivity, diversity and social harmony, while addressing social disparities and promoting equal opportunities for all individuals. Racial demographics reflect the diversity of a population and contribute to fostering inclusive and welcoming communities. Embracing diversity strengthens social cohesion, promotes cultural understanding and enriches the fabric of society by celebrating the contributions of individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Urban Development: St. Marys demographic statistics are invaluable for urban planners in designing and developing areas that cater to residents' needs, encompassing housing, transportation, and public services, all while fostering sustainability and enhancing quality of life. Shifts in demographics can influence gentrification and neighborhood transformation, whether in urban or rural settings. As neighborhoods attract new residents with varying income levels and lifestyle preferences, property values may increase, potentially displacing long-term residents and altering the neighborhood's character. Analyzing population density, age distribution, household size, and income levels is crucial for guiding decisions regarding zoning, transportation infrastructure, housing expansion and public amenities. Utilizing St. Marys demographic data in planning and executing affordable housing initiatives can serve as a preventive measure against displacement.

Understanding Populations: Analyzing and interpreting the St. Marys demographic data provides us with valuable insights into the characteristics and composition of populations, encompassing age, gender, race, ethnicity, income, education and other socio-economic variables. This understanding is crucial for addressing the diverse needs, preferences and challenges encountered by various demographic groups within communities. Demographics play a crucial role in understanding populations, informing decision-making processes, and advancing equity, inclusion, and overall well-being for all individuals and communities. The St. Marys population and demographic data serves as a foundation for addressing social, economic and environmental challenges, while also nurturing the well-being and resilience of societies.

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Demographics Quick Facts

  • The population density in St. Marys is 6300% higher than Kansas
  • The median age in St. Marys is 24% lower than Kansas
  • In St. Marys 92.34% of the population is White
  • In St. Marys 0.70% of the population is Black
  • In St. Marys 1.29% of the population is Asian

Compare St. Marys, KS Demographics


      St. Marys racial demographics

      Race St. Marys Kansas National
      White 92.34% 85.19% 73.35%
      Black 0.70% 5.79% 12.63%
      Asian 1.29% 2.68% 5.22%
      American Indian 0.44% 0.82% 0.82%
      Native Hawaiian 0.00% 0.06% 0.18%
      Mixed race 4.16% 3.31% 3.06%
      Other race 1.07% 2.15% 4.75%
      In St. Marys, 6.6% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin.
      Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above.

      Household income distribution

      Place of birth by citizenship

      St. Marys age breakdown

      Marital status

      Age of children in married couples

      Source: The St. Marys, KS demographics data displayed above is derived from the United States Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS).